***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Shouldn't have done that. Bruh bout to put 5 NPR articles and 2 youtube videos in one long *** post that we gonna have to scroll past now :lol:

Edit: One sentence answer with no "da"s or full articles that he didn't thoroughly read


I'm pleasantly surprised.
I don't defend him any more that I speak the truth of what actually happened. I am sorry that I pay attention to facts and that informs my view on things.

I am not gonna make myself ignorant just to prop up some talking point. And that is exactly what people like Tariq, Umar, and you do. There are legit criticism to make of Obama. But people like you don't make them.

Any black person and knows a lick of economics and how systemic racism really manifest itself would be holding up the ACA and Obama's efforts on universal health as major civil rights and economic rights actions.

I don't understand why dudes willfully ignore politics and economics, real economics, then tell someone that does, "hey, you need to stop"

Yeahhhhhh, no.

You stay on top of this **** more than me but he still did close to nothing. When he did do stuff it was for "minorities" on some lets all get all along. He did nothing for BLACK PEOPLE. He acted like his hands were tied and I get it, he doesn't hold the power to make some huge change but he coulda went harder. You can't preach all this stuff about "change" and "hope" then kinda just put your hands up like you helpless when see you whats going on.
Hillary, Obama, Hillary, Obama. It's like they still hold office. Like a black man and a woman is the worst thing to ever happen to these Neanderthals.

Bout to watch the video just to see the woman responsible for so many fap sessions in my childhood
Sigh, do we really have to go through this again? We just listed out this stuff a few days ago. It's like you want him to label an executive order, program, or policy "this is for black people" to realize the effect that it has for us.
funding, debate scheduling, super delegate disadvantages, etc.


Somehow bernie managed to raise as much as hillary so whatevr the DNC was doing didn't do ****. :lol:



Debate scheduling?

Again what ever they were doing clearly didn't work because Bernie sanders only got more popular as the primary and debates went on. The DNC can't be masterminds and idiots at the same time.

Super Delegates?

What ever disadvantage was irrelevant because Clinton had a massive lead on Sanders.

also if the super delegates didn't over turn Obama's nomination (you could make a really easy argument that Clinton got more votes in 08 by a non trivial margin) then super delegates aint ever giving the nomination to the candidate with less delegates.


There is no ect. DNC could organize a 5 year olds birthday party let alone rig an election. :lol:

People need to move on with their lives.
You stay on top of this **** more than me but he still did close to nothing. When he did do stuff it was for "minorities" on some lets all get all along. He did nothing for BLACK PEOPLE. He acted like his hands were tied and I get it, he doesn't hold the power to make some huge change but he coulda went harder. You can't preach all this stuff about "change" and "hope" then kinda just put your hands up like you helpless when see you whats going on.

Saying he did nothing is wrong. He did do things. I have went over this with you. If you think these things are not important, or he should have done more, fine, that is more than fair. But don't keep telling me he did nothing. You repeating it doesn't make it true

And I have told you why he was powerless politically. The irony is that if black people voted more, especially in midterms, Obama and the Dems would have had much more power to change things. Even Killer Mike says that it was voters that let down Obama, not the other way around. Laws are made in Congress. A president with a hostile Congress is always in a tough spot.

But, like what would you have like him to do, besides say things that agree with your own views? Specifically
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How would that have changed the outcome? Papa Vlad was gonna make sure Trump won regardless :lol:

u you Still think Russia was colluding... thats cute.

da lawyers for various social media testifed today... maybe you should see da percentage of ads they actually bought... spoiler alert, it was laughable. :lol:
one person's institution is another person's road block.

Proof that you can be born here and not know what America is about.

The difference between here and outside of here is that there is no claiming soil or blood. The only thing that holds the US together is the belief in its ideals that are reflected in its institutions. The moment you destroy that is the moment you destroy the idea of America.

That's some seditious speech there. It's sad to read that coming from someone just because they want to win an argument. Sad and ugly.
u you Still think Russia was colluding... thats cute.

da lawyers for various social media testifed today... maybe you should see da percentage of ads they actually bought... spoiler alert, it was laughable. :lol:

So? Just because Russia bought ads to sway the vote, doesn't mean Trunps camp didn't collude...
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