***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So basically being a racist or rapist works on some sort of point system. Observe;

Racist point scale

Use of N word (with A): -2
Use of N word (hard R): -4
Discriminatory doing: -2
Hate for anyone lighter than a gallon of almond milk: -1
Killed or wanted to kill colored person: -1
Joins kkk: 0
Has MAGA hat: “let’s see what he meant first

Have ______ friends: +9999999
Said 1 good thing about a colored person: +99999 Ssgss x 9999999

Rapist point scale

Days Did rape: -5

Days didn’t rape: +ssgss goteta

See, can’t argue the facts. All fair
:lol: You guys must be engaging the truck driver bcs I see a lot of funny posts & the “show ignored content” is present. I swear I don’t understand why you guys even bother engaging with dude...
I have no idea why he’s saying but I know exactly what’s being said. Ain’t nothing changed :lol: just treat it as the joke it is
This, from you, is laughable

Is ignored content really questioning your knowledge of the deep south?

Mr. Pretend lawyer,

Take it straight from the source...I'm white and have lived in the deep south my entire life. Many, many people here take pride in living up to the hillbilly stereotypes.

ESPECIALLY when it's just me and them in some kind of setting together. Then they really let you know what they believe. It's "safe" to say the quiet part out loud then.

So glad I could at least move to the Atlanta area.
Is ignored content really questioning your knowledge of the deep south?

Mr. Pretend lawyer,

Take it straight from the source...I'm white and have lived in the deep south my entire life. Many, many people here take pride in living up to the hillbilly stereotypes.

ESPECIALLY when it's just me and them in some kind of setting together. Then they really let you know what they believe. It's "safe" to say the quiet part out loud then.

So glad I could at least move to the Atlanta area.


“When I look back, I might be mad that I gave this attention”


Unlike Cohen, I’m not disbarred. And I’m not from the DR or the Bahamas. I’m East Atlanta Zone 6 black. It doesn’t wash off.

So now that we can get past the demonstrably false ad hominem attacks, perhaps we can talk about the issues.

I appreciate your perspective. Do you believe that every person with confederate flag paraphernalia is a racist?
It was to show that one could point to things that have a tendency to show both ways. If you see my earlier post, I stated that depending on the narrative one wants to pursue you can point to things that fit said narrative. I don't know Trump. Have no idea if he is a racist.
When you have evidence of racist behavior, regardless of all the other non racist behavior, that should be more than enough. Just stop. That’s like saying if a serial killler donated 1 billion to charity it somehow excuses the killing , to take it to an extreme.
I follow a handful of lawyers on social media to see their insights on topics as it relates to their understanding of law. Their posts are always thought provoking & insightful. They always show a complex & nuanced understanding of the law.

Dude up in here doesn’t display any of that whatsoever. I’m not sure why anyone engages with him. You’re better off talking to the wall next to you.
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When you have evidence of racist behavior, regardless of all the other non racist behavior, that should be more than enough. Just stop. That’s like saying if a serial killler donated 1 billion to charity it somehow excuses the killing , to take it to an extreme.

No, it isn't like that. It is like an accused serial killer saying they wouldn't harm a fly. And donating to causes that advocate against murder.

Again, one could do these things and still be a serial killer. But it isn't dispositive one way or the other. Again, I have no idea whether Trump is a racist or not. I can see why people think he is. And I can see why people think he is not.
I follow a handful of lawyers on social media to see their insights on topics as it relates to their understanding of law. Their posts are always thought thought provoking & insightful. They always show a complex & nuanced understanding of the law.

Dude up in here doesn’t display any of that whatsoever. I’m not sure why anyone engages with him. You’re better off talking to the wall next to you.

Because dude apparently thinks our job is arguing every day

Watching too much Fox News and shh like yesterday where youre just trying to discredit dude at all costs
No, it isn't like that. It is like an accused serial killer saying they wouldn't harm a fly. And donating to causes that advocate against murder.

Again, one could do these things and still be a serial killer. But it isn't dispositive one way or the other. Again, I have no idea whether Trump is a racist or not. I can see why people think he is. And I can see why people think he is not.
:rofl:You one of those dudes who think they’re too woke and smart for everyone and that’s why nobody understands you. Nothing personal but we can disagree.
I follow a handful of lawyers on social media to see their insights on topics as it relates to their understanding of law. Their posts are always thought thought provoking & insightful. They always show a complex & nuanced understanding of the law.

Dude up in here doesn’t display any of that whatsoever. I’m not sure why anyone engages with him. You’re better off talking to the wall next to you.

Would all of the lawyers you follow self-identify as Democrat, progressive and/or liberal leaning?
I appreciate your perspective. Do you believe that every person with confederate flag paraphernalia is a racist?

Yes. Nothing in my experience has lead me to deviate from that belief. Additionally, anyone celebrating such a symbol is giving approval for a traitorous separatist movement who, above all else, were upset that someone else told them they could no longer hold other human beings as property.
Imagine joining a shoe forum with the sole reason being saying the most racist, pro rape, pro abuse and sexist things possible without getting banned on a daily basis. :rofl:

Generally speaking, if you do this


You’re probably


Yes. Nothing in my experience has lead me to deviate from that belief. Additionally, anyone celebrating such a symbol is giving approval for a traitorous separatist movement who, above all else, were upset that someone else told them they could no longer hold other human beings as property.

Personally, I felt the same way for a while. But I spoke with a black son of the confederate veterans, at length, and that broadened my perspective. I agree with all of the things that you say it symbolizes. Perhaps you will have an experience that will lead you to deviate from that belief--as I did--in the future.

I still disagree with the flying of the flag, and the statues that remain erect in many states.
Personally I think dwalk is agree with probably most of what we say in here, he’s just a contrarian and likes to bring court room arguing styles too message boards. Problem is this isn’t a court room and you don’t get to box people in by restricting them from certain context and nuances like you can in court.

At the end of the day, being an equal opportunity a**hole doesn’t exclude trump from being racist or sexist or xenophobic.
Man, he is not using any courtroom tactics in here :lol:. No different than Ninja trolling tactics.
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