***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If Warren gets washed tomorrow, she'll 99% drop out. Otherwise she keeps fighting to get the nomination and proving she can win. Bernie Bros need to suck it up and realize they're not the only progressives in the race, and some people choose to support a different candidate they think can provide a better chance to win.
As an insult.
Fact: She was a republican when she was young.
Fact: She is a progressive now.
Fact: She is the closest politically to Bernie

i love how all Bernie supporters are treated as a monolith but the centrists get to have plurarity and various opinions.
A Biden super delegate supporter called Bernie Hitler as did Chris Matthews yet Biden supporters dont get encapsulated into that opinion.
Bernie supporters on Rusty’s twitter feed call Warren a snake and therefore all Bernie supporters must now think she is a snake.

I know what you're saying, but I would say that the broad strokes can go both ways.

You do have some on the left who use the words or actions of a Chris Matthews or whoever as a proxy for, or even synonymous with, "the establishment" (or centrists, or liberals, or whatever term) as conceived of more broadly.

We could all probably be a bit more judicious—a lot more judicious in some corners—myself included :lol:
Has Warren even finished in the top 4 yet in any states?

She finished 3rd in Iowa if I'm not mistaken but has performed progressively worse in all the subsequent primaries

She's been polling pretty weakly when it comes to Hispanic and Black voters whose support is a must to win the Dem nom
I got no real beef with Bernie I just want my sanders supporting friends to realize that everyone’s decision does not revolves around being for or against sanders. Maybe some of these people are just doing what they believe is right. Maybe it’s not oh amy Pete dropping out to endorse Biden to sabotage sanders. Or maybe they just actually moderates and where most likely to endorse the other moderate candidate anyway after realizing they don’t have a shot anymore.
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I got no real beef with Bernie I just want my sanders supporting friends to realize that everyone’s decision does not revolves around being for or against sanders. Maybe some of these people are just doing what they believe is right. Maybe it’s not oh amy Pete dropping out to endorse Biden to sabotage sanders. Or maybe they just actually moderates and where most likely to endorse the other moderate candidate anyway after realizing they don’t have a shot anymore.
Sounds good but I believe the Democratic largely doesn’t back Bernie and will go to lengths to avoid him getting the nomination. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden bring out Barry to help him out
Obama has said he would stay on the sidelines until the nominee has been chosen if I recall correctly.

I can't believe anybody thinks Biden is going to do better than Hillary in a general election :lol:
I'm not sure how he'd do any worse than her. Hillary is one of the most hated people in America, far beyond mere dislike.
Obama has said he would stay on the sidelines until the nominee has been chosen if I recall correctly.

I'm not sure how he'd do any worse than her. Hillary is one of the most hated people in America.
If Biden is in deep water, I fully expect senile Biden to bring out his ole friend
If Biden is in deep water, I fully expect senile Biden to bring out his ole friend
Bams isn't make a move *publicly* until the convention. If the party begins to trend towards Bernie even more He isn't risking splitting the party further by endorsing Biden. He'll be there to unite it.
Just in case it has not been discussed or people are still asleep ... this is how the 1% are trying to rig the elections.

Step 1. Tell Peter Bootytish to stop running.
Step 2. Close down voting stations in areas dominated by Bernie in SC.
Step 3. Make it seem like Biden crushed Bernie in all media outlets.
Step 4. Pledge millions to Biden and have Pete endure Biden.

Mofos are trying their best ...


there is no outcome in which Bernie loses that won't be due to a conspiracy according to a huge chunk of his followers

there is no outcome in which Bernie loses that won't be due to a conspiracy according to a huge chunk of his followers

Bernie spent the last six years calling the establishment and democrats corrupt but his supporters are surprised that the DNC doesn’t want a candidate that ****s on the party daily.
Bernie spent the last six years calling the establishment and democrats corrupt but his supporters are surprised that the DNC doesn’t want a candidate that ****s on the party daily.
I mean...he's not wrong. its blatant.
regardless of what he said, the democratic establishment should support the candidate that gets the most votes. period. its that or risk isolating a large portion of the base. now whether this large portion gets out there and votes in these primaries so it doesn't come to that (a contested convention) remains to be seen.
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