Given up or going by what history has shown us and what they still show us today? That's great that you love your politics and all that but ask yourself, why would would white people stop doing something that's been working for them all this time?
Africans FAR outnumber the Europeans there that continue to steal from them so...
-It is simply not asking for white people to stop being racist. That is not the point of voting.
It is to enact laws, structure policy, focus institutions, and form a bureaucracy that is a) provides a strong social and economic safety net for people of all economic classes b) is pro-consumer and worker while giving firms a fair chance to pursue profits and c) guarantees equal participation and protect for people of all races/classes/other groups. Some people still get to be racist if they want, they just don't get sufficient power to impose the will on the lives of the groups they hate; and if they do they get punished for it. There are known laws and policies that can help us get to this place. Things have gotten better in some areas, it is just new challenges arose.
Systemic oppression is different today than it was 150 years ago, different than it was 50 years ago. Racist don't oppress folk though them all wishing for it together, or just through their individual actions. They do it through policy. So you don't need to change every heart to change policy.
I don't give a flying **** is a white person wants to yell the n-word and fly the Confederate flag. But they don't get to pass zoning laws that guarantee they send their kids to better schools than what black people gotta send their kids too.
And why would they change? Because white folk needs healthcare too, the courts **** over white people too, our schools are failing white people too, our tax code ****s over poor whites too. White supremacy is really "white rich supremacy", where non affluent whites are junior stakeholders. White supremacy through neoliberalism ravages white people too. Black folk just catch it the worst.
And some white people want the black people's help in solving other issues, may not a majority, but like I said we don't need a political majority of white people. When incentives align, deals to change different bits.
-Second, dude, many African nations, and West Indian countries are ruled by **** leaders that are **** and who cut **** deals with foreign entities. Most I bet would be way more interested engaging in a true democracy with non-corrupt politicians before they take-up arms. Like
Based Jesus
said, many black immigrants don't think like many African American because they have experience worst, at the hands of dudes that look like them. Plus people got families to raise, they just wanna live life, they don't looking to fight a damn war.
Getting rid of white people is not a panacea for black folk's problems. Politically tribalism, preventing corruption, constructing strong intuitions, protecting a democracy and constructing social safety net will still be an issue they will face.
Killmonger had a good point, but he was not right.
And still, if you are thinking about a world war, sorry, I must point out that white folk got way more military resources. An international race war is not gonna be fisticuffs. Having the numbers advantage means much less than you think.