***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Isn’t St. Paul having that kind of issue, where’ developers don’t want a certain amount of low / affordable units but the city wants more . I do notice a lot of new apartment complexes going up yet the twin cities still has major housing issues due to prices and other factors

Welp,might be a wrap for Nunes

Isn’t St. Paul having that kind of issue, where’ developers don’t want a certain amount of low / affordable units but the city wants more . I do notice a lot of new apartment complexes going up yet the twin cities still has major housing issues due to prices and other factors

wouldn't surprise me, I really don’t know a whole lot about st paul even though I live here now. I do know there is some rule where a building can only be so tall, unlike minneapolis where they just broke ground on the future tallest building. Units are expensive Af in there.

I know in Minneapolis your neighborhood gets zoned for the minimum you can charge for rent.
This new revelation also highlights why Yivanovich's testimony was so long.
"Why smear her instead of just calling her back?"
Because the previous president (Poroshenko) and Trump, via Nunes and Giuliani, already had an agreement to smear the Bidens by announcing an investigation into Burisma, but they had to wait until after the Ukrainian elections to put their plan in motion. Poroshenko loses the elections to Zelensky, who kicks out all the prosecutors who were in on the first scheme, and now Trump and the crew have to restart from scratch.

So there are two quid pro quo situations here. Anybody wants to bet that all those sudden GOP resignations are due to the gradual uncovering of the first QPQ?

Nunes created so much rancor over the issue that some American officials came to question his motives, and even his patriotism. “I was having a hard-enough time being beaten up by the Azoreans and the Portuguese, but it was even harder seeing a congressman being in cahoots with them,” Townsend says. “It was like, ‘Whose team are you on?’ ” A former Pentagon official suspects that during the Lajes negotiations, Nunes was making the Portuguese privy to things they should not have known. “We would have a conversation about some proprietary matters with Nunes,” this official says, “and then the next day, somehow, Portugal knew some of that.”
Remember, the alleged Naftogaz deal Parnas, Fruman and apparently Giuliani were involved in was also set to benefit Dmitry Firtash with a profit of roughly $200m. Giuliani himself has previously attacked Firtash as an upper echelon associate of the Russian mob. A State Dept cable also noted that Firtash himself claimed the real power behind his gas business was the notorious Russian mobster Semion Mogilevich.
Giuliani attacked Firtash back when Cohen's lawyer was still representing Firtash. Since then, Giuliani initially denied having anything to do with Firtash but later said he "might have looked at" Firtash in his effort to dig up dirt on Biden.

Exclusive: CEO of Ukraine State Gas Firm Preparing to Testify in Giuliani Probe
The CEO of Ukraine’s state gas company, Naftogaz, is ready to give evidence in a U.S. federal investigation that is reportedly probing the business dealings of Rudy Giuliani, the CEO said in an exclusive interview on Friday.

“I will with a high likelihood be invited to testify in this case,” Naftogaz CEO Andriy Kobolyev told TIME, citing his lawyers and contacts in the U.S. “If I am called, I would be willing to come and testify,” Kobolyev added.
Federal prosecutors are investigating Giuliani for possible campaign finance violations and illegal lobbying, according to reports published in the past week by Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal, both of which cited unnamed U.S. officials and sources familiar with the matter.

These reports claimed that the investigation stems from a federal case against two of Giuliani’s associates, Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, who were indicted last month for allegedly violating campaign finance laws. Giuliani has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

The planned closed-door testimony from Kobolyev, which has not previously been reported, could shed light on recent allegations from U.S. and Ukrainian energy executives that Parnas and Fruman tried to use their connections to Giuliani and the Trump Administration to replace the leadership of Naftogaz, which had resisted their efforts to land a lucrative gas deal in Ukraine.

Asked whether he is preparing to give prosecutors information about Giuliani or about Parnas and Fruman, the executive said, “Both. Everything is connected.”

Giuliani has simultaneously been acting as President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and diplomatic envoy while pursuing his own lucrative business interests. In one or several of those roles, Giuliani has been working with Fruman and Parnas.

While seeking gas deals in Ukraine this spring, Fruman and Parnas also helped Giuliani to pressure the Ukrainian government to open investigations against President Trump’s political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden. That campaign was later exposed by an intelligence-community whistleblower, whose complaint sparked the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

Giuliani, who did not respond to TIME’s request for comment on Friday, has denied allegations of wrongdoing and insisted that he is not involved with a gas company owned by Fruman and Parnas, Global Energy Producers. “I have no personal interest in any business in Ukraine, including that business,” Giuliani told the Journal last week.

Kobolyev declined to comment on what he planned to tell investigators about Giuliani or his two associates: “I would not want to preempt my testimony,” the gas executive told TIME.

A spokesman for the Southern District of New York declined to comment on Friday.

Any testimony from Kobolyev would come on top of the statements that another Naftogaz executive, Andrew Favorov, gave investigators on Thursday in New York City.

Kobolyev interrupted his interview with TIME at his office in Kyiv Friday, saying he wanted to call his colleague Favorov on the phone to ask how his interview with federal investigators had gone, and whether Favorov would be going back on Friday to provide more testimony.

“He finished yesterday,” Kobolyev said after finishing the mid-interview phone call. “He said it was a very unusual experience,” the CEO added, referring to Favorov. “He said he has never gone through questioning like that. I also heard these guys are very, um, very hard, the southern district prosecutors. They’re some of the best in the states.”

Favorov referred questions to a spokesman, who did not respond to a request for comment Friday afternoon.

Citing two unnamed sources familiar with the matter, CNN reported on Nov. 18 that federal prosecutors in New York had contacted people associated with Naftogaz as part of their investigation of Giuliani. Favorov’s U.S. lawyer confirmed to the Associated Press the following day that his client was planning to meet voluntarily with investigators. The timing of that meeting on Thursday, and the fact that prosecutors had not asked Favorov to come back on Friday, have not been previously reported.

The effort by Giuliani’s associates to install new leadership at Naftogaz came to light in an AP report published on Oct. 8. The report described an international effort by Parnas and Fruman to replace the leadership of Naftogaz, which had resisted the attempts of these two businessmen to export American gas to Ukraine under favorable terms.

Parnas and Fruman were arrested at Dulles Airport last month and indicted for allegedly running an unrelated scheme to funnel foreign money to Republican causes and candidates. Both men have pleaded not guilty.

Despite their arrest and the ongoing investigation of Giuliani in New York, the head of Naftogaz says the political campaign to remove him from office may not yet be over. “Some pressure does probably exist,” Kobolyev tells TIME. “But whether it is connected to past events, something that is still inertia from what happened, from attempts that took place in the spring, I can’t say for sure.”





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Giuliani was previously asked about the possibility of Trump throwing him under the bus. Rudy responded that he wasn't worried because he had "very, very good insurance."
Rudy's lawyer quickly jumped in and said "he's joking."

But Radioactive Rudy is out there again, and this time his lawyer isn't with him.
Sure seems like a not so subtle threat. It's ambiguous enough that it could be interpreted as having good health insurance in the event of getting hit by a bus. It could also be interpreted as a threat to president Trump, making it clear that Rudy would try to drag Trump down with him if he gets thrown under the bus.

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The entire video is hilarious, wait until the end though. :rofl:

That was sublime.

- "Trump lets us enjoy life again"

When Obama was President we were never able to go to Denny's because the black panthers blocked the entrance to every single Denny's in America. Thanks to the Donald, we can have Grand Slams again.

- Notice it was in LA. Buffonery is not limited to "Red States" there are class traitors and white supremacists and dudes, who love cat calling women, everywhere, even in big cities and "Blue States."

- The mainstream media wants you to believe that the Republican Party is divided between haughty but civic minded scions of old money, crude but lovable hard hats and devote and deeply principled Evangelical Christians. No, not true.

The GOP coalition is actually comprised affluent retirees, who think that Mark Zuckerberg is part of the deep state because their grand kids didn't like their posts about how today's kids are ******* because they use seatbelts; a diverse coalition of drop shipping scammers, who post motivational quotes on their LinkedIn and facebook (college: school of hard knocks); and, of course, neo Nazis with Jewish step dads.

We got to see them all.
That was sublime.

- "Trump lets us enjoy life again"

When Obama was President we were never able to go to Denny's because the black panthers blocked the entrance to every single Denny's in America. Thanks to the Donald, we can have Grand Slams again.

- Notice it was in LA. Buffonery is not limited to "Red States" there are class traitors and white supremacists and dudes, who love cat calling women, everywhere, even in big cities and "Blue States."

- The mainstream media wants you to believe that the Republican Party is divided between haughty but civic minded scions of old money, crude but lovable hard hats and devote and deeply principled Evangelical Christians. No, not true.

The GOP coalition is actually comprised affluent retirees, who think that Mark Zuckerberg is part of the deep state because their grand kids didn't like their posts about how today's kids are ******* because they use seatbelts; a diverse coalition of drop shipping scammers, who post motivational quotes on their LinkedIn and facebook (college: school of hard knocks); and, of course, neo Nazis with Jewish step dads.

We got to see them all.
We ain't a monolith, b.
Tom Steyer is ******* relentless in Nevada. If I turn on the radio to hear the traffic report, Steyer ad. Turn on the TV in my office to watch the local news, Steyer ad. Reading a local Vegas site, Styer ad. Open my mailbox, Steyer flyer. Today I order a ******* pizza and I open the door to get it, and standing there is not only a delivery guy but a dude working the Steyer campaign.

Leave me the **** alone Tom.
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