***Official Political Discussion Thread***

why would Obama insert himself into the primary? looking for a repeat of 2016 or maintaining some semblance of Dem unity?

he'll endorse the eventual nominee whether it's Biden or Bernie
Time to break out the mushroom coffee, the colloidal silver infused water, waive your tinfoil lined rock and Morty baseball cap and celebrate.

May 10,000 YouTube videos be remonetized.



This is the behind the scenes politics I kept saying Bernie sucked at..... smh. If anyone thinks these haven’t been in the works for weeks and timed for now after his firewall kicked in I got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh would disagree you. He believes Bernie is an excellent politician as he staunchly argued last week.
Bernie is a great politician in some areas, but he got weaknesses.

Bernie laid out his path to victory, he knew that a large field would cause more vote splitting that would help him grab the nomination, and that was an easier task than a head-to-head race.

Biden by consolidating support pretty much is the worst case scenario for Bern, and he knew it.
osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh would disagree you. He believes Bernie is an excellent politician as he staunchly argued last week.

He is, a excellent politicians. The issue is his behind the scene game could be improved. Also I debate with Osh but I respect his views and once/if Warren drops will likely be with him supporting Bernie.
Bernie is a great politician in some areas, but he got weaknesses.

Bernie laid out his path to victory, he knew that a large field would cause more vote splitting that would help him grab the nomination, and that was an easier task than a head-to-head race.

Biden by consolidating support pretty much is the worst case scenario for Bern, and he knew it.

So the strategy his surrogates have is to consistently compare his policies to Biden. It’s his career fall back strategy which is to run on the left of the party moderate and paint them as a conservative.

It could work, but to me that is also a Sherman, burn it to the ground strategy of it fails. If he can come to the convention with the most delegates and clear momentum...... that’s when things get interesting and all those endorsements mean nothing.
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