***Official Political Discussion Thread***

also, I can't tell...but were there more missiles fired? or is fox just running the same stuff over and over?
I don't believe anything on fox news. its wild what they report as breaking news and what they chose to report as filler for what everyone else is reporting.

I can't believe how propaganda is allowed to play 9 hours a day mon-fri all in this building.

Had a job interview once...

Walked in, checked in with and recieved a badge from a young, black, very attractive, female receptionist, sat down in the lobby and noticed Faux News was on.

Before I could say anything to her I got called in for the interview.

Noticed the energy and hard stares.

Interview was Ok...black lady and white guy....but energy seemed off.

Interview ended and OMW out had to turn in my badge.

Asked the receptionist - Hey, How come they have the TV set on Faux News? Can you change it if you want?

"Oh, they have it set that way because there is a lot of military coming in and out of here."


I knew it wasnt the place for me.

Kinda made her less attractive too. :frown:

Lesson: When Faux News is playing in the reception area of a business, that business is trying to tell you something...in my case, it told me that they dont need my money, talent, or time.

They didnt offer me the job and didnt hit me back.

3 months later they hit me up and asked if I wanted to come back for another interview.

Crazy thing is that the company is allegedly owned by Native Americans.

5 dollar Indians more like it.

Dawes Rolls = Lots of Pretendians out here reapin mad benefits.
So what if the passenger plane was shot down by Iran, what now? What are the reprocutions?

Blame America?
If Iran shot it down, which seems to be the case, I think it would be fair to at least in part blame the Trump administration.

I think repercussions will probably depend on the countries whose citizens died on that plane. There were no US passengers aboard according to the reports I have read. Mostly Ukrainian passengers and a number of Canadians as well. Canadian intelligence showed Iran was behind it according to a statement by PM Trudeau.

Another great step for criminal justice reform under this administration
Amazing the Republicans are signing off on this stuff, the stuff Dems introduce, after swearing that would never do that under Obama

Thank you Cory Booker for convincing your friend Jared Kushner to convince Trump agree to sign stuff like this, so the Republican cowards could feel comfortably voting yes.

But that's right, you don't give a flying **** about these people being helped unless you can act like Trump is the one pushing these policies. Instead of the Democrat and activist that do the actual work.

Clown **** as usual
Since when did the US win the Iraq war?
If Iran shot it down, which seems to be the case, I think it would be fair to at least in part blame the Trump administration.

I think repercussions will probably depend on the countries whose citizens died on that plane. There were no US passengers aboard according to the reports I have read. Mostly Ukrainian passengers and a number of Canadians as well. Canadian intelligence showed Iran was behind it according to a statement by PM Trudeau.
How would the US be responsible?

As much as I dislike the current state of affairs, we arent responsible for Irans mistakes.
Let us also remember that when DWalk came into this thread and I and many others pointing out Trump racism and dog whistling, and regressive criminal justice policies. His pushback was not Trump believes in criminal justice reform but that he DWalk cares about black people. Just the black people like him that want to acquire rental properties. And Trump tax policy help these black people somehow.

And other posters that cares about poverty and criminal justice just cared about a different set of black people so everyone is the same.

DWalk ran away from the criminal justice **** until he could troll like Trump is a champion of civil liberties.

Yet we hear zero from him about Trump rollbacks of civil rights enforcement, regulations, and other racist regressive actions.

Zero mention from troll

Kinda like how he only post economic news like jobs reports when it is good news.

Trump locks kids in cages after ripping them from their mothers arms and this fool wanna talk about great sets in criminal justice. Give me a ******* break.
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How would the US be responsible?

As much as I dislike the current state of affairs, we arent responsible for Irans mistakes.
The Trump administration created this crisis, which in turn created the circumstances in which Iran would take such extreme actions. This is not to take away from Iran's culpability of course, but this could have been avoided.
Let us also remember that when DWalk came into this thread and I and many others pointing out Trump racism and dog whistling, and regressive criminal justice policies. His pushback was not Trump believes in criminal justice reform but that he DWalk cares about black people. Just the black people like him that want to acquire rental properties. And Trump tax policy help these black people somehow.

And other posters that cares about poverty and criminal justice just cared about a different set of black people so everyone is the same.

DWalk ran away from the criminal justice **** until he could troll like Trump is a champion of civil liberties.

Yet we hear zero from him about Trump rollbacks of civil rights enforcement, regulations, and other racist regressive actions.

Zero mention from troll

Kinda like how he only post economic news like jobs reports when it is good news.

Trump locks kids in cages after ripping them from their mothers arms and this fool wanna talk about great sets in criminal justice. Give me a ****ing break.

I have been a supporter of criminal justice reform long before Trump and will continue long after. We need to end money bail next.

As I have stated consistently I am deeply focused on systemic barriers against black people.

Yes, that includes issues related to rental properties and systems that many white people are grandfathered into while access is denied to black individuals with the same worth and/or income.

That does not negate the very real issues at other income levels for black people. For you to act like I can’t focus on multiple issues, at once, is nonsensical.
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Notably, AG and Acting Trump defense attorney William Barr previously said there was a much stronger predicate for investigating the debunked Uranium One conspiracy than the Russia probe. Hubert's investigation was largely based on opposition research by Republican operatives.
I have been a supporter of criminal justice reform long before Trump and will continue long after. We need to end money bail next.

As I have stated consistently I am deeply focused on systemic barriers against black people.

Yes, that includes issues related to rental properties and systems that many white people are grandfathered into while access is denied to black individuals with the same worth and/or income.

That does not negate the very real issues at other income levels for black people. For you to act like I can’t focus on multiple issues, at once, is nonsensical.
You still haven't said anything about Republicans relying on efforts to suppress the black vote in order to gain an electoral advantage. That is one systemic barrier you have gladly avoided in this thread.
I have been a supporter of criminal justice reform long before Trump and will continue long after. We need to end money bail next.

As I have stated consistently I am deeply focused on systemic barriers against black people.

Yes, that includes issues related to rental properties and systems that many white people are grandfathered into while access is denied to black individuals with the same worth and/or income.

That does not negate the very real issues at other income levels for black people. For you to act like I can’t focus on multiple issues, at once, is nonsensical.
You are so full of seal ****

All you have only shown to care about the plight of black people when you can spin it to champion and defend the same bigots that oppress them.

In practice you are a proud supporter of the systemic oppression of black people.
My personal rankings of the top 10.
1. Warren
2. Booker
. *GAP in quality*
5. Steyer
6. Klouchar
7. Pete
8. Biden
9. Bloomberg
10000000000000000000. Tom Dalaney
10000000000000000001. Tulsi Gabbard

But in reality it is a two horse race between Biden and Bernie. So in that match up, Bernie is the clear choice. However, I am concerned that Biden finna run away with this thing.

But I am committed to voting for Warren in the caucus.

Definitely agree with this.

Maryland votes late as hell, so depending on how it's going it'll either be Warren or Bernie for me.

Also....all primaries should be held on the same day.
There were a number of major criminal justice reform bills under the Obama administration but Republicans time and again blocked even the watered down versions. Under a Democratic president, Republicans' standard procedure on criminal justice reform bills was to simply ditch them in McConnell's legislative graveyard, never coming to a vote at all.

A major criminal justice reform bill was finally gaining a significant number of Republican co-sponsors in 2016 and seemed on its way to passing, however Republicans ended up killing off that effort.
Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) said at the time that he thought "Senator McConnell understandably did not want to tee up an issue that split our caucus right before the 2016 election."

In 2014-15, an amibitious proposal was co-authored by both a Republican and a progressive Democrat. Republicans blocked it and settled for a much more narrow version, limiting change for the most part to reducing mandatory-minimum sentences for low-level drug offenders.
McConnell permenantly killed off that watered down version in the Senate without allowing a vote on it.
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You still haven't said anything about Republicans relying on efforts to suppress the black vote in order to gain an electoral advantage. That is one systemic barrier you have gladly avoided in this thread.

I said that I am against voter suppression, period, no matter who is doing.

Guess you avoided that post by me.
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