***Official Political Discussion Thread***



the trump voter will be hit the hardest by trump's actions but this will only make them more likely to vote for trump. the economic downtown will make them angry and they will still view trump as the anti-establishment savior.

it's some ****** up pathological ******** in these people.

Republican governors try to avoid holding special elections
You cannot lose if you do not play

...Until a few months ago Mr Walker expected to cruise to re-election in November for a rare third term. Yet the year started with a shock for him. In January a historically Republican district in a rural western region in Wisconsin voted for Patty Schachtner, a Democrat, in a special election for a state Senate seat, even though her Republican opponent, Adam Jarchow, was far more experienced and better funded.

To avoid another nasty surprise in a special election, Mr Walker decided not to hold any. Yet on March 22nd Josann Reynolds, a county-circuit judge appointed by the governor, ruled that by March 29th he must call special elections for a vacant seat in the state Assembly and one in the state Senate.


Two other Republican governors, Rick Snyder of Michigan and Rick Scott of Florida, are stalling on special elections. Mr Snyder has decided to wait until November to replace John Conyers, a Democratic congressman who resigned in December because of allegations of sexual harassment, as well as Bert Johnson, a Democratic state senator who resigned after pleading guilty to charges of corruption. Mr Scott, who like Mr Snyder is term-limited, is refusing to hold special elections for two seats in Florida’s legislature
I had people over for Easter and the discussion turned to politics. It is incredible how little people know about the pre-Apprentice Trump. They wholesale dismissed the Mueller investigation until I explained to them why Mueller is looking into Trump's finances. How does a man call himself a business man, and in a market where the stuff he sells is in demand (gambling and condos), finds a way, time and time again, to go broke? And how does a broke businessman keep getting money to "invest" in ventures that he has proven he doesn't understand? What kind of good businessman goes broke on purpose, all the ****ing time?

It is money laundering coupled with some good old Maddoff style scamming.

Oh man, Easter and politics. I'm sure that went "well" :lol: happy Easter though. It's waaay too obvious that he's laundering money yet people STILL GIVING THE BENEFIT OF A DOUBT. #BrokeBoyBusiness

I laughed at scenes when some dudes said Donald was so full of it that his delusion causes him to think he has the Midas Touch. More like Medusa :lol:

There were old scenes of him debating with a tax expert (tax abatement case) and TeflonDon really thought he had valid talking points but all he did was cave in to his natural childish state. It was embarassing and uncomfortable to watch but it was pure comedy. Dude's a FRAUD.

His dad was always there to bail him out but TrumpDaFirst should have known better and pulled out. Papa Putin now the daddy :pimp:

Telling us how these GOP nuthuggers really feel, huh. I guess I'm sorry for being poor and have empathy for other peoples' well-being? :lol:

The good thing about being poor is that suffering has been a coping mechanism that helps US POOR PEOPLE to find ways of survival and put up with all the nonsensical BS in this world, especially under this administration.

Y'all not sorry. It's cool. No need to apologize. We all know how this works. :lol:

Better to be poor and have compassion and be dignified >>> Pretend to be rich and know everything.
You libs and your reading and empathy make me SICK

America isn’t about empowering the common man, it’s about propping up businessmen and riding their coattails. As long as you can change your own oil, install your own door, and bbq over charCOAL that’s all the self-reliance you need. Let these special men chosen by God himself, in his image, make the tough decisions. Since they have lots of money they must be the best of the best, and we peons should be honored that they’re willing to bless us with their service, solely because they just love the country and the flag more than we could ever imagine.
These people...
Republicans consider ‘balanced-budget amendment’ after adding more than $1 trillion to the deficit
House Republicans are considering a vote on a “balanced-budget amendment,” a move that would proclaim their desire to eliminate the federal deficit even as they control a Congress that has added more than $1 trillion to it.

The plan is expected to have virtually no chance of passing, as it would require votes from Democrats in the Senate and ratification by three-fourths of the states. Republican lawmakers have pushed for the vote as a way to signal to constituents ahead of the midterm elections that they have tried to reduce the nation's deficit.
Right out of page 1 of Totalitarianism for Dummies.

"What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer[...]And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please." - Hannah Arendt
These people...
Republicans consider ‘balanced-budget amendment’ after adding more than $1 trillion to the deficit
House Republicans are considering a vote on a “balanced-budget amendment,” a move that would proclaim their desire to eliminate the federal deficit even as they control a Congress that has added more than $1 trillion to it.

The plan is expected to have virtually no chance of passing, as it would require votes from Democrats in the Senate and ratification by three-fourths of the states. Republican lawmakers have pushed for the vote as a way to signal to constituents ahead of the midterm elections that they have tried to reduce the nation's deficit.

100% it would work. These people are stupid. Plus they can blame the Democrats for blocking spending cuts. Double win.
100% it would work. These people are stupid. Plus they can blame the Democrats for blocking spending cuts. Double win.
Then they will fleece social security and welfare programs and say the dems didn’t want to support their plan to save it
Perhaps he should just change the name to Corporate Financial Protection Bureau.
Mulvaney Gives Congress Advice on Stripping Away His CFPB Powers
Mick Mulvaney has long complained that the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has too much authority over banks. More than four months into his stint running the watchdog, he’s offering lawmakers specific advice on how they should start stripping those powers away.
Perhaps he should just change the name to Corporate Financial Protection Bureau.
Mulvaney Gives Congress Advice on Stripping Away His CFPB Powers
Mick Mulvaney has long complained that the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has too much authority over banks. More than four months into his stint running the watchdog, he’s offering lawmakers specific advice on how they should start stripping those powers away.
As if they can't be reinstated.
This chick seems dope, didn't know fox fews had hidden gems like this. I hope there's not some crazy video of her out that shows otherwise.

Yeah. That was a great listen. I remember writing Eboni off in the Taylor Rooks thread when she said she was at Fox News....but we gottta revisit that. She was on point as hell.
Hmm, reminds me of a certain word that starts with an S.
Fox cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by "shut up and dribble comments" comments, mocking high school shooting survivors agenda-driven hating libbies
Fox News decries 'intimidation,' affirms support for Ingraham
Fox News on Monday gave a show of support to host Laura Ingraham, who lost several advertisers after she was critical of a Parkland, Fla, shooting survivor on Twitter.

“We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts,” Jack Abernethy, co-president of Fox News, told The Los Angeles Times.

“We look forward to having Laura Ingraham back hosting her program next Monday when she returns from spring vacation with her children,” he added.
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Right out of page 1 of Totalitarianism for Dummies.

"What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer[...]And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please." - Hannah Arendt

The crazy part is that viral video of Sinclair owned stations repeating the same script on multiple networks which basically decries "fake news", but the way it was executed reinforces that belief at the same time :lol:. At the end of the day, Americans aren't intelligent enough to decipher what is or isn't "fake" news, so good luck ever having an "informed" voter.
At the end of the day, Americans aren't intelligent enough to decipher what is or isn't "fake" news, so good luck ever having an "informed" voter.

QFE. I have no faith in these idiots knowing what’s happening to them, how their lives are being affected, or how to stop it.
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