***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bernie is far from a lock. his pie-in-the-sky policies don't sit well with many on the left and his increasing age, which is already starting to show, is only going to be worse in 3 years.

eh he's broadly popular within the party, he is no longer seen as an outsider, he should be the prohibitive favorite.

but he will always be vulnerable to a democrat who can consolidate the black vote.
The latter uses people of color's justifiable fears of white supremacy married to state power to gain the bulk of their votes.

you do realize that the majority of democrat votes don't come from people of color right?

you do realize that global warming and wage inequality affects more white people in the US than people of color right?
Well according to many white men and WOMEN on the right and left, it ain't sexual harassment/abuse if it ain't physical. Like abuse can't be emotional or physicological.
According to my required by law 2 hour sexual harassment seminar, abuse can totally be emotional and there are clear legal penalties and plenty of cases that back that up.
'Pie in the sky' talk regarding policies beneficial to the working class,some of which are commonplace throughout the west, is weaksauce to me when billions are pissed away all the time on things which only benefit a select few...

I mean

Can't tell me the money isnt there,it's just that the will to sustain hegemony supersedes and is stronger than the will to help out everyday folks

On another note,yet another 'adult' in the admin being exposed

Seems like idol > country is the rule of thumb now,it's disgraceful and makes a mockery of the countless officials who have served under opposing party administrations over the years
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According to my required by law 2 hour sexual harassment seminar, abuse can totally be emotional and there are clear legal penalties and plenty of cases that back that up.

We are in agreement friend. Maybe my wording wasn't clear. I was being a bit sarcastic.

My old boss told me that legally and in any corporate setting, the meer mention of sex or anything abstract that may denote sex, can be deemed harassment even if heard in passing by a fellow peer. If they feel it's harrassment, then it's harassment.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is no joke. Cept in the highest office in the land.
I had to double check that headline...7 BILLION?
'Pie in the sky' talk regarding policies beneficial to the working class,some of which are commonplace throughout the west, is weaksauce to me when billions are pissed away all the time on things which only benefit a select few...

I mean

Can't tell me the money isnt there,it's just that the will to sustain hegemony supersedes and is stronger than the will to help out everyday folks

On another note,yet another 'adult' in the admin being exposed

Seems like idol > country is the rule of thumb now,it's disgraceful and makes a mockery of the countless officials who have served under opposing party administrations over the years

Let me tell y'all another I have learnt during my youth in Africa: dictators keep the military happy. While everybody's paycheck stalls or goes down, the MIC and the soldiers get richer. The paths to a decent life for Average Joe progressively become reduced to careers in the armed forces, the police, and the gendarmerie.

I'm afraid people who put their faith into generals will soon find out why there has always been an emphasis on civilian control of the US military.

It can totally happen here.
the DNC has no effective means to stop or "knife" bernie. This isn't a movie. :lol:

Learn to talk to black people and the nomination will be Bernies, barring some unforseen challenger.
Reminds me of this article I read

This is as scary as the article Meth posted

The rehabilitation of Dubya's image over the past year, even with a lot of liberals, makes me feel like this wouldn't be out of the question...|l

People seem to have goldfish-like memories ad can't separate personality from politics/policies. There's no need to lionize folks strictly due to their opposition of the manbaby or because they seem "normal" out of office, it whitewashes away a lot of their own dirty deeds and sweeps them under the rug which sets dangerous precedent.

Seen way too many "He was a good man put in a tough situation" rationalizations for all the wars, million dead Iraqi's and crackdowns on civil liberties under him to write off peoples ability to forgive and forget/ignore in the name of their own personal agendas :smh:

I can already picture in maybe 2 years, President Pence instituting Christian Sharia and folks being like "Boy, remember the hilarious manbaby? Man I miss those days" :lol::sick:
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