***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Gallup approval ratings

Obamacare: 55%

Trump: 38%https://t.co/rizB3b0Lgw
— Dan Diamond (@ddiamond)

May 17, 2017
Trending in the wrong direction for da don:


The absolute numbers don't matter as much as the trend. It's going down...
timeline of Clinton's impeachment, thanks to @FromCarl on twitter:

1. Ken Starr started investigating Clinton when first appointed independent counsel in Aug 1994
2. In early 1998, Starr expanded his inquiry to include possibility of obstruction of justice http://wapo.st/2rf5pZA
3. Sept 98, Starr report says there is evidence Clinton obstructed justice (tried to persuade witnesses to lie) http://cnn.it/2qwjnUc
4. Oct 98: House, in control of Republicans, votes to initiate impeachment process (31 Dems join GOP majority) http://cnn.it/2pWgXMW
5. Two months later, full House votes for two articles of impeachment against the president (obstruction is one). http://nyti.ms/2pKTpiU
6. Senate acquits (charges rejected well short of 67 votes needed for conviction). Clinton serves full 2nd term.
Not sure if the dow means anything. Did a record drop the day after the election and then miraculously bounced back up
Not sure if the dow means anything. Did a record drop the day after the election and then miraculously bounced back up

They bounced back because there was going to be a corporate tax cut. Now that the cut is in jeopardy, markets are tumbling.
Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump had not divulged any secrets during a meeting in Washington with Russian officials and offered to prove it by supplying Congress with a transcript.
Straight up trolling us.
minus whale drop the yellow tape while he's at it 
POTUS brags about F-35 and Ford-class carrier cost savings—neither of which are in service by the Coast Guard.
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 17, 2017
trump loves playing the victim card. Life is so unfair for him!
Da MSM been unfair during the election b. But da Dapper Don skated b
All da sexism and racism he said during da election? Fake news b, he's just keeping it real. All da racial discrimination and fraud lawsuits dat he lost? FAKE NEWS B. And da worst is dat he only got a small loan from his daddy. I feel bad for da Don. He made it from da 50 mil to now da 1 bil. :pimp:

Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump had not divulged any secrets during a meeting in Washington with Russian officials and offered to prove it by supplying Congress with a transcript.

Straight up trolling us.:lol: :smh:  
minus whale drop the yellow tape while he's at it 

[QUOTE url="[MEDIA=twitter]864872293297684480[/MEDIA]"]
POTUS brags about F-35 and Ford-class carrier cost savings—neither of which are in service by the Coast Guard.
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 17, 2017

:rofl: omg

Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump had not divulged any secrets during a meeting in Washington with Russian officials and offered to prove it by supplying Congress with a transcript.

Straight up trolling us.:lol: :smh:  
minus whale drop the yellow tape while he's at it 

[QUOTE url="[MEDIA=twitter]864872293297684480[/MEDIA]"]
POTUS brags about F-35 and Ford-class carrier cost savings—neither of which are in service by the Coast Guard.
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) May 17, 2017


Didn't his budget proposal have large cuts to the coast guard also? :lol:
Brilliant move
Da MSM been unfair during the election b. But da Dapper Don skated b
All da sexism and racism he said during da election? Fake news b, he's just keeping it real. All da racial discrimination and fraud lawsuits dat he lost? FAKE NEWS B. And da worst is dat he only got a small loan from his daddy. I feel bad for da Don. He made it from da 50 mil to now da 1 bil. :pimp:

Alan Neuhauser @alneuhauser

BREAKING: @SheriffClarke announces he will "accept an appointment as an assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland Security."
3:21 PM - 17 May 2017

This is the **** from Texas right?
Sheriff Uncle Ruckus is from Milwaukee

“We’ll see them in court:” Sheriff Clarke defiant after county board authorizes $35K to sue him for blocking investigation

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was defiant on Thursday, April 20th after the county's Board of Supervisors unanimously approved spending $35,000 on private lawyers so county auditors could sue Clarke for blocking an investigation.

Jerry Heer, director of the county's Audit Services Division, said in his request to the board that Clarke wasn't allowing auditors to interview deputies. Heer, county board members, and County Executive Chris Abele contend that a 2015 resolution allows auditors to interview any county employee as part of an investigation.

"We'll see them in court, all the way up to the State Supreme Court if necessary," Clarke said in a statement through his spokeswoman, Fran McLaughlin.

Heer has not named the investigation that Clarke is blocking. The Audit Services Division is looking into a harassment complaint filed by a Milwaukee man against Clarke, and is also conducting an audit of four inmate deaths that occurred in Milwaukee County's jails in 2016. It's not known whether there are additional investigations.

Abele said in an interview that he would sign the legislation.

"We don’t want to start dumbing down our own standards of accountability, and yeah, that is worth at least $35,000," Abele said. "I wouldn’t sign it if I didn’t think legally we had a case."

Auditors are requesting outside counsel because the county's Corporation Counsel represents both the Audit Services Division and the Sheriff's Office, and would have a conflict of interest in this case.

The county board approved the auditors' request Tuesday without debate. Chairman Theo Lipscomb said he was hopeful that the sheriff would comply with the auditor's request before facing a lawsuit, which he expected to be filed quickly.

"It would be nice if the sheriff would avoid this public expenditure and just cooperate with Audit and allow access to his staff," Lipscomb said in an interview.

Heer did not return a phone message seeking comment about how quickly auditors would file suit against Clarke, or whether his staff had communicated with the sheriff recently about the investigation in question.

A 2015 county ordinance  gives auditors broad authority to investigate waste, fraud and abuse.

“All County employees, officers, elected officials, vendors, contractors, subcontractors, and applicants, unless otherwise excluded, shall cooperate," the ordinance says.
When asked, Clarke hasn't pointed to any local, state or federal laws that allow him to prevent auditors from talking with Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office employees.
Through McLaughlin, his spokeswoman, Clarke predicted that the county would end up paying more than the $35,000 authorized Thursday.

"The County Board will have to pay to sue the Sheriff and pay to defend the Sheriff too," McLaughlin wrote.
A committee aiming to persuade the "people’s sheriff"  to run for the U.S. Senate is raising money by highlighting the African-American’s inflammatory statements about Black Lives Matter.

It’s no secret that Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr., a Donald Trumpsupporter and nationally  known  conservative, has harshly criticized the group.

Yet, we wondered if he has gone as far as the Sheriff David Clarke for U.S. Senate draft committee says he has.  

As reported  by the liberal magazine Mother Jones, the committee sent a fundraising email on April 5, 2017 that suggested several reasons why Clarke would make a good senator -- starting with this one:

"Milwaukee’s conservative black Sheriff CORRECTLY says ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’ is a terrorist movement, a hate group, and calls it ‘Black LIES Matter.’"

The committee also makes the statement  on its website.

Let’s look at each of the three parts.

The committee

Sheriff David Clarke for U.S. Senate is not a committee authorized by Clarke, but is registered  with the Federal Election Commission as an official draft campaign.

It has attacked  first-term U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat, for being a lesbian as part of its effort to get Clarke to run against her in 2018. Clarke has not ruled out a run, but hasn’t expressed strong interest, either, while a number of Republicans have.   

For her part, Baldwin has said Clarke is "being groomed"  to challenge her, and has raised campaign funds herself off his possible candidacy.

While a favorite of the right, Clarke has drawn criticism for his racial remarks as well as for his performance as sheriff as he increasingly spends time on national television and traveling the country on speaking engagements. He has also said virtually nothing about four inmate deaths in the jail he manages that are under investigation.

Now to the statement about what Clarke said.

‘Hate group’

Black Lives Matter formed after a Florida jury in 2013 found George Zimmerman not guilty of murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African-American teen. Describing  its aim as rebuilding "the black liberation movement," the group has participated around the country in demonstrations, including  somearound Milwaukee, about police killings of black people.

Clarke called Black Lives Matter a "hate group" in a July 2016 opinion column  he wrote for FoxNews.com and has made any number of similar references such as these:

  • "I wish the Southern Poverty Law Center would add them (Black Lives Matter) to the list of hate groups in America … this hateful ideology of Black Lives Matter." -- Fox News’ "America’s News HQ,"  July 31, 2016

  • "Black Lives Matter are purveyors of hate. It is a hateful, violent ideology." -- Fox News’ "Hannity"  show, July 17, 2016
Black ‘Lies’ Matter

Clarke has used "Lies" instead of "Lives" in referencing the group many times, including in his memoir, released in February 2017, and on CNN  and Fox  in 2015.

In the Fox interview, he elaborated on why, saying:

"The whole thing is built on a lie, the whole premise is built on a lie. But it’s a conglomeration of misfits. You have Occupy movement, you have organized labor in on it now, you have criminals, you have black racialists, you have cop haters and anarchists have now formed together this faux movement, if you will."

‘Terrorist movement’

Clarke hasn’t used a terrorism reference nearly as often, but he does so twice in his book:

  • Black Lives Matter does not "care about black lives. They care about their own radical ideology of terrorism: anarchy."

  • "In the five days surrounding the Dallas shooting -- which was the worst police massacre since 9/11, by the way -- there was even more Black LIES Matter-inspired violence (four attacks on police are listed)….Let me guess. You’d never heard of these incidents. That’s because the media protect and lie about this insidious terror organization."
Clarke also predicted on Twitter  in 2015 that Black Lives Matter "will join forces with ISIS to being (sic) down our legal constituted republic."

And in a July 2016 column  he wrote for The Hill, he said: "We have several forces internal and external attacking our rule of law: ISIS, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street – just the most recent iterations of the elements who brand themselves as unique but seek the same revolutionary aim: take down the West …"  

Our rating

The Sheriff David Clarke for U.S. Senate draft committee says that Clarke said Black Lives Matter "is a terrorist movement, a hate group and calls it, Black LIES Matter."

Clarke has repeatedly used Lies instead of Lives in labeling the group, and has repeatedly called it a hate group. In his memoir, he calls the group a "terrorist organization."

We rate the statement True.
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