So who is the threat to this country if the
radical muslims aren't? I guess the terror groups are all propaganda
Wake up. These people want to kill americans and have been fighting a biblical war since the beginning of their existence and need to be dealt with. Just ask Hillary, she sacrificed our people in benghazi to these radicals then lied to us about it.
What good has come from not having a wall? More drugs and illegal immigrants (some get better care then our army veterans) being pumped into the USA? Not just marijuana either, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin ect. You don't see Canadians jumping fence by the thousands, do you?
What about Chicago's death toll the past 10/15 years? No one wants to talk about that.. a huge democrat problem.
The city of Detroit was destroyed by democrats, along with the flint water crisis.
Just take a look at the failed city of baltimore as well.. every issue they had in that city was a democrat problem. They haven't had a republican city council member since 1942... the last republican senator they had in office was 1980.. but its the republican party causing these types of problems.
You can keep pointing out these small, meaningless issues but it won't have an effect on whats really important.
Sure its changing, but he fumbled big time.. you think the american people will take more risk and put the first woman in office when we are 20 TRILLION in the red? WAKE UP