***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Remember how we were stunned to learn in school that a whole country of people in Nazi Germany can get behind the atrocities of an authoritarian?

We're seeing exactly who those same types of people would be in this day and age.

It's like seeing those classic psychology experiments on obedience and authoritarianism come to life. This dude with a wave of his hand throwing up a bloods sign has been able to erase decades of anti-Russia and anti-Nazi sentiment. Along with sentiment against the South in the Civil War.

Even if you want to somehow ignore all of this, and the fact that he's under investigation for undermining our democracy, he's done a horrendous job as president. We've almost forgotten that he's hellbent on policies that are harmful to the environment, and was pushing a healthcare plan that would have been a disaster and accomplished nothing but funnel money to the wealthy. And then these **** stains want to come in here and call us sheep when all they seem to care about is spiting liberals, and having an autocrat whose **** to ride (which there's room for since his wife doesn't, so macho right?).
Never knew that one could do so much damage in such little time while on a "vacation". Man, as well as pretty much everyone else, would've been better off disconnecting himself completely for the full 17 days
Remember how we were stunned to learn in school that a whole country of people in Nazi Germany can get behind the atrocities of an authoritarian?

We're seeing exactly who those same types of people would be in this day and age.

It's like seeing those classic psychology experiments on obedience and authoritarianism come to life. This dude with a wave of his hand throwing up a bloods sign has been able to erase decades of anti-Russia and anti-Nazi sentiment. Along with sentiment against the South in the Civil War.

Even if you want to somehow ignore all of this, and the fact that he's under investigation for undermining our democracy, he's done a horrendous job as president. We've almost forgotten that he's hellbent on policies that are harmful to the environment, and was pushing a healthcare plan that would have been a disaster and accomplished nothing but funnel money to the wealthy. And then these **** stains want to come in here and call us sheep when all they seem to care about is spiting liberals, and having an autocrat whose **** to ride (which there's room for since his wife doesn't, so macho right?).

he has the trifecta: 1) collusion with a foreign enemy, 2) works with and encourages Nazis, and 3) is an incompetent politician who doesn't understand how things work.
Il Douche might be the only man alive that could have the modern day GOP sounding like moderates when it comes to race. Even they've shown enough judgement to know better than to cosign his BS,even after cosigning almost his every move so far,at least publically...
who is this "Pedo" clown on here??? Get him the F*** outta here...
His name is Pede. Likely short for centipedes. R/The_Donald members refer to their followers as centipedes or pedes for a shorter version.
That and the remarks made by said person in this thread would lead me to believe he's likely a frequenter on that subreddit, supports it or his name simply happens to be awfully coincidental.

Yea that wasn't any damn 'leak' :lol:

Whatever attention he did manage to divert shortly was quickly brought right back to the manbaby after his his most recent unamerican tweetstorm though...
Every day he manages to sink lower and lower. It's mindblowing tbh.

He sure tried hard to come up with that one :lol:
The statue of general Lee wasn't even erected during the confederacy, but in 1924. It's not even historical, unless you count a southern attempt to glorify a general from a lost war as history.

Most of them weren't. The Confederacy was too busy worrying about their survival to prematurely start erecting statues of themselves all over the place.

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