***Official Political Discussion Thread***

dude is just recycling garbage pail kid’s names :lol:
This is a legit auction on ebay that has a total of 10 cards including Ben Carson and Jeb Bush.
The listing offer is 20 grand :lol:.



The thing with CNN is true. Some of my friends are like "how can they give Rick Santorum a platform? He's terible." I'm like, yeah sure, he thinks that homosexuality is akin to bestiality; however, if the purpose of CNN's panels is to represent a range of ideology in America, Santorum is more representative of conservatives than the sanitized never Trump Republicans on MSNBC.

Then you got Van Jones and now Andrew Yang, we got a lot of the cranks in America being represented on the CNN panels.

Throw in Tulsi or a Tulsi supporter, aka a Tulcel, and you'll really have all the American voters in their terrifying diversity of thought represented on CNN.

CNN undeniably skews left, but of the major networks they do have diversity of thought in most panels.
This the guy dwalk31 dwalk31 wakes up eager to throw that cape on for

From the 'Law and order' candidate when he ran to the lawless and disorder president in practice, been fascinating seeing all the mental gymnastics done on the right to continuously justify and defend someone who's shown little regard for all those so called values that they had us believe they held dear over the years :lol: >D

What they really meant this whole time was that all those qualifiers only apply to Dem administrations, they get gleefully chucked out the window when it's their guy in power. 43 and 45's presidencies back to back have completely evaporated however little moral high ground and authority remained on the right when it comes to upholding the laws they claimed to hold so dear.

They should never be allowed to regain it or feign any concern regarding it after really exposing and showing their true colors the last 20 years. We know undeniably that it's a whole bunch of hot air as much as their fake concern about the national debt, civility/decorum and belief in 'trickle down' are...

I'm still not over the okey doke turtle Mitch pulled when it came to the Supreme Court and Merrick Garland :smh::smh:, that's the moment the mask truly came off for me. They don't and have never given an actual damn about the laws of the land or established norms, literally only when it's politically expedient for them
Speaking of Goonberg...

The litany of right wing hacks masquerading as 'never-Trumpers' and getting invited to all the so called left leaning networks and who somehow believe they have the credibility to lecture Dem voters will never stop being hilarious :lol:

That's the dude who convinced McCain to go with Palin as his running mate by the way :rofl:

They keep getting embraced/accepted into 'the resistance' and having their records and reputations sanitized just off of the few instances they speak out against their party apparatus just because 45 has completely neutered their influence and basically rendered them irrelevant to their traditional base. These people have never voted Democrat once in their lives until 45 came along and somehow have the unmitigated gall to claim any sort of authority on what Dem voters should do :rofl:

The sheer balls and shamelessness on these guys doesn't cease to amaze me man :lol:


blackface baby killer had me ****ing CRYING LAUGHING:rofl:

Jesus that's a mean case of brain worms :sick:

Folks uncritically consume whatever garbage talking points they get fed on Fox/Breitbart and gleefully buy in unquestioned...

Its scary cause a huge segment of the country live in a fact free world not based in reality but 100% based on nonstop propaganda and dangerous conspiracies. Its a recipe for disaster when folks start disregarding any and all truths that contradicts their beliefs however much evidence backs it up.

You can't have any sort of productive discussion with people wired like that when facts don't matter anymore

That's legit what you'd call a cult...
Its scary cause a huge segment of the country live in a fact free world not based in reality but 100% based on nonstop propaganda and dangerous conspiracies.


family she said most professors push socialist propaganda looool I texted my daughter and she said yeah she has pics of Trump on her fridge

how can you look at that before you eat :smh:
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