***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I reckon da Donald has been significantly hurting these candidates' campaigns in Europe. Wilders would have probably won if Trump wasn't so incompetent.

Initially Trump created lots of momentum with his upset victory, but he squashed that momentum after taking office. A few months ago, a lot of people looked at Trump's victory and saw "a populist who beat the political establishment". Now they see a clueless moron going against most of what he talked about on the campaign.
brb getting rid of all my investments and buying nike shoes. 

brb just sold my whip for a cuban
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All along we thought he was the Manchurian candidate of Russia. Turns out he's the Manchurian candidate of the left.
Da 1984D Texas hold 'em poker b

2+2 = Royal Flush?
Reading a Trump transcript is like trying to read a toddler's essay on government topics.
Idk how those people that have to put his word salads into text can stand to do this every day
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He admitted he said NATO was obsolete because he didn't know anything about NATO. :lol:

It seems like libbies and Da Don knew the same thing in 2016, which is that Don was bull-******** the entire time. Only his voters weren't let in on the secret.
Waiting for Da Don to drop dat mixtape. He's holding back unleashing da full passing power of his lyrical prowess to get Da Libbies comfortable. As soon as da Libbies think it's safe, they'll hear vrooom, Vrooooooom, VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM of Da Hemi powered lyrical machine that is da Don B. AMAZING.
Waiting for Da Don to drop dat mixtape. He's holding back unleashing da full passing power of his lyrical prowess to get Da Libbies comfortable. As soon as da Libbies think it's safe, they'll hear vrooom, Vrooooooom, VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM of Da Hemi powered lyrical machine that is da Don B. AMAZING.


Da libbies won't know what hit dem.

'ye came all da way to da don towers to learn straight from da lyrical genius hisself.

edit: he's so ******* dapper too. da triple threat.
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Da libbies won't know what hit dem.

'ye came all da way to da don towers to learn straight from da lyrical genius hisself.

edit: he's so ******* dapper too. da triple threat.

TOOO MUCH FIRE . Those dance moves are AMAZING B. I've never seen a Libbie with that MUCH Swag B.
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Reading a Trump transcript is like trying to read a toddler's essay on government topics.
Idk how those people that have to put his word salads into text can stand to do this every day
Dats because your small libby brain can't help but be overthinking da Don's brilliant wordsmithing, and his plain 'Merican bespoke speeches. Dapper Don out here playing 32(i)D Boggle, libbies can't keep up 8) [emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128139[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji]

And thanks everyone for da simple investment advice. BRB selling all my stocks and cashing out da 401K, gonna go buy gold chains and sneakers from da 1990's :pimp: Ain't no way this could go wrong.
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Da libbies won't know what hit dem.

'ye came all da way to da don towers to learn straight from da lyrical genius hisself.

edit: he's so ******* dapper too. da triple threat.

TOOO MUCH FIRE . Those dance moves are AMAZING B. I've never seen a Libbie with that MUCH Swag B.
Da Dapper Don Drake boppin 2 da rust belt streets :pimp:
Coal country gon be great again b :pimp:
Da OPEC is in the dust bin b 8)
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Da OPEC is in the dust bin b 8)

just to add to da point...
Shale's the Wild Horse OPEC Can't Tame
By Julian Lee

April 23, 2017 3:00 AM EDT
It was all so simple. By lifting restraints on output, Saudi Arabia would stop subsidizing high-cost oil producers and halt the rapid rise in U.S. production that was eating into OPEC's market share. At least, that was the logic back in November 2014.But things haven't gone according to plan. OPEC's four-month experiment with production curbs has failed. More worryingly, the strength of shale's rebound suggests that OPEC faces a long-term struggle against this new source of supply in an industry where technological advances are the norm and today's niche play becomes the next decade's global standard.Even when the group restored production curbs last year, Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said he didn’t expect a big supply response from American shale producers in 2017. In fact, it turns out that response had already begun, and it is much stronger than anyone had expected.
Production Rebound
U.S. oil output could pass its 2015 peak as early as July if recent growth continues

Source: U.S. Energy Information Agency, Bloomberg
Darker line shows what output would be, assuming average growth since November continues.
Total U.S. crude production has risen by more than 550,000 barrels a day in the 20 weeks since OPEC decided to cut output, according to weekly Department of Energy data. Much of that increase has come from shale formations. If this rate of growth -- a little under 30,000 barrels a day of new supply each week -- continues, U.S. output could top its recent peak of 9.61 million barrels a day shortly after OPEC meets on May 25 to consider its next move.That is bad enough for OPEC producers, but the picture just gets worse for them each month. The DoE publishes a monthly outlook and its views on domestic production are evolving rapidly -- and not in a way that suits OPEC.Its latest forecast, published on April 11, pegs U.S. oil production at 9.24 million barrels a day by July. That is half a million barrels a day higher than it was forecasting for that month in November 2016, just before OPEC decided to restore output restraint. Its outlook for December 2017 has increased by 700,000 barrels a day over the same period.The Energy Information Administration now sees U.S. production rising by 860,000 barrels a day in the 12 months to December 2017, compared with an increase of 210,000 barrels a day that it forecast in November.What should be even more worrying for OPEC is that the stronger outlook for U.S. production has little to do with higher price expectations. Back in November the EIA assumed an average 2017 WTI price of $49.92 per barrel. That estimate has risen to just $52.28 in this month's forecast.The producer group may be able to drain some of the excess oil inventory by extending its output cuts through the second half of the year. Although spectacular, the rise in U.S. output will not be enough to offset lower OPEC flows as refiners boost runs to meet summer gasoline demand.However, compliance with the cuts may already have been as good it gets. Indeed many OPEC members will find restraint more challenging in the second half of the year. Several have reached their lower targets so far by bringing forward field maintenance, which they won't need to repeat later in the year. Saudi Arabia will also have a tougher time -- its supply cuts came when domestic demand was already at a seasonal low. This demand will pick up as summer temperatures rise, so continued output restraint will have a much bigger impact on the export revenues the kingdom depends upon.
Saudi Seasonality
Domestic crude use for power generation soars with summer temperatures

Source: Joint Organisations Data Initiative
But the worry for OPEC goes well beyond the current market imbalance. The shale industry is in its infancy. True, the techniques of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have been used in the oil industry for decades, but their widespread application to shale formations is not much more than five years old. What should really be giving OPEC oil ministers sleepless nights are the parallels between shale and other industry sectors. It would be extremely rash to assume that advances in technology and geographical spread that we have seen in deep-water oil production, for example, will not apply to the shale sector.OPEC's battle with shale has only just begun and initial evidence suggests it may already have been lost.

:lol: That moment you realize he's not "telling it like it is", you voted for a senile crazy *** hole.
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