***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'd love to see what "better life choices" one would need to make to be able to survive in the Bay Area off minimum wage.
It isn't stupidity; it is ignorance. Pure, unadulterated ignorance mixing with a potent dose of fear. I work with Trumpists. If you scared those fools into believing that gravity wasn't real, they'd forget all their technical training and jump off a building thinking they would fly. Those same people have spent so much time seriously despising liberal arts that they do not even consider the possibility that the ideas that gave birth to the Democratic West were nurtured and developed by liberal arts geniuses.

The fundamental rights that we take for granted (right of expression, of assembly, of dissent, and the right to choose who governs us) in any Democratic society are not God-given, and are the foundations of modern Western Civilization. The Enlightenment is the genesis of Western democracy, not the Bible. It wasn't Moses who inspired the founding fathers to write the constitution, it was the philosophers behind the French revolution. They don't teach that stuff in trade schools or STEM programs.

You give them more credit than I do. I don’t think they have any ability to think so they listen to and follow to a T some idiot on tv with the same idiot views they have. I do agree with the fear, aka racism/xenophobia.

Unfortunately these people are usually white evangelical Christians so that’s strike two, the Bible > the constitution at all times so reason and democracy get squashed.
Megyn Kelly is getting a $67 Million dollar payout from NBC. she probably planned this all along.
I'm positive her contract was written up to predict her getting let go based on who she was. Good agent, NBC are some suckers for even pursuing it. The only people who want fox news' brand of casual racism first thing in the morning watch fox news. ABC learned that lesson with Roseanne.
I'd love to see what "better life choices" one would need to make to be able to survive in the Bay Area off minimum wage.
Dude has yet to answer my question about who “should” be working those jobs. He just ran off like a *****.
He doesn't want to answer honestly because it will undercut his schtick of every else being racist but him.

The implicitly racist argument of who should be working these jobs have already been argued by many of the NT conservatives that have passed through here. Ninja came right out with it proudly. The believe black people should be doing them.

Conservatives are routinely frustrated that African Americans don't indulge in the same level of xenophobia that they do because "hey, if we kick out all the "illegals" that means more low paying jobs for them." In conservative's nostalgic mind the order of things should be black folk in the fields and doing manual labor for the white upper class.

But those pesky blacks refuse to indulge them in their bigotry.
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Dude has yet to answer my question about who “should” be working those jobs. He just ran off like a *****.
Of course. The reality is we have plenty of low paying jobs with little to no benefits. There are people at my company that get paid $15 an hour with no benefits, and these are not for low-skill jobs. It's insane.
He doesn't want to answer honestly because it will undercut his schtick of every else being racist but him.

The implicitly racist argumnet of who should be working these jobs have already been argued by many of the NT conservatives that has passed through here. Ninja came right out with it proudly. The beleive black people should be doing them.

Conservatives are routinely frustrated that African Americans don't indulge in the same level of xenophobia that they do because "hey, if we kick out all the "illegals" that means more low paying jobs for them". In conservative's nostalgic mind the order of things should be black folk in the fields and doing manual labor for the white upper class.

But those pesky blacks refuse to indulge them in their bigotry.

A lot of conservatives really do believe that most black people are idle and living indefinitely on “welfare” so by removing undocumented workers, in conjunction with removing the social safety net, there will be all these poor black folks who will suddenly start working in the low paid, low status jobs currently performed by undocumted people.

They really do not know that we’ve had brutal austerity for poor, single mothers and an end to indefinite, need based aid for the last 22 years. They think it’s inspiring or noteworthy when they encounter a black bank teller or retail employee or waiter because they think that most black people do not work. (If they encounter a black doctor or other professional class worker, they assume he must be an affirmative action hire despite the fact that affirmative action hasn’t been around for decades)
Grassley again refers Avenatti to DOJ for criminal investigation
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) announced Friday that he is issuing a second criminal referral regarding lawyer Michael Avenatti.

Grassley announced the move a day after referring Avenatti and his client, Julie Swetnick, to the Justice Department for a potential criminal investigation into whether they made false statements to Congress about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The GOP chairman indicated that the second referral was precipitated by an NBC News report on Thursday, which contended that Swetnick denied making key allegations, saying that Avenatti “twisted [her] words.”

Grassley wrote that based on the NBC report, “the purported declarant denied - both before and after the sworn statement was released - the key allegations Mr. Avenatti attributed to her.”

“She stated she was clear and consistent 'from day one' with Mr. Avenatti that those claims were not true. And she said Mr. Avenatti 'twisted [her] words.' When reporters pressed him on these discrepancies, Mr. Avenatti attempted to deceive them in an apparent effort to thwart the truth coming out," Grassley wrote.
Avenatti responded in a statement to The Hill, calling Grassley's referral "complete garbage."

"We want the investigation started this weekend so we can show how full of crap Grassley is ASAP. He knows nothing about the law, which is not surprising seeing as he never attended law school," he added.

Avenatti also tweeted about Grassley's move Friday night, asserting that "he has placed Kavanaugh at risk of being removed from the SCOTUS."

Grassley's original referral questioned whether Swetnick and Avenatti made false statements to Congress about Kavanaugh during his confirmation process.

"The law prohibits such false statements to Congress and obstruction of congressional committee investigations," Grassley said in a statement on Thursday.

"For the law to work, we can’t just brush aside potential violations. I don’t take lightly making a referral of this nature, but ignoring this behavior will just invite more of it in the future."

Swetnick alleged in a sworn declaration released by Avenatti during Kavanaugh's confirmation process last month that Kavanaugh was at a party where she was gang raped in the 1980s.

Kavanaugh vehemently denied the claim, along with allegations of sexual misconduct from two other women stemming from his days in high school and college.

He was confirmed by the Senate on Oct. 6.
I’m so confused
How they get away with this
A criminal was elected president. That criminal nominated another criminal to SCOTUS. Now his other criminal lackeys in the senate and congress commit crimes. Times in plain sight knowing there are no reprocussions for these actions. Like Scaramucci said, the fish stinks from the head all the way down.
I’m so confused
How they get away with this

Unfortunately the same way they have been long before any of us were alive.

Until we take a stand and use the technology and information available for the betterment of fellow Americans and not to buy sneakers, and post pictures of spending a months salary on alcohol.
You give them more credit than I do.
Maybe I do. It's just that when having discussions with them on life issues, their opinions don't match their political stance. It's like, as soon as you utter the words Rep/Dem/politics, all critical thinking and the ability to consider new info get switched off.
saudi prince & putin runnin’ train on the deplorable in chief...
You can see Putin learned well from the fall of the Soviet Union.

Trying to match the military might of the US bankrupted them. Now, they're about to run the same play on Pooper in Chief: drag him in an arms race at a time when we might be facing a downturn with empty coffers, a crumbling infrastructure, an aging population that is only getting sicker with a lower life expectancy, stagnant wages, and a growing budget deficit.
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"Sup, make my hats too big again" head ***

I knew I recognized this guy. He was on "Taylor made dreams out the matrix" Youtube channel, (makes videos about moving/living in Sosua Dominican Republic). He also has his own channel. He seemed pretty chill in the video. Cool Chicago cat, going out mixing with the locals. Would have never thought he rocks with MAGA.
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