While Joe Walsh is a racist and generally misinformed guy...he’s principled and even minded. He finally sees it for what it is. His slow transformation from hardcore trump supporter to this has been amazing to watch in real time. Dude called it balls & strikes...and sometime after Helinsky...it dawned on him fully.
I hope he will one day take the time to fully reflect on his role in getting Trump elected and how he himself played a major role in setting the foundation for what the Republican Party is. Also hope he does even more digging over the past 50 years to see how we got here...and how racism/greed/fear & white resentment, southern strategy, imperialism, white-washing historygerrymandering, voter suppression, corruption have been the motivating factors and tactics within his party for decades now.
But that takes REAL reflection. Stuart Stephens (longtime high level GOP strategist) is coming out with a book on this. “It was all a lie”.
Amazon product ASIN 0525658459
Won’t get a cent from me. But if somebody can throw me the oop...I’ll check it out when it drops.