***Official Political Discussion Thread***

my name is Rusty Shackleford (*NOT A PAID ACTOR*), and I’m from Kale County,
I’m gonna be 32
in 2020 i donated money to Bernie Sanders
he wasn’t as advertised
one of the things that bothers me is about the "young people will carry me" things
about 16 days ago i had a brain fart, and I donated $615 that I’d have to pay for out of pocket
i don’t think Deion Barry has a better path to the presidency because i don’t think he has a base at all
Demonrats deserve better
So tired of our elections being decided by Boomers, I’m just tired of it fam.

I literally don’t know anyone wanting Joe Biden to be the nominee. Couple fiscal conservatives I know want Biden. But everyone I know wants Bernie to win.

This country is just tooooo big. We need to separate or else we’ll never be United :lol: . Young vs Old, Liberals vs Consevatives, North vs South,Coastal States vs Midwestern States...

322 million people is too many, let’s split this **** up :lol:

I think a lot of Americans fall into a trap of thinking that the people they know and the people around them are representative of the entire country. I know a ton of people who are more moderate Dems. Because Bernie voters are younger and more likely to use social media, it's cause them to think that they're a lot more Bernie supporters than there actually are.

Bernie's biggest issues is that he can't create a coalition and he's not actually a Democrat. The reason why all of these other candidates are falling in line behind Biden is because he's actually a member of their party and doesn't just show up and claim to be a Dem during elections every 4 years. Bernie has no commitment and it really hasn't shown interest throughout his career in helping down-ballot Democrats. (You can tell that Bernie is a selfish "self before side" candidate because he's about to drag this thing out another couple of months as opposed to just endorsing Biden) Why would other prominent Dems rally around Berine now? It also shows Bernie's arrogance to literally use the same campaign strategies again that he used in 2016. Why would he think there would be different results this time?

Also, you can't run an entire campaign on tearing down the establishment and attacking the billionaire class. Don't get me wrong, there's a segment of young people who are totally down with tearing the whole thing apart but a lot of regular working people like their jobs, like their 401k and like a strong economy. Bernie has no message for these people.
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I was waiting for it, but the bernie bro’s have started going after Warren now.

Complete shambles

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I was waiting for it, but the bernie bro’s have started going after Warren now.

Complete shambles


Bernie supporters are the most vindictive, mean and arrogant base of supporters I've ever seen. honestly, they're almost as bad as Trump supporters at this point. Play attack anyone who doesn't immediately fall in line with their agenda (even though Bernie didn't endorse Hillary for several months after it was clear he was going to lose).

There's no positivity and his message, it's all class-warfare, crush "them" stuff.

Honestly, I think the majority of them would rather Biden lose to Trump just to prove a point.
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Thats fair as long as you vote and it doesn’t even matter which candidate it is. If you don’t then don’t come in here complaining about the state of America

I didn't complain when I voted 3rd party last go around. Looks like I might do it again depending on Biden's VP pick
Thats fair as long as you vote and it doesn’t even matter which candidate it is. If you don’t then don’t come in here complaining about the state of America

Not voting “because you’re not in a swing state“ and your desired candidate “will win comfortably anyway” is some ***** *** **** to me too. It’s lowkey like that person in your project group who doesn’t contribute at all and still gets an A. I think voting is also important in those instances because it’s important to know the accurate popular vote because it shows how flawed the electoral college is.

So if you don’t vote, don’t gloat and don’t *****. Sit your *** down like you did on Election Day.
I don't understand why some people think Biden is going to blown out.

Like what has The Bigot™ even said or done that makes you think, "This guy gonna win in a landslide."?
I didn't complain when I voted 3rd party last go around. Looks like I might do it again depending on Biden's VP pick

Thats fine and thats absolutely your right as long as your are voting for members of congress as well. Truthfully the senate is more important than the presidency at this point. Regardless of who the democratic nominee is, neither are getting a single thing done with a republican Senate
I don't understand why some people think Biden is going to blown out.

Like what has The Bigot™ even said or done that makes you think, "This guy gonna win in a landslide."?

The fact that his base remains the same, he’s allowed racists to be as racist as ever and uneducated folks buying into his non-sense about the state of this “great economy/market”. Anyone who voted for him before either sees no reason to change or dumb/racist to see they need a chance.
I don't understand why some people think Biden is going to blown out.

Like what has The Bigot™ even said or done that makes you think, "This guy gonna win in a landslide."?
The only people that think Biden is going to get blown out are Bernie Bros who want to prove a point and say "I told ya so" . Honestly, Biden's numbers are encouraging for the general election.
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