***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Libs don't have a clue about the ELITE level #SmashMouthPolitics conservatives are willing to deploy to own libs. Use Nuclear weapons and end life as we know it to own da libs. Sometimes your total annihilation is the only way to own Da libs.

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Libs don't have a clue about the ELITE level #SmashMouthPolitics conservatives are willing to deploy to own libs. Use Nuclear weapons and end life as we know it to own da libs. Sometimes your total annihilation is the only way to own Da libs.

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Conservatives (Evangelicals, in particular) already support the state of Israel because it is part of the prophecies of Revelations that will herald the apocalypse and the end of life as we know it, to own da libs.
No hand shall touch him, but he shall be stoned or shot; whether beast or man, he shall not live.’ When the trumpet sounds a long blast, they shall come up to the mountain.”

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And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the LORD in the holy mount at Jerusalem.


And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

(missing one but you get the point)


Ummmm you forgot Baron.
Conservatives (Evangelicals, in particular) already support the state of Israel because it is part of the prophecies of Revelations that will herald the apocalypse and the end of life as we know it, to own da libs.

Blow the Seven Trumpets to own the libs.

Trigger the snowflakes with Eschatology.

Would not be surprised.

I've been trying to think about the **** Putin may have on Trump, and this is the only thing that makes sense to me. Dude doesn't seem phased by multiple allegations of misconduct, but his proximity with sex workers and his willingness to shut them up faster than the smoke can rise leads me to give some consideration to the idea that he might be a pimp.

Another thing: there was never a plan to reunite immigrant parents with their kids. What did this administration plan to do with the kids?
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The players don't have enough of a spine... to forfeit wealth and fame for a true cause
Let me prefix this with the obligatory “easy for me to say”, BUT if the players sat out ONE WEEK the nfl would lose SO MUCH MONEY they’d have to listen. TV would go wild. ONE GAME is all it would take. **** would hit the fan quick.

With that said you’re completely correct
Let me prefix this with the obligatory “easy for me to say”, BUT if the players sat out ONE WEEK the nfl would lose SO MUCH MONEY they’d have to listen. TV would go wild. ONE GAME is all it would take. **** would hit the fan quick.

With that said you’re completely correct
Rednecks would lose their minds. The N word would be said more times in that 1 week than in the last decade.
The players don't have enough of a spine... to forfeit wealth and fame for a true cause
the media/NFL/president have set them up perfectly. they could have just done the normal thing and ignored it. no ******* body cares about what each individual American does during the anthem. but instead they made it the #1 focus of the season (to the casual viewer).

point is, if someone wanted a giant audience for their protest of police brutality and the president, this season is it. donate to a charity veterans ahead of a game and then kneel for the anthem and let the cards fall. maybe we even get a "I broke the dam" moment

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