***Official Political Discussion Thread***

aepps20 aepps20 and fellow Coal Gang members, da LIBBIE POLICE is coming to take da Putin muskets b :smh:
At least they can't take my COAL away :pimp:

No WORDS can express my disgust for that horrible letter you received COMRADE. OBUMMER and his LIBBIE AGENDA MUST BE stopped. Coal Gang got your back


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First off let's just point out the fact you are a fast food worker who tried to lie about being a lawyer. Sad.

Second. what new ideas are coming from the right leaning political parties. Lower taxes. Support the military. Stronger law enforcement. Is there anything other than this that those on the left are ignoring

What in the world are you talking about? :lol:
YIKES, another person that doesn't know basic statistics.

There is a very good reason they use the median instead of the mean. You know that right? Or do I need to explain it you you?

Please please please tell me. I know the difference... mind sharing the outer limits? Because there are several cities in America where 60k for a family of four would be tough.

But this is far beyond the initial point. There are systematic barriers for African Americans at all income levels. I appreciate the work that people are doing to end and change that, on all levels. I don't understand why you think we are on opposing sides...

Do you support black businesses/business owners?
All I WANT is for RAYMOND LEWIS to be the director of URBAN outreach. His support of the troops and the Flag is UNPRESIDENTED. If he keeps this up he will be the new HUD king when Barson runs in 2020.

if he doesn't watch himself, Ray Ray might mess around and find himself president. I know it's Barson's destiny, but he would be happy leaving the country in the capable hands of Raymond.

YIKES, another person that doesn't know basic statistics.

There is a very good reason they use the median instead of the mean. You know that right? Or do I need to explain it you you?

c'mon man, you think he knows a damn thing about statistics?
Please please please tell me. I know the difference... mind sharing the outer limits? Because there are several cities in America where 60k for a family of four would be tough.

But this is far beyond the initial point. There systematic barriers for African Americans at all income levels. I appreciate the work that people are doing to end and change that, on all levels. I don't understand why you think we are on opposing sides...

Do you support black businesses/business owners?

What kind of goal post move is this? You know the difference but you clearly don't know why median is used as a measure of central tendency over the mean.

What the hell did you quote me anyway? To spew ignorance on basic statistics? No where in my comment did I say anything beyond stating what the median household income is. Now you wanna talk about some black families can survive with that in certain cities. Ok? What the hell does that have to do with my comment?

For the record median is used because income are not normally distributed and outliers affect the mean too much. Congrats, you are now less uninformed that when you woke up this morning. You're welcome.

Yes I support black business. Being a social Democrat doesn't make you against private business. If anything it empowers self enterprise. This is more economics I am not in the mood to explain.

And yes we are on opposing sides. I want to improve the economic situation of all me people and in turn nearly all Americans. In fact white folk would other groups would benefit a ton under the policies I support too. Plus I care about the civil right of minorities, unlike you.

You are just a lying troll that views the rights of people that look like you negotiable, if that means you can get some easy passive income. Who cares if white supremacy rages on if you can get a rental property, right?

So miss me with you deflections, goal post moves, false equivalencies, strawmen, lies and all around bull ****

Me and you are not the same
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COMRADE whywesteppin is right as always. RAYMOND IS SETTING himself up very nicely for a 2020 run. Don has already vouched for him

His SPEECH to protesters was like MLK in his prime. GO HOME, STOP

FINALLY his respect for the Flag

Of course He IS the creator of the Coal Dance

COMRADE whywesteppin is right as always. RAYMOND IS SETTING himself up very nicely for a 2020 run. Don has already vouched for him

His SPEECH to protesters was like MLK in his prime. GO HOME, STOP

FINALLY his respect for the Flag

Of course He IS the creator of the Coal Dance



Ray Ray gonna prob win the raccoon of the year award at Tariq Nasheed's raccoon Train Awards.
Wth is this?

Small government huh...

That's a dangerous slope theyre going down though trying to get social media companies to give up info on dissidents...its straight out of the authoritarian handbook
So is 150k middle class?
Is 350k rich for household income?
just to check myself, i used a calculator from the pew research center. i entered 150k for honolulu and it said we were in the middle tier which is pretty accurate i think. i entered in the same info except for a 350k income and it said upper tier. i changed it to new york, new york and it said upper tier. everyone has a different opinion of what rich/wealthy is but i don’t see where 350k would be considered middle class household income.

i could be wrong though. i don’t claim to be knowledgeable about socio-economics but to me, your claim seems off the mark.
150k is upper class income regardless of where you live, with the exception of a few high standard of living areas that Stuntman Mike alluded too.

We have to differentiate between assets/wealth, and income.

Straight from pew.

“Middle-income” households are defined as those with an income that is two-thirds to double that of the U.S. median household income, after incomes have been adjusted for household size. For a three-person household, the middle-income range was about $42,000 to $125,000 annually in 2014 (in 2013-14 dollars). Lower-income households have incomes lower than two-thirds of the median, and upper-income households have incomes that are more than double the median."

Obviously the median is important here dwalk31 dwalk31 because the definitions of both lower and upper income are dependent on the median.

To me 150K household income is quite a bit, obviously dependent on family size and local economies, and pay scales. Rich is subjective.
So I just finished having lunch, and one of my friends hilariously just dissed the whole faction of Bernie supporters, calling them annoying and stupid to the political arena and saying they are 99% almost as bad as Trump stans

Couldn't say I disagreed with him
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