***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What Columbia is common everyday knowledge.

I guess I gotta grow up in Belgiun to know its a country in Europe huh?

B.S Common everyday knowledge. All he does is repeat all the non-sense you are talking about in here and what he sees on TV. Dude has no " common knowledge" FOH
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Always the race card with you liberals. Ohh the white people keep blacks and hispanics oppressed??? Smh* No wonder the country is in dire straights. Going straight down the toilet with these people :rolleyes

It has to burn you up inside knowing the brothers are representing us in the Olympics huh :lol:
Ive read ya responses n wonder, if hes all these things you say, why even bother with him? If its klear hes set in his ways, why try to argue with him? Seems to be an exercise in futility to me.
I agree, it's completely pointless going back and forth with him.

Serious question - do you read the sources and links you post? Or just skim the headlines?

Looks like the Clinton campaign got hacked as well. Add that to the DNC, DCCC, and whatever else.

Edit: campaign saying nothing internal compromised
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  1. a decrease in the cost of "living" --- ie: housing, vehicles, food, clothing, entertainment, etc
  2. consistency in the courts ---- person with no money goes to jail for drug possession while a rich kid kills people and gets told he's too rich to understand his actions
  3. citizen & police relations 
  4. gun control 
  5. early education and the cost of college 
I don't understand systemic racism.... so I'm just gonna dismiss it as playing the race card.

i already linked a segment with Eric Dyson & Jason Riley buttressing my point.

-That is not evidence though. You confuse people that agree with you as evidence

:lol: :smh: da fact that it was a SEGMENT in da 1st place buttresses my point.

Eric Dyson agrees with you, Jason Riley holds da opposite view...2 black guys on da opposite end of da political spectrum confirming that "systemic/structural racism" is merely a partisan issue.
[thread="509493"]It being a partisan issue doesn't mean it doesn't exist or is just a talking point[/thread]

when it only exists on one side? its a political talking point... especially when its 2 black guys articulating their respective vantage points.
How some people kontinue to deny systemic racism exists is beyond me. Racism is woven into the very fabrik of which america is made of. This kountry is based on racism n violence. To deny it is ignorant n offensive. There is a reason people of kolor start off with a disadvantage, n thats kuz white folks invented the game, kreated the playing board, n even changed the rules as it went on. Does it ever kross your mind why people of kolor face harsher penalties for krimes? The reason america is farther behind in world rankings such as edukation, healthkare, n such now is kuz now everyone, not just white folks, are kounted. Do you not wonder why brown n black neighborhoods got severly worse after the Crack Epidemic? Or is it that you suskribe to them being inherently drawn to violence n poverty? This kountry was stolen from natives, which were raped n murdered in, arguably, the worst kase of genocide in history, only to be worked n maintained by africans stolen from their homeland n forced into bondage, in what is the worst display of inhumane treatment in history. That alone should be evidence enough of how america works.

Are things better now, well in komparison to how i just deskribed how it was, yes. But is everything equal n fair, **** no! N its people like Trump that kontinue to perpetuate the "Great" american mystique of before. Back when the only people that mattered were white. When the only good kolored person was the oppressed one that had no voice n no choice.

While i dont agree with all of what Hillary will do, i certainly dont agree with anything Trump spews out his mouth. He is a bigot, racist, xenophobe, sexist, liar, n cheat. But i guess thats what made america great in the past, but theres a reason we dont live in that past anymore n its kuz people are smart enough to realize, that way just doesnt work.
I don't understand systemic racism.... so I'm just gonna dismiss it as playing the race card.

i already linked a segment with Eric Dyson & Jason Riley buttressing my point.

-That is not evidence though. You confuse people that agree with you as evidence

:lol: :smh: da fact that it was a SEGMENT in da 1st place buttresses my point.

Eric Dyson agrees with you, Jason Riley holds da opposite view...2 black guys on da opposite end of da political spectrum confirming that "systemic/structural racism" is merely a partisan issue.

So because two people argue over something, means it is not real. You definitely taking gold at rio

Now answer the second question. Which non white group is gentrifying you area and upsetting you so much
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