***Official Political Discussion Thread***

NBC are clowns. They are using this black face thing to make it seem they are taking a stand.

In reality ole girl has been a failure and horrible investment from the jump. They wanted to get rid of her but didn't want to admit how poorly they ****** up. Especially since they played a couple of black folk to get her in.

So now I'm to beleive NBC is down to take a massive financial hit like that over the type of ignorance McCain's daughter spews regularly, and that doesn't even registrar in the top 50 most bigoted things this woman has said.

Miss me. **** NBC too
My 401k is down too but to be honest people could not have expected the run we are on to just keep on going.

Furthermore liberals have to get comfortable with the idea of more modest investment growth because if we demand things like banning stock buy backs, and pursuing policy to increase wage growth, reducing market consolidation, and putting labor first, that means no more crazy runs in the market.

Then again, I have a pension so it is easier for me to say **** like this :lol: .
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This Megyn Kelly talk finally let me remember why Gillum's shade sounded familiar....

My 401k is down too but to be honest people could not have expected the run we are on to just keep on going.

Furthermore liberals have to get comfortable with the idea of more modest investment growth because if we demand things like banning stock buy backs, and pursuing policy to increase wage growth, reducing market consolidation, and putting labor first, that means no more crazy runs in the market.

Then again, I have a pension so it is easier for me to say **** like this :lol: .
Amen. Libs need to realize that the only way to get rich is to let Zaddy Trump take the reins, and make our 401Ks GREAT AGAIN.
My 401k is down too but to be honest people could not have expected the run we are on to just keep on going.

Furthermore liberals have to get comfortable with the idea of more modest investment growth because if we demand things like banning stock buy backs, and pursuing policy to increase wage growth, reducing market consolidation, and putting labor first, that means no more crazy runs in the market.

Then again, I have a pension so it is easier for me to say **** like this :lol: .
my job matches my 401k contributions
and i have a pension too but STILL
they need to chill
on the REAL
the dems
better step up to the plate
if they get the ball in their hands
we dont need them to win and get complacent
also we as THE PEOPLE
cant let them get complacent
let them know WE are the ones who got them elected
and they better get things done that benefit the people
The current political climate has made things difficult with my family as well. We are in completely opposite ends of the spectrum. I like to think that both sides are the same, so that I can at least look at them as compassionate human beings and not soulless animals. But it's harder than you'd think. As the following story illustrates:

It was Thanksgiving 2017 and we were all gathered for dinner. There must've been 20 of us seated. They asked me to say grace. I started saying, "Bless our Brothers and neighbors. Grant Mexicans, but only the legal ones, food and comfort. Grant all Americans health, if they can afford it. Most of all, be with the White man, as he is being attacked from all angles."

If you want to talk about incivility, talk about the faces around that table. My cousin has the nerve to say, "This is a time of year to share with those who have less than us." Seriously? I can't afford a second house and he wants to lecture me? I stormed out, after first throwing the turkey on the floor and dipping the dog in the gravy bowl.

That night, with nothing to my name but one house and a million dollars, I came across a meeting for the coal gang. the rest is history. they are my family now.

You wild bro... lmao
my job matches my 401k contributions
and i have a pension too but STILL
they need to chill
on the REAL
the dems
better step up to the plate
if they get the ball in their hands
we dont need them to win and get complacent
also we as THE PEOPLE
cant let them get complacent
let them know WE are the ones who got them elected
and they better get things done that benefit the people
Two things

First off I am saying that if and when the Dems have power to make sizable changes, middle and upper middle class people have to accept that they will have to undo rig systems that also benefit them. Them will have to tax capital more, they will do things that investors hate, they will have rollback tax credits that many liberals like. So when that time comes to help poor people, affluent liberals should not act like they are now an oppressed income class.

Second, yes the Dems mist deliver but liberal voters need to realize that the Dems need sizable long lasting majorities to bring sizable change. That means blue waves in elections for the next decade plus at a minimum.
day-to-day or even year-to-year fluctuations in a 401k don't mean much unless you're close to retiring. in the long run it'll average out. since most of us are 20-30 years from retiring, I wouldn't sweat it.

the more immediate impact would be if companies start laying people off, the tax base shrinks, government spending goes down, etc. even then your 401k should be fine decades from now. and, like Rusty is saying, vote. having sane, responsible people in government will reduce the likelihood that something catastrophic happens and endangers everyone's savings and retirement.
day-to-day or even year-to-year fluctuations in a 401k don't mean much unless you're close to retiring. in the long run it'll average out. since most of us are 20-30 years from retiring, I wouldn't sweat it.

the more immediate impact would be if companies start laying people off, the tax base shrinks, government spending goes down, etc. even then your 401k should be fine decades from now. and, like Rusty is saying, vote. having sane, responsible people in government will reduce the likelihood that something catastrophic happens and endangers everyone's savings and retirement.
I mean yeah
but let me complain man :lol:
history shows that with wide scale deregulation and taxcuts comes increased market/economic volatility. only thing to do is ride it out and hope dems take back control
Fox Business Network's Dobbs calls bomb attacks 'fake bombs' in since-deleted tweet
Fox Business host Lou Dobbs on Thursday called bombs sent to prominent Democrats including former President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CNN "fake bombs" in a tweet that has since been deleted.

The bombs, which were intercepted, appeared to be coordinated efforts. The attempted attacks have raised new fears about violence in a politically polarized country less than two weeks before the midterm elections.

"Fake News–Fake Bombs," wrote Dobbs in the now-deleted tweet. "Who could possibly benefit by so much fakery?"

Fox Business did not immediately reply to a request for comment from The Hill.

On Thursday Dobbs said he would address his perspective in more detail on his 8 p.m. program Thursday night.

"On Lou Dobbs Tonight I'll take up why FBI and ATF hasn't informed the public about contents of 'suspicious packages': whether hoax or bombs, they were clearly designed to influence election. Why?," he tweeted.

Dobbs, a former CNN host who jumped to Fox Business in 2011, also criticized the focus of the mainstream media on the bombs, instead of the migrant caravan in Mexico moving toward the U.S. southern border.

"Fake News has just successfully changed the narrative from the onslaught of illegal immigrants and broken border security to 'suspicious packages': Let's get back to Left-Wing driven Caravans and the Dimms [Democrats] who encourage them!" Dobbs, a staunch supporter of President Trump, wrote in a different since-deleted tweet.
"Lou Dobbs Tonight" continues to be the top-rated program on business television, a weekly streak that began more than two years ago.
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