***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Speaking as a white(although I did own Edutainment, AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted, Knowledge Is King and most importantly: As Nasty As They Wanna Be) and as a former evangelical lutheran, obviously Obama was a God fearing and happily married man. However his full name was undeniably Barack HUSSEIN! Obama and at the very least half black, which naturally was very suspicious, if not alarming to white evangelicals.

If white evangelicals got caught ******* up, tapping their feet in airport men's restrooms or perpetrating other ungodly acts to minors, they have two options: Blame the devil or deny everything. Both result instant forgiveness. Obama never denied or asked for forgiveness for not being a white evangelical. He never gave them tax cuts either, he kept going on and on about affordable healthcare for the sick and poor. Coded language for not rich people.

Writing this BS brought back memories of a long gone record collection, please take a moment to appreciate the golden age of hiphop. I recommend 2Live Crew : Mi-so horny. semi-NSFW
Judge grants immunity for five witnesses in Manafort case
A federal judge in Alexandria, Virginia, has granted the request for five witnesses to testify with immunity in the criminal trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

US District Judge T.S. Ellis is also ordering the government to tell Manafort's team the nearly 30 witnesses they are going to use in the trial.
In addition, Ellis is expected to rule Monday on Manafort's request to delay the trial, slated to start this week.
A large portion of Monday's hearing, which will reconvene at 2 p.m. ET, has been dedicated to discussing a "data dump" of tens of thousands of pages of documents over the past month by the government.
Manafort appeared in person at Monday's hearing, wearing a green jumpsuit with a rumpled collar.

Judge tells Mueller to name witnesses who got immunity
A federal judge ruled Monday that special counsel Robert Mueller must make public the identities of five witnesses that his prosecutors have granted immunity in exchange for their testimony at the upcoming criminal trial of former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III gave the order to unseal the witnesses’ identities, as well as a complete list of who is going to be called by prosecutors to testify, at the end of a 30-minute hearing in his Alexandria, Virginia, courtroom that primarily revolved around Manafort’s motion to postpone his case until he’s finished fighting a separate suite of charges brought by Mueller in Washington.

Ellis heard arguments on Manafort’s plea for the delay — with the longtime GOP operative seated at the defense table, clean shaven and in his green jail jumpsuit — and said he would release a decision at 2 p.m.

For now, potential jurors for Manafort’s Virginia trial are expected to arrive at the federal courthouse on Tuesday, with jury selection set to begin on Wednesday.

Mueller’s prosecutors have said the case is likely to take three weeks to complete, and they’ve already detailed hundreds of pieces of evidence that could be discussed during the trial.

Mueller initially filed charges against Manafort last October and has since added new indictments. He says the longtime GOP operative made tens of millions of dollars working as an unregistered lobbyist for a Ukrainian political party, channeled his income into offshore accounts, and then used the money in the U.S. to buy houses, cars, sports tickets, jewelry and other goods while lying to tax and banking officials about his earnings and wealth.

In preparation for the trial, Mueller asked Ellis last week to grant immunity for the witnesses, saying it was necessary because they’d otherwise invoke their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

The special counsel didn’t identify the people, but told the court they were “third parties who have not been charged in this matter, and who have not been identified publicly with the case.”

Amid the uncertainty, Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported last week that one of the witnesses slated to testify against Manafort was Tony Podesta, founder of the Podesta Group lobbying shop and brother of Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign chairman Jon Podesta.

Podesta has not responded to requests for comment.
Ellis gave the order to Mueller’s prosecutors to release both the names of the five immunized witnesses and an entire roster of potential witnesses after conferring in private with them just to the side of the bench. The judge also accepted a request from Manafort’s attorney that the defendant could return to the Alexandria jail where he’s been held for the last two weeks and skip Monday afternoon’s hearing.

During Monday’s hearing on the motion to delay the trial, Manafort’s attorneys argued they were scrambling to review thousands of pages of documents that they’d only recently received from Mueller’s prosecutors, including materials from Manafort’s former bookkeeper and pictures and notes contained on cell phones, an iPad and laptop belonging to Rick Gates, the longtime Manafort business partner who pleaded guilty in February and now is cooperating with the special counsel.

Reviewing those documents before the trial “is really the heart of the issue right now,” said Manafort attorney Kevin Downing.

Manafort sat upright during the hearing, reading documents and conferring often with his team of attorneys. As he exited the chamber, the defendant briefly smiled at his wife, Kathleen Manafort, who was seated in the courtroom front row and shook hands with his lawyers.

Ellis, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, has also scheduled a Tuesday morning hearing on what questions will be posed to potential jurors, including a request by Manafort’s attorneys to find out whether they voted in the 2016 presidential election, their main source of news and whether they or immediate family members or friends had ever run for political office.

Mueller’s prosecutors have told Ellis they want to ask jurors if they have “strong feelings about the tax system of the United States or the Internal Revenue Service” and whether violations of tax laws should be prosecuted as crimes by the U.S. They also want to know if there’s anything about Manafort or Mueller “that would prevent or hinder” jurors from reaching a fair and impartial verdict in the case.

The Manafort trial in Washington involving allegations of money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent in connection with his Ukraine-related lobbying work is scheduled to begin Sept. 17.

always been something off about this woman

nothing new.. she got roasted for something somewhat recently.. and people hitting her back up again.. but yea, she looks super duper funny in the light

she has a ton of articles connected with trump (or his family) trying to paint him in a favorable light especially at pretty convenient times for him
Saw somebody rocking this :nthat:


Amen! This 'Merica, which is for ME and MINE, not illegal criminal rapists and murderers (and about 3 or 4 good "people")! Deport that 17 year old child before they can spread their disgusting crime of potentially letting women learn! LOCK HER UP. #thoughtsandprayers #alllivesmatter

Manafort trial postponed to July 31
Updated: 3:28 p.m.:
Paul Manafort’s trial has been postponed a week to July 31.

U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III agreed to a weeklong delay but rejected Manafort’s larger request to delay the trial until later this fall, after a separate case goes to trial in Washington, D.C.

Potential jurors will still gather starting Tuesday, when the judge will brief them on the particulars of the case.
A number of them, if not most of them, don't even have a security clearance to revoke anymore.
Donald Trump Weighs Ending Security Clearances for Six Ex-Officials Who Have Criticized Him
White House says Trump could revoke clearances of ex-national security officials who have ‘politicized’ or ‘monetized’ them
President Donald Trump is considering revoking the security clearances of six former senior national security officials who have criticized him, the White House said Monday.

Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders cited “baseless accusations” by those individuals and others regarding alleged contacts members of Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign may have had with foreign governments.

Ms. Sanders told reporters the administration is looking at clearances of former CIA Director John Brennan, former FBI Director James Comey, former director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former director of the National Security Agency Michael Hayden, former national security adviser and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Mrs. Sanders said Mr. Trump may move to revoke their clearances of those and any individuals who “politicized and in some cases monetized their public service and security clearances.”

“This is kind of a petty way of retribution, I suppose for speaking out against the president,” Mr. Clapper said on CNN.

It is not immediately clear which of the named officials retain security clearances, nor at what level.

Earlier Monday, Sen. Rand Paul urged Mr. Trump to revoke clearances for Mr. Brennan, an outspoken critic of Mr. Trump and his administration.

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