***Official Political Discussion Thread***


The ACA marketplace was never designed or destined to fail. It was underfunded and attacked from the jump

Every healthcare economist points this out.

Word,the GOP legit made it their mission to make it fail :lol:

People don't even know that it was them defunding the risk corridor that made prices jump last year, it wasn't something that happened organically.

They underfunded public healthcare co-ops for years so they could die.

GOP governors not expanding Medicaid for........reasons :rolleyes

People don't even know the ACA is much cheaper that expected, even if you account for all the GOP's buffoonery.
The ACA marketplace was never designed or destined to fail. It was underfunded and attacked from the jump

Every healthcare economist points this out.

most of da poison of Obamacare was delayed till da last years of implementation, thats why it started to fall apart on da outset...it was cobbled together to go just far enough so that a public option/single payer would eventually replace it.

EVERY single Democrat when asked basically treated Obamacare as a stop gap measure.
The ACA marketplace was never designed or destined to fail. It was underfunded and attacked from the jump

Every healthcare economist points this out.

most of da poison of Obamacare was delayed till da last years of implementation, thats why it started to fall apart on da outset...it was cobbled together to go just far enough so that a public option/single payer would eventually replace it.

EVERY single Democrat when asked basically treated Obamacare as a stop gap measure.

Ninja you don't understand the economics of a healthcare marketplace. You are punching above your weight class as usual on the economic issue. Nothing fell apart from the onset. It was the budget trickery that hurt the marketplaces.

And the original drafts of the ACA had a public option, the public option passed the House. Even Obama admitted more should have been done and should be done. This is no secret. But there was a compromise

It is the GOP that fooled people, including you, to think the Dems just rammed it down the country's throat.
Yo Rust remember that time I argued with you about not being sympathetic about white middle aged men dying? Well I take that back now, they seriously can't die any sooner....specially the ones in this administration.
Ninja you don't understand the economics of a healthcare marketplace. You are punching above your weight class as usual on the economic issue. Nothing fell apart from the onset. It was the budget trickery that hurt the marketplaces.

And the original drafts of the ACA had a public option, the public option passed the House. Even Obama admitted more should have been done and should be done. This is no secret. But there was a compromise

It is the GOP that fooled people, including you, to think the Dems just rammed it down the country's throat.
i also believe that we have to start changing people's views on healthcare as well. there are too many people with the Rico mentality that if people cannot look out for themselves financially that it is their fault for it and that government should not help to provide for them, seeing healthcare as some form of entitlement.  this selfish kind of thinking that the GOP has used to plague many Americans thinking on the issue is disgusting 
After a thorough examination of the order, at this time the ACLU will not be going through with a lawsuit against Trump's Religious Liberty executive order. 

NEW YORK — After careful review of the executive order covering the Johnson Amendment signed by President Trump today, the American Civil Liberties Union has determined not to file a lawsuit at this time.

American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Anthony D. Romero issued the following statement:

“Today’s executive order signing was an elaborate photo-op with no discernible policy outcome. After careful review of the order’s text we have determined that the order does not meaningfully alter the ability of religious institutions or individuals to intervene in the political process. The order portends but does not yet do harm to the provision of reproductive health services.

“President Trump’s prior assertion that he wished to ‘totally destroy’ the Johnson Amendment with this order has proven to be a textbook case of ‘fake news.’

“The directive to federal agencies to explore religious-based exceptions to healthcare does cue up a potential future battle, but as of now, the status quo has not changed.

“What President Trump did today was merely provide a faux sop to religious conservatives and kick the can down the road on religious exemptions on reproductive health care services.

“We will continue our steadfast charge to defend Americans’ right to exercise their religion and ensure their freedom from having others’ beliefs forced upon them. The ACLU stands ready to sue the Trump administration and in the event that this order triggers any official government action at all, we will see Trump in court, again.”
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The ACA marketplace was never designed or destined to fail. It was underfunded and attacked from the jump

Every healthcare economist points this out.

most of da poison of Obamacare was delayed till da last years of implementation, thats why it started to fall apart on da outset...it was cobbled together to go just far enough so that a public option/single payer would eventually replace it.

EVERY single Democrat when asked basically treated Obamacare as a stop gap measure.

Ninja you don't understand the economics of a healthcare marketplace. You are punching above your weight class as usual on the economic issue. Nothing fell apart from the onset. It was the budget trickery that hurt the marketplaces.

And the original drafts of the ACA had a public option, the public option passed the House. Even Obama admitted more should have been done and should be done. This is no secret. But there was a compromise

It is the GOP that fooled people, including you, to think the Dems just rammed it down the country's throat.

they did ram it down, it was passed da way Trump's repeal & replace passed da House, a one party strong arm vote.

btw, da "underfunded" parts of Obamacare was Obama thinking young millennials that are broke & unemployed were gonna pay da freight of da money to power da law, and when it didn't happen da government was supposed to bail out da Insurance Companies who were hemorrhaging money.

joint was destined to Hindenburg out da frame da minute it left da lot without da public option.
The ACA marketplace was never designed or destined to fail. It was underfunded and attacked from the jump

Every healthcare economist points this out.

most of da poison of Obamacare was delayed till da last years of implementation, thats why it started to fall apart on da outset...it was cobbled together to go just far enough so that a public option/single payer would eventually replace it.

EVERY single Democrat when asked basically treated Obamacare as a stop gap measure.

Ninja you don't understand the economics of a healthcare marketplace. You are punching above your weight class as usual on the economic issue. Nothing fell apart from the onset. It was the budget trickery that hurt the marketplaces.

And the original drafts of the ACA had a public option, the public option passed the House. Even Obama admitted more should have been done and should be done. This is no secret. But there was a compromise

It is the GOP that fooled people, including you, to think the Dems just rammed it down the country's throat.

they did ram it down, it was passed da way Trump's repeal & replace passed da House, a one party strong arm vote.

btw, da "underfunded" parts of Obamacare was Obama thinking young millennials that are broke & unemployed were gonna pay da freight of da money to power da law, and when it didn't happen da government was supposed to bail out da Insurance Companies who were hemorrhaging money.

joint was destined to Hindenburg out da frame da minute it left da lot without da public option.

Nearly every sentence of this is incorrect

The ACA marketplace was never designed or destined to fail. It was underfunded and attacked from the jump

Every healthcare economist points this out.

most of da poison of Obamacare was delayed till da last years of implementation, thats why it started to fall apart on da outset...it was cobbled together to go just far enough so that a public option/single payer would eventually replace it.

EVERY single Democrat when asked basically treated Obamacare as a stop gap measure.

Ninja you don't understand the economics of a healthcare marketplace. You are punching above your weight class as usual on the economic issue. Nothing fell apart from the onset. It was the budget trickery that hurt the marketplaces.

And the original drafts of the ACA had a public option, the public option passed the House. Even Obama admitted more should have been done and should be done. This is no secret. But there was a compromise

It is the GOP that fooled people, including you, to think the Dems just rammed it down the country's throat.

they did ram it down, it was passed da way Trump's repeal & replace passed da House, a one party strong arm vote.

btw, da "underfunded" parts of Obamacare was Obama thinking young millennials that are broke & unemployed were gonna pay da freight of da money to power da law, and when it didn't happen da government was supposed to bail out da Insurance Companies who were hemorrhaging money.

joint was destined to Hindenburg out da frame da minute it left da lot without da public option.

Nearly every sentence of this is incorrect


so you explain why without even repealing it its failing on its ***.

cuz everything i said happened.

only thing Obamacare care did that worked was Medicaid expansion, which is basically lowering da threshold for people to qualify for free Medicaid insurance.... which was paid by da huge taxes embeded in Obamacare.

Obamacare should've just been expand Medicaid times 10x and be done.
so you explain why without even repealing it its failing on its ***.

cuz everything i said happened.

only thing Obamacare care did that worked was Medicaid expansion, which is basically lowering da threshold for people to qualify for free Medicaid insurance.... which was paid by da huge taxes embeded in Obamacare.

Obamacare should've just been expand Medicaid times 10x and be done.
You never know what you're talking about, ever.
only thing Obamacare care did that worked was Medicaid expansion, which is basically lowering da threshold for people to qualify for free Medicaid insurance.... which was paid by da huge taxes embeded in Obamacare.
I was laid off in 2015, lost my employer health coverage, but was able to elect coverage through our health connector (Obamacare). Worked for me.
It's "failing" because it's underfunded. 

its "underfunded" because it was built on da premise that

A. young people were gonna sign up cuz da mandate would compel them to,

B. Insurance Companies would get bailed out by da government if that didn't happen.

because neither of those happened it went into a death spiral cuz da only people signing up were da sick & elderly.

why you think da Mandate was integral for da law to work? hello... :lol:
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It's underfunded because Republicans understand that if you starve it and tell people rhetoric about death spirals they'll ignorantly parrot it and blame Obama like they do for everything else.
The ACA marketplace was never designed or destined to fail. It was underfunded and attacked from the jump

Every healthcare economist points this out.

most of da poison of Obamacare was delayed till da last years of implementation, thats why it started to fall apart on da outset...it was cobbled together to go just far enough so that a public option/single payer would eventually replace it.

EVERY single Democrat when asked basically treated Obamacare as a stop gap measure.

Ninja you don't understand the economics of a healthcare marketplace. You are punching above your weight class as usual on the economic issue. Nothing fell apart from the onset. It was the budget trickery that hurt the marketplaces.

And the original drafts of the ACA had a public option, the public option passed the House. Even Obama admitted more should have been done and should be done. This is no secret. But there was a compromise

It is the GOP that fooled people, including you, to think the Dems just rammed it down the country's throat.

they did ram it down, it was passed da way Trump's repeal & replace passed da House, a one party strong arm vote.

btw, da "underfunded" parts of Obamacare was Obama thinking young millennials that are broke & unemployed were gonna pay da freight of da money to power da law, and when it didn't happen da government was supposed to bail out da Insurance Companies who were hemorrhaging money.

joint was destined to Hindenburg out da frame da minute it left da lot without da public option.

Nearly every sentence of this is incorrect


so you explain why without even repealing it its failing on its ***.

cuz everything i said happened.

only thing Obamacare care did that worked was Medicaid expansion, which is basically lowering da threshold for people to qualify for free Medicaid insurance.... which was paid by da huge taxes embeded in Obamacare.

Obamacare should've just been expand Medicaid times 10x and be done

Oh you sweet summer child.

-Nothing you said happened.

-The ACA was not rammed through like the AHCA was. There were debates, hearings, the CBO scored multiple version of the ACA and alternatives plans. Ryan didn't even wait for the new score to come in. Also, the ACA was passed under regular rules at first in the House. Not that it matters really, but still.

-Secondly. You have no idea what you are talking about with expand Medicaid 10x and be done with it.

Medicaid is a public program, ran by the states funded by the Fed. Public options are usually tied to your income, the thing with Medicaid is that is doesn't charge people extra for the coverage it gives. If it was expanded 10x or lets sound like we have some sense, to cover everyone not under private insurance, then you will have people making above the median household income receiving free health insurance. You don't know expensive that would be? Of course you don't because in the next sentence you complain about taxes, and you complain about Obama and the national debt.

You are rambling so much you don't even realize you are contradicting yourself and making yourself look like a hypocrite.

Also you plan would fall apart for so many reason. First no Republican would back it, a detail your love to leave out. Not moderate Dem would back it especially since the public option was killed in the Senate. Also blue states probably would not want to take on that much debt because employers could just drop coverage and force people onto Medicaid. So you would be looking at having to nationalize Medcaid to make it work, and look into things like adding premiums.

Hmmmm now a nationalized system that the middle class can use to get cheap coverage and charges premiums. Sounds exactly like a public option, now doesn't it. And guess what, Obama tried to get a public option, so did most of the Dems, Libermann killed it in the Senate.

Like I said, you are punching above your weight class.

-Onto under funding, because here I see more ignorant talking points. No insurance company was hemorrhaging money when compared there overall business that is also propped up by Federal money . The plans they were selling just were not making that much money, or they were losing in some area. They could easily address that through raising the prices for everyone, which they did in many areas.

The under-funding comes from the fact because there was not a public option Obama help set up local health co-ops to have more lower cost options. The GOP attacked that in budget negotiations. Also the risk corridor was attack my Marco Rubio, that is part of the law that helps mitigate the cost of covering sick people. When that funding that was promised got rolled back, then insurers either pulled out of places or raised prices. Alaska was able to stop their prices jumping by funding their own risk corridor.

It the subsidies are there (that is why I call it underfunded), and if the mandate was stronger (strong the GOP was against and have attacked ever since), and the co-ops were funded, you would see more insurers, and lower prices. That how the marketplace works. You think it was doomed from the jump because you don't understand how a marketplace works Ninja. it is just that simple. BTW, most people including you get your insurance subsidized by the Federal government.

Plus there were a ton of other Dem idea to do the marketplace more left and the GOP all hated them.

-ALL OF SUDDEN YOU WANT TO ATTACK THE ACA FROM THE LEFT. That is so laughable and hypocritical that everyone is probably shaking their head at this stuff.

First you lie about it being rammed through, then you act like it should have simply be made more left wing.

Dude please, no one is buying is "pivot" :lol:
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