***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So it looks like my teenage nephew will be living in LA in for a while. He went down to LA to join a group of ancom comrades of mine to protest.

It feels like Just yesterday, he was this adorable little boy and now he's a "super soldier." His dad sent him some money to buy up water pallets and other supplies and deliver them to demonstrators in which ever part of LA they got to protest in on a given day. He wants to spent a gap year protesting and while I'm very supportive of his political activity, I told him to rock it in the streets this summer and go to school in the fall or else his mom would kill me. :lol:

He calls his mom every day to tell her he's safe and he calls me a every few days to touch base (he's a pretty good source of news) on revolutionary theory. Talking with him reminds me of how washed I am. the place he's staying at has a basketball court in back. He gets up in the morning shoots hoops and does some sprints. Protests, supports other protestors. Then, if they wrap up early, he plays some pick up games with others in the group. My nephew can do the heavy lifting of fighting fascism, I'm mostly engaged in being an anti inflammation super soldier.

Ahh I see. I read somewhere he pointed the taser at the cop and that’s when they shot him. Maybe misread? Who knows. Still horrible

The taser was already deployed unsuccessfully. The man was running away and was shot in the back by the cop furthest from him during the seconds long pursuit.

If the cop “feared for his life” from a taser, it should be logical to assume from here on out that - a taser should be considered a lethal device, and that it is reasonable for a civilian to fear for their life and act accordingly if one is drawn on them.
Drinking the water, Trump struggled with his right hand and had to use his left to steady the cup. He was also leaning on the podium with his left side (which is abnormal for someone who talks so much about not showing weakness).

Descending the ramp, it was his right leg that took small steps while his left foot was a bit more normal.

His speech yesterday was also showing signs of deterioration.

These are all consistent with a left-sided stroke, which can lead to weakness on the right side of the body and also affects speech and language. There could also be other diseases that could give a similar picture, and it's possible (and maybe even more likely) he has had multiple smaller strokes rather than a single devastating stroke.

It's worth noting that FDR was paralyzed from the waist down yet served 4 terms and was one of the greatest presidents of all time. Donald Trump is following in his footsteps!
Someone school me on why media is treating the ATL shooting almost the same as they did with other REAL innocent people dying for wayyy less reason

obviouslY I think there should be 0 deaths at hands of cops but the guy was sleeping at a drive thru, drunk and stole a cops taser and pointed it at the cop. I mean someone cue the Chris rock video about how to act when cops stop you. They aren’t your friends. They stop you, keep it business and for the love of god don’t fight them and steal their tasers

Disclaimer: I’m a long time BLM advocate. In fact I think it’s even silly to stop at “matters” but society ain’t there yet unfortunately. I don’t mean to say cops are right and people should bow down to them but I don’t wanna give fuel to the anti BLM folks by equating this senseless shooting (where the cops won’t get fired since they technically did the right thing according to protocol) to one where cops are blatantly asses (pick any of the many cases where cops kill a guy for doing literally nothing and not even resisting)

This is a terrible take.

Use of deadly force should be limited to imminent risk of serious bodily injury or death.

A guy running away with your taser certainly doesn't meet that.

Someone shooting you with a taser doesn't even meet that in my opinion.
2. (1) @MinnesotasChef = @mplsdunk

(2) I understand that, I just don't like it. If I had it my way & I'm positive it will happen sooner than later, I would like for independents to have a say on one side during the primaries. Definitely not two that would cause a whole lot of manipulative activity & people would rig it so Kanye runs against a roach.

3. Man all partisan stuff ain't doing nothing creating daunting bickering that may or may not result in a compromise that barely moves the needle. You & dwalk31 dwalk31 may the best example of this. You go back and forth, but what do either of you really achieve from it? The only conclusion I ever really see is due to one of u getting tired of responding to the other, and thats the compromise. It's congress in a nutshell. A senseless cycle of opposing egos clas resulting in a lackluster compromise if there even is one. Has dwalk been banned? dwalk31 dwalk31 have u convince rusty aren't a bigot or a "pathetic troll"? What is really getting accomplished?

4. In regards to Anarchy. I never said I was for it, that was just me throwing out a thought.
-But the FDA= Big Trash (look at these fatass kids)
-Industrialization=Bigger Trash (s/o to global warming)
-Bridge Maintenance= Somebody will do it.
-If a bird wants to stand or sit there to be run over by a plane then **** that bird.
-Workers can unionize. If they're here illegally then that's a deeper conversations.
-Consumer protection is up to them. People are paying a $1500 plus for those ugly ***, cheap *** Chunky Dunky's that would be around $160 at most on the secondary market 2yrs ago. If there's one thing being into sneakers has taught is that buyer's run the sneaker resale market, and resellers are asking for what they think the buyers will pay. Consumers are in charge of themselves

Now for communism. Communism is just as contradictory as capitalism, the contradictions are why they're both **** system's. Communism preaches equality, yet you have ppl in charge enforcing said "equality." Capitalism produces & promotes crippling debt that only the people up top w/ a false sense of security benefits from and the people under are nothing more than indentured servants. The common occurrence w/ both is that some are benefitting while many aren't. Black & White.

5. Doesn't work:

Nah, not banned.

I will say that I value the opinions that I hear on here because I can get a perspective for discussions I have with my friends on the left offline.

I mostly ignore the name-calling antics.
I don't know the specifics of the case but in a vaccum, I think someone stealing your taser and pointing it at you is within a 'reasonable' margin to use deadly force. He could taser you and steal your gun.
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I think someone stealing your taser and pointing it at you is within a 'reasonable' margin to use deadly force. He could taser you and steal your gun.

We can agree to disagree on this.

I would venture to say it is probably uniformly against police policy to respond that way. But, of course, policy isn't the law.

Many police get shot with tasers during training (as an option in the academy).

They train for that.

But this discussion is a bit beyond the fact pattern we have in this case--he was running away when he was shot.
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We can agree to disagree on this.

I would venture to say it is probably uniformly against police policy to respond that way. But, of course, policy isn't the law.

Many police get shot with tasers during training (as an option in the academy).

They train for that.

But this is discussion is a bit beyond the fact pattern we have in this case--he was running away when he was shot.
If he was running away then my argument goes out the window.

In a more general hypothetical: If a perpetrator were to use it against an armed cop at close range, surely the stun would be sufficient to confiscate the officer's gun? The taser itself poses little to no threat in this scenario but its use can procure an actual lethal weapon.
You can train getting shot a 1000 times with a taser but at the end of the day you're pretty much powerless against the brief stun.
People misunderstanding of what entails the application of Use of Force is disheartening. I do not believe he should have died but progressive steps of force had been applied, the suspect was armed with and fired a "less than lethal" (tasers are not considered "non-lethal because they absolutely can kill someone) and displayed the capability, opportunity and intent to cause serious bodily injuries to both officers.

I hate he lost his life but the officers based on the newly released body camera did do everything right based on progressive escalation of force.

This is just my opinion and one that i know will be unpopular
They shot him as he was running away with his back towards them.

That is true but he also initiated a physical altercation with two cops who were courteous with him initially. He was driving under the influence, blew over the legal limit, and was being arrested just as anyone else would have and DUI arrest happen literally 24/7. He resisted arrest, struck the one officer, took his taser and fired it at him in an attempt to flee the scene.

If he would have successfully hit the officer with the taser, he could have taken his primary firearm from him and I am certain the officers thought of it because he already showed the opportunity, capability, and intent.
Are you implying that people who commit serious crimes and even violent crimes should be granted leniency because they run away?
"Leniency" implies a punishment in court, whereas the question here is the use of deadly force in an arrest. Two separate issues.

I would think that the use of deadly force in an arrest can be justified if there is an imminent threat of serious harm. Someone simply running away would not normally justify the use of deadly force. But someone who has just stolen a weapon and was driving drunk may pose an imminent threat. Whether this guy needed to get shot in this particular case, I don't know. I'm also not a lawyer so my understanding of the law could be off.
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