***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I would like someone or multiple people to describe how one on the Right should handle the kid from Florida ...

I'm genuinely interested in how you feel people should react when a kid goes off saying f everyone who doesn't agree with my stance on guns ...

Please understand I am not asking about or debating 2A ... I am seeking input as to what is an acceptable response to a child speaking their mind ...

I ask because I have a minor in history and spent many a nights reading about Hitler's ability to fortify the right crowds to build his base ... He used children at every turn and played on their innocence to attract adults and ignorance to cement their fellowship ...

In today's world with social media and an ultra-sensitive populous, is it possible to do anything but ignore?

Look at this nonsense :smh: :lol:

Poor, poor conservatives. After decades of using dog whistles and racist language to discredit anyone that disagrees with you, you now want to complain that you can't attack and insult children that survived a mass shooting.

Da snowflakery
I would like someone or multiple people to describe how one on the Right should handle the kid from Florida ...

I'm genuinely interested in how you feel people should react when a kid goes off saying f everyone who doesn't agree with my stance on guns ...

Please understand I am not asking about or debating 2A ... I am seeking input as to what is an acceptable response to a child speaking their mind ...

I ask because I have a minor in history and spent many a nights reading about Hitler's ability to fortify the right crowds to build his base ... He used children at every turn and played on their innocence to attract adults and ignorance to cement their fellowship ...

In today's world with social media and an ultra-sensitive populous, is it possible to do anything but ignore?
Well idk, how about having a normal discussion and not spending time personally attacking a mass shooting survivor, spreading fake news about them to attack them (the Gonzalez constitution photoshop etc), ...
It's not the hardest thing in the world
David Hogg is a bully says the Trump voter
That is the real issue; conservatives are upset that they can't bully and insult these kids the way they would like, the way they usually do with people they disagree with.

The Parkland survivors and everyone else calling them out on their antics are in their eyes are not being fair, because they are not letting conservatives get their way.
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Well idk, how about having a normal discussion and not spending time personally attacking a mass shooting survivor, spreading fake news about them to attack them (the Gonzalez constitution photoshop etc), ...
It's not the hardest thing in the world

lmao check the phrasing too

son is really concerned about how to handle the kid from Florida

when the right wing playbook of tactics on how to handle people (not debate in good faith to find a solution, which clearly allowing civilians to have AR's isn't) fails

the playbook isn't working to handle these kids

lmao check the phrasing too

son is really concerned about how to handle the kid from Florida

when the right wing playbook of tactics on how to handle people (not debate in good faith to find a solution, which clearly allowing civilians to have AR's isn't) fails

the playbook isn't working to handle these kids


I was about to point this out too. His authoritarian feathers are showing.
I'm dying at the thought of high schoolers being some high end technological weapon that conservatives are powerless against. like picking oddjob in GoldenEye. "that's not fair! you can't use him!!"

"we tried insinuating these kids are paid actors. when that tactic didn't work, we tried to lump them together with the idiot kids who eat tide pods. oh ****, those are our kids. so then we tried arguing they lack life experience. I mean I suffered through a slight economic downtown and had to face my own inadequacies in life. what have these kids had to live through??"

with nothing left, these ******* idiot conservatives have only one option left: to have an honest discussion.

and we all know they're not capable of that.
I was thinking about the legendary oration given by Ben Barson, King of Da HUD, back in the fall of '93 when he was unfairly rejected from the ULA Chapter of Phi Beta Gamma.

"Just because I am completely and utterly opposed to the material well being of most black people, you think that I am a sellout. Well let me tell you, mister. Any brother in here would dismantle public and susidized housing if offered a 31k dinning room set, a future place as a host of a Fox News show host and a chance to take one's meals in mister Trump's kitchen wonderful. So you can keep on with that identity politics and your tawdry economic equality and civil rights and civil liberties but as for me, I shall heed the call of the HUD when it comes one quarter century hence, I bid you good day, sir."

Libbies been taking L's every since.

I would like someone or multiple people to describe how one on the Right should handle the kid from Florida ...

I'm genuinely interested in how you feel people should react when a kid goes off saying f everyone who doesn't agree with my stance on guns ...

Please understand I am not asking about or debating 2A ... I am seeking input as to what is an acceptable response to a child speaking their mind ...

I ask because I have a minor in history and spent many a nights reading about Hitler's ability to fortify the right crowds to build his base ... He used children at every turn and played on their innocence to attract adults and ignorance to cement their fellowship ...

In today's world with social media and an ultra-sensitive populous, is it possible to do anything but ignore?
It is perplexing to me why so many woke black dudes get so caught up in the feelings of a white supremacist.

Stop worrying about their feelings; their feelings don't need to change for power to be taken from them. Positive change can happen without their consent


No, black people are not exempt from "changing." That is I disagree with; there are tons of stuff so-called woke dudes do that undermine efforts for positive change and coalition building. Building a perfect union does not stop at racism.

-Stop using legit complaints about how the modern welfare state is failing black folk to push the tacit welfare queen crap, and supporting further destruction of the welfare state.

-Stop using legit objections to media imagery regarding black males to tell members of the LBGTQ+ community that they are less of men or people.

-Stop using legit grievances of how the media covers black issues to peddle Jewish conspiracy nonsense.

-Stop using valid disappoints of the lack of gains since the end of Jim Crow to start yearning for re-segregation. It will only empower white supremacist.

-Stop using legit complaints about the Democratic Party staying home on election day, all election days

-Stop using legit frustration about reciprocity with other demographics to tell immigrants that their fight is inconsequential

-Stop using frustrations with other demographics of black folk to tell black immigrants and biracial people that they are "less black" because they are not African-American or have two black parents

-Stop using urges for equal participation in the economic system to put so much faith in capitalism being the vehicle for economic equality

-Stop using anger over injustice to applaud and take pleasure in the crime justice system ravaging a white person. The whole point of criminal justice reform is for all people, especially poor black people to get the same treatment by the criminal justice system as an affluent white person. Laughing the courts washing a white person does the exact opposite

-Stop defending sexism, classism, homophobia, antisemitism, neoliberalism and other nonsense just because there is a black face attached to it.

I don't want this to come off as respectability politics because this is not about looking good to white people. It is about being consistent in your fight. If someone demands justice for their people, then you look like a hypocrite when you are willing to deny it to others, and adopt the behavior of your oppressors.

I see so many smart black people alienate would be liberal allies AND OTHER BLACK PEOPLE, with hypocritical stances. Yes, the white community has further to go, no question, but that should not blind us to counterproductive behavior within our community. Especially when this discussion is between black people

And finally stop letting the kneejerk reaction to legit criticism be "we white people do it too, or do it worst."

"My eyes have seen The glory"

The power to help elect Trump by pushing the "both parties are the same" claim.

This mentality got the best of @Maximus Meridius in November 2016. I promise that he will not make that same mistake in November 2018.....I assure you.

This fool was on NPR a few days ago tap-dancing for the administration, even being given the boot in absentia. I will enjoy watching his name being dragged in the trumpian mud.

These dudes prolly thought working for Trump would give them prestige they thought he "embodies." Is it even worth it? Sure, working for Trump prolly "pays" well but are these people too DENSE to understand that only shame can only be gained in situations like these. I'd hate to be a child of these people knowing my mom or dad works for an idiot.

Watched a Trump documentary on Netflix last night and I swear, this sham that we disgustingly call a "presidency" happened before during his real estate days. Dude owed so much debt and hated by a lot of people, but for some reason he's given mulligans after mulligans by the same people.

"Melania, I don't know Stormy Daniels! Never will. Believe me. I'm faithful like Bill"
Watched a Trump documentary on Netflix last night and I swear, this sham that we disgustingly call a "presidency" happened before during his real estate days. Dude owed so much debt and hated by a lot of people, but for some reason he's given mulligans after mulligans by the same people.
I had people over for Easter and the discussion turned to politics. It is incredible how little people know about the pre-Apprentice Trump. They wholesale dismissed the Mueller investigation until I explained to them why Mueller is looking into Trump's finances. How does a man call himself a business man, and in a market where the stuff he sells is in demand (gambling and condos), finds a way, time and time again, to go broke? And how does a broke businessman keep getting money to "invest" in ventures that he has proven he doesn't understand? What kind of good businessman goes broke on purpose, all the ******* time?

It is money laundering coupled with some good old Maddoff style scamming.
Trump Invited Vladimir Putin to the White House, Says Kremlin

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed a bill that protects anonymous political spending Thursday, less than a month after Tempe, Arizona, residents voted overwhelmingly to increase transparency on that type of spending in local elections. The battle between city and state opens a new front in the national debate over so-called “dark money” in politics; it's also the first time a state has banned local governments from shining light on secret spending.
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