***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Republicans Swear Food Stamp Debate Has No Racial Connotations


Before the House agriculture committee approved a bill requiring more able-bodied adults without dependents to work or enroll in training in order to receive food stamps, Rep. David Scott (D-Ga.) raised a subject that is often left undiscussed.

“The image of able-bodied men not working are African American men in the minds ― not in everybody’s minds, but there are unfortunately people out there who have this mental disposition,” Scott, who is African American, told the committee.

He was not making things up. Researchers have studied the link between welfare politics and racism for decades and found that many people mistakenly believe safety net programs benefit more minorities than whites. A paper published two weeks ago, for instance, found increasing opposition to welfare programs among white Americans worried about their economic status relative to minorities’.

You know what Trump could fix and also be a big step in the right direction? The ongoing problems our country has being dealing with ever since he took office. Why not prioritize those? Oh yeah, cuz there's a "witch hunt" going on and he's tired of it.

Sure, dealing with North Korea is remarkable to certain extents for some but I'd like to know how it can help ordinary people like me in the long run? Like healthcare, wages, law enforcement, address his issues, etc.

Y'all Trumpists forget about how much of a backstabber Trump is with KJU (Rocket Man and Fire & Fury) but y'all expect everything to be fine and dandy. Huh?

He basically went to a Singaporean Mar-A-Lago to meet with Kim, without the golfing.

What issues do you have with healthcare, wages, law enforcement, address his issues, etc.
He knows no matter what he'll be fine at this point. From his nutjob supporters, to his ***** *** party, to the easily amused "oooh this is progress!".

Nut job supporters sheesh the name calling on here is vicious for a politics talk.. ya'll too sensitive.. what exactly is your issue ? What do you want done ? Let's hear it
Nut job supporters sheesh the name calling on here is vicious for a politics talk.. ya'll too sensitive.. what exactly is your issue ? What do you want done ? Let's hear it

He actively attempts to use the Justice Department to go after his political rivals, the mark of a third world despot.

He's insulted our closest allies at every opportunity, including with these ridiculous tariffs, without rhyme or reason, which puts not only our economy but the global one at risk. Simultaneously, he wants Russia back in the G7, after they violated international law and annexed Crimea. Why is he deferential to Putin? You tell me.

His immigration policies are unimaginably cruel. There are parents being told children will be given baths and returned, and they never see them again.

He refuses to release his tax returns after promising to do so - I wonder what he is so scared of?

His appointees are clearly unqualified - Betsy Devos HAS NO IDEA WHAT SHE IS DOING. They're also busy dismissing hundreds of civil rights lawsuits from minorities.

I don't have time to type more
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I wonder if the two dozen people in North Korea, who have internet access, reads NT, reads the politics thread and picked up on the pro Trump commentators, #coalgang, and realized this is the way to ingratiate themselves to Americans.

The Korean foreign minister is like "Mr Rusty Shackleford and Cobra Commander are far more SJW than expected but Sheriff Clarke is right on point, as always."
What issues do you have with healthcare, wages, law enforcement, address his issues, etc.
Imagine being a fan of the president who is down to repeal healthcare mandates, is pro-owners except for coal miners, doesn’t think police brutality is real, and is a compulsive liar on other issues when it comes to domestic and foreign problems like taxes and manufacturing.

Couldn’t be me.
Are you serious with this in June 2018? Educate yourself, i'm not your father and i'm not revisiting talking points just for your singular benefit.

“I don’t know anything. Please someone start from square one and teach me everything I refused to pay attention to all my life. Oh, I won’t read most of what you post btw.”
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The historic meeting is a step in the right direction but at the end of the day all Kim did was sign a letter of intent. There was no concrete agreement as to how they define denuclearization or which specific steps they would undertake. North Korea has pledged similar commitments in the past only to drop them at a later date so it remains to be seen how things will proceed. I'm cautiously optimistic but I'm also not setting myself up for disappointment.

Kim certainly came out of this meeting as a winner. He signed a pledge and got a major concession in return; Trump calling for a stop to the military drills on the Korean peninsula. Which caught both South Korea and the Pentagon off guard, however China had advance knowlede somehow. South Korean officials have urged Trump to clarify his statement on the military drills.
I would also note some of Kim's earlier moves, particularly the closing of the nuclear silo. Kim played it very smart there. The facility had already suffered major damage from a previous nuclear test that caused parts of the surrounding mountain to collapse on the facility. Scientists from China's University of Science and Technology gathered and analyzed that data.
So he permanently shut down an already crippled facility while presenting a different image to the outside world. North Korean state media later issued a statement saying the nuclear tests were no longer needed because they have mastered the technology.

Again, what's happening with North Korea is certainly a step in the positive direction but it's important to look past words and examine the actions that have been undertaken and how. If you don't look deeper into Kim shutting down that nuclear silo you may think that's a very significant development but a closer examination paints a different picture.
Kim most certainly knows what he's doing and should not be underestimated.
The thing about his supporters, I mean followers is that most of them know nothing about politics. They get there "news" from whatever channel they watch and whatever trump tweets out. This man goes out and has rallies and doesn't talk about any actual policies he's working on. He goes out there and talks about MAGA and how well the country is doing and how great things are.

He takes every chance he gets to put down minorities, the former administration and anyone who opposes him. When you try to educate them with facts it doesn't work because they rely on how trump makes them feel. The only time they actually turn on him is when something happens that directly impacts their situation. If it doesn't than they don't care. They're happy because he makes them feel great about themselves and their views because they share the same ones and now can come out and share them publicly, while thinking that there won't be any backlash because their God Emperor does and says the same things..

They don't understand how much of a laughing stock the US is right now. I left right before he got into office and have been traveling and whenever I meet people trump comes up. Every country I've been to so far I get asked how in the world would anyone vote for trump...It really makes you realize just how much ignorance and hatred still exists in the US.. I still have family there but if this man makes it through this term and gets re-elected they're gone too :lol:
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Imagine being a fan of the president who is down to repeal healthcare mandates, is pro-owners except for coal miners, doesn’t think police brutality is real, and is a compulsive liar on other issues when it comes to domestic and foreign problems like taxes and manufacturing.

Couldn’t be me.

Everyone pays for healthcare insurance if you want it to be free move up north.. I pay $200 a year to get insurance I don't think it's that big of cut since health is everything... racism has always existed in this country you can't run from it some people are just racist you cant change that. Police brutality it's been going on and I don't recall Obama doing anything about it either.. when you are president of the USA it's almost standard that you try and talk about the other issues in the world. all of the previous presidents did the same... you want to talk taxes well I cant complain my tax guy told me I'd be getting $4000 more next year due to the stuff trump pushed
Everyone pays for healthcare insurance if you want it to be free move up north.. I pay $200 a year to get insurance I don't think it's that big of cut since health is everything..
So I should leave my country since I want subsidized insurance for those with pre-existing conditions? You sound heartless.

racism has always existed in this country you can't run from it some people are just racist you cant change that. Police brutality it's been going on and I don't recall Obama doing anything about it either..
You can try to improve race relations. For someone like you to say it's impossible to improve on current racial tensions shows your true color.
Obama's DOJ did have civil rights investigations on police brutality cases. What has Jeff Sessions done? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

when you are president of the USA it's almost standard that you try and talk about the other issues in the world. all of the previous presidents did the same...
Don't know where this came from, but I don't recall previous presidents threatening our allies when it comes to trade. Do you?
Are you serious with this in June 2018? Educate yourself, i'm not your father and i'm not revisiting talking points just for your singular benefit.
Dude should just go back to the beginning of the thread and read to understand where the vitriol comes from. Everything the regulars posted then is happening now.
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