***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I think we have to differentiate between a Bernie Stan over a Leftist that supports Bernie.

I have some issues with Leftist that a support Bernie, which are mostly minor disagreements (some things are not though) and are not things I would want them out of the left wing coalition for. They at least have principles. The would admit that Bernie "L" to Hillary is mainly because of his failure to connect with minorities.Justice is the priority for these people, and Bernie is a vehicle for that.

Bernie Stans are another issue. The are fools with no principles, and that feel their are entitled to their own alt-fact world to re-enforce their shtick. They feel that Bernie was cheated, and if the low information blacks were not tricked by the evil DNC, they would have surely voted the right way. These people just want power, really helping people is secondary.
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Wth is this?

Small government huh...

That's a dangerous slope theyre going down though trying to get social media companies to give up info on dissidents...its straight out of the authoritarian handbook

Saw on the news theyre going after ANTIFA folks, anyone who "openly opposes the administration". from the "justice" department

Its not even a dangerous slope its straight up unconstitutional. smh.
just to check myself, i used a calculator from the pew research center. i entered 150k for honolulu and it said we were in the middle tier which is pretty accurate i think. i entered in the same info except for a 350k income and it said upper tier. i changed it to new york, new york and it said upper tier. everyone has a different opinion of what rich/wealthy is but i don’t see where 350k would be considered middle class household income.

i could be wrong though. i don’t claim to be knowledgeable about socio-economics but to me, your claim seems off the mark.

So you agree that 150k is... I posted a range. The range was 150k-350k. For some reason you want to dwell on 350k. 350k might be a bit high but 150k is certainly middle in MANY places.
150k is upper class income regardless of where you live, with the exception of a few high standard of living areas that Stuntman Mike alluded too.

We have to differentiate between assets/wealth, and income.

Straight from pew.

“Middle-income” households are defined as those with an income that is two-thirds to double that of the U.S. median household income, after incomes have been adjusted for household size. For a three-person household, the middle-income range was about $42,000 to $125,000 annually in 2014 (in 2013-14 dollars). Lower-income households have incomes lower than two-thirds of the median, and upper-income households have incomes that are more than double the median."

Obviously the median is important here dwalk31 dwalk31 because the definitions of both lower and upper income are dependent on the median.

To me 150K household income is quite a bit, obviously dependent on family size and local economies, and pay scales. Rich is subjective.

I am typically thinking of a household of 4, but clearly I was wrong. I didn't think 150k was that far removed. The income gap between what is described as "upper class" and the amount that many take home is substantial. And there are tremendous barriers for African Americans at that level. My apologies for labeling it as the middle class. Label it what you want, the issue is the same. The systematic barriers are problematic.
So I just finished having lunch, and one of my friends hilariously just dissed the whole faction of Bernie supporters, calling them annoying and stupid to the political arena and saying they are 99% almost as bad as Trump stans

Couldn't say I disagreed with him
In the case of the hardcore Bernie stans I would still disagree. Many things can be said about that part of the Bernie faction but at the end of the day they're not directly supporting a vile racist bigot.
So I just finished having lunch, and one of my friends hilariously just dissed the whole faction of Bernie supporters, calling them annoying and stupid to the political arena and saying they are 99% almost as bad as Trump stans

Couldn't say I disagreed with him

im sure you'll be thrilled to learn, there's more than one faction of political stans depending on da political demographic (evangelicals, environmentalists, identity interest groups, etc) :lol: they're all pretty bad once u go to da upper tiers...
When Kim K is the voice of sense. Know your country is ******

In the case of the hardcore Bernie stans I would still disagree. Many things can be said about that part of the Bernie faction but at the end of the day they're not directly supporting a vile racist bigot.
Think about what a low bar that is to clear though.
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150k isn’t as much as people think. I know the majority people are struggling with a lot less but in reality to me I’m not stable and living okay until I’ll hit 250k at least.
The average household in America is I believe just over 2.55 people

With the exception of major cities and other high amenity location, the average can live very to extremely comfortable off of 150K. Housing is usually the major monthly expense for folk.

(However we have to consider that many people pay for cheaper housing with longer commutes. But that problem could be solved quicker if so many white folk didn't still value living far away from minorities)

-Let us remember even if you place some or some family making 150K into the upper middle class. They are not representative of the meat of the middle class. You are talking about the upper end of the income distribution
$150k/year seems like a whole lot for any household to me. Cost of living must be extremely expensive relative to ours.
My mom's net income is €1600 a month and that's sufficient to us tbh.
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