***Official Political Discussion Thread***

As an insult.
Fact: She was a republican when she was young.
Fact: She is a progressive now.
Fact: She is the closest politically to Bernie

i love how all Bernie supporters are treated as a monolith but the centrists get to have plurarity and various opinions.
A Biden super delegate supporter called Bernie Hitler as did Chris Matthews yet Biden supporters dont get encapsulated into that opinion.
Bernie supporters on Rusty’s twitter feed call Warren a snake and therefore all Bernie supporters must now think she is a snake.


I didn't make anything close to that argument. So miss me with this
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Just in case it has not been discussed or people are still asleep ... this is how the 1% are trying to rig the elections.

Step 1. Tell Peter Bootytish to stop running.
Step 2. Close down voting stations in areas dominated by Bernie in SC.
Step 3. Make it seem like Biden crushed Bernie in all media outlets.
Step 4. Pledge millions to Biden and have Pete endure Biden.

Mofos are trying their best ...

LOL. Bless your heart.
I didn't make anything close to that argument. So miss me with this

i was not talking about you on the Hitler piece.
Somone is a narcissist like our President lol
I was talking about the media’s Bernie Bros narrative and the stereotype of anything a bernie supporter says represents the whole group. You definitely subscribe to it though since you want in on it.
i was not talking about you on the Hitler piece.
Somone is a narcissist like our President lol
I was talking about the media’s Bernie Bros narrative and the stereotype of anything a bernie supporter says represents the whole group. You definitely subscribe to it though since you want in on it.

I complain about so called Bernie Bros, I never made they argument that all Bernie's supporters are like that.

And it is laughable to me that you would take issue with people supposedly painting with broad brush given the **** some other Sanders supports have said, and continue to say in here when it comes to liberals they don't like.

So again, miss me
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LOL. Bless your heart.
Sure ...

The entire democratic party is not against him....

Sure is not facts that 52 voting booths were closed in SC where Bernie is the leading candidates.

Sure Pete didnt get millions upon millions from big Pharma to go against Bernie. In fact he won a state because of computer error.

LoL so on ...

You can try to throw a jab like if I'm lost, but ... we know ...... miss me with that BS ....

For me as long as Bloomberg and Pete weren't the nominees, I'm good.
Sounds good but I believe the Democratic largely doesn’t back Bernie and will go to lengths to avoid him getting the nomination. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden bring out Barry to help him out

I saw this movie in 2016 with Trump where the established gop politicians didn’t want him to be the guy and were more than subtle about it until is movement walked all over them. That outsider going against the establishment narrative played to his base. The gop initially shunning him backfired because people don’t want to feel as the powers that be are conspiring against their guy (regardless if it’s true or not).

Pete and Kloubchar dropping out and endorsing Biden (regardless if it’s to spite Bernie or not) is likely going to backfire imo.

People don’t like feeling as if the candidate is being handpicked for them. And I’m not much of a Bernie guy, his bernie bro supporters can be pretty annoying and entitled. But I don’t see this doing much to have a negative impact on him right now.


He can finally stop talking over people now
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