***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Plus we still have a couple years before we're really allowed to critique Trump anyway

My thoughts exactly. People need to relax and let Da Don cook. Rosie Da Riviter making the coal rain down on Da Rust Belt as we speak thanks to the money from Meals on Wheels.

GOP senator urges party to cancel House healthcare vote

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) is urging House Republicans to cancel the vote slated for Thursday to pass their healthcare plan, saying the proposal won't pass in its current form.

“I am strongly, strongly persuaded that it is not going to pass. I think they should cancel the vote because they don't have the votes,” Lee said during an interview with Fox News host Martha MacCallum.

“The fact remains, they don't have the votes to pass this. They need to bring people and who have concerns, bring in conservatives, let them express what their concerns are. We can still fix this,” Lee added.

Lee said other Republicans “absolutely” do not need to support the GOP healthcare proposal because it does not fulfill the Republican promise to fully repeal and replace ObamaCare.

“What we have been promising for seven years is if Republicans were given the chance to govern, we would repeal ObamaCare, root and branch,” Lee continued. “That is not what this bill does. That is what we need to do and that is why I am holding out for a vote that fulfills that promise.”

Lee said that “President Trump’s message has been hijacked” by people with different goals than the president.

“His agenda of repealing ObamaCare has been hijacked by people who don't share his values, by people who don't share his desire to repeal ObamaCare. We do need to repeal it and this bill, unfortunately, doesn't repeal as much of ObamaCare as we need,” Lee added.

Lee, when pressed to clarify who "hijacked" Trump’s message, ducked at the suggestion that it was Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

“I’m not accusing any one person of hijacking it. But I am saying this bill does do that. This bill contains a false promise of providing Americans with meaningful health care cost relief. The bill does not provide that. And it doesn't repeal all of ObamaCare,” Lee said.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday that Senate GOP leaders want to pass the ObamaCare repeal-and-replace legislation next week despite divisions over the House bill.

Lee tweeted earlier Tuesday declaring he will vote against the healthcare plan:

I promised the people of Utah I would do everything I can to repeal #Obamacare. The House bill does not do that. I am a no. #FullRepeal
— Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) March 21, 2017

Lee is among six Republican senators who have said they will not vote for the healthcare plan, according to The Hill’s Whip List. Republicans can afford two defections in the Senate.

The House is slated to vote on the bill Thursday. Republicans cannot afford more than 21 defections in the House, and at least 22 Republicans have come out against it, according to The Hill's tally.
The secretary of state didn't want to be secretary of state. He did it b/c his wife told him to. So that's a thing. http://ijr.com/2017/03/814687-trumps-diplomat/


Figures...he's looked disinterested in the job ever since he took over :lol:. It makes sense, though, he's only just supposed to be a figurehead, apparently he's been marginalized from the get-go and isn't even in the loop at the WH. Essentially neutering the State department,which I'm sure Vlad approves :lol:

From most accounts, the actual job of coming up with and implementing foreign policy has gone to Trumps son in law, Kushner.

At least Rexxon didn't get the job for having sinister intentions unlike so many other department heads handpicked for Bannons plan of destabilizing and upending the administrative state
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The secretary of state didn't want to be secretary of state. He did it b/c his wife told him to. So that's a thing. http://ijr.com/2017/03/814687-trumps-diplomat/


Figures...he's looked disinterested in the job ever since he took over :lol:. It makes sense, though, he's only just supposed to be a figurehead, apparently he's been marginalized from the get-go and isn't even in the loop at the WH. Essentially neutering the State department,which I'm sure Vlad approves :lol:

From most accounts, the actual job of coming up with and implementing foreign policy has gone to Trumps son in law, Kushner.

At least Rexxon didn't get the job for having sinister intentions unlike so many other department heads handpicked for Bannons plan of destabilizing and upending the administrative state

From reading the article, sounds like Mattis is making most of the decisions for him
Mattis is probably the most "sober" member of the cabinet :lol:. His worldview is a lot more conducive to reality than most folks in the cabinet. Also one of the few people Trump will treat with respect it seems given his military credentials.

Outside of decisions involving defense/the military though, it sounds like Kushner has been the one put in charge of maintaining the economic relationships and making deals with foreign countries. Vanity Fair had a piece a few weeks back basically explaining that Rexxon needs to run things through him and talk to him to stay in the loop :lol:

Found it http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/02/jared-kushner-consolidate-white-house-power
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He's Putin's boy and medal recipient though,he's protected. Especially if he's in charge while they lift the lid odd the sanctions, he'll never have to pay for a thing in Russia anymore :lol:
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He's Putin's boy and medal recipient though,he's protected. Especially if he's in charge while they lift the lid odd the sanctions, he'll never have to pay for a thing in Russia anymore :lol:

His wife must've meant Putin in reference to God not being through with him just yet :nerd:
gorsuch got me ready to risk it all. it's like when you go to a college without cute girls. after a while they're all looking good. after listening to trump's incoherent idiocy these past few months, neil is a breath of fresh air.

gorsuch got me ready to risk it all. it's like when you go to a college without cute girls. after a while they're all looking good. after listening to trump's incoherent idiocy these past few months, neil is a breath of fresh air.


Until he's a Scalia clone when it comes to actual decisions.
gorsuch got me ready to risk it all. it's like when you go to a college without cute girls. after a while they're all looking good. after listening to trump's incoherent idiocy these past few months, neil is a breath of fresh air.


Until he's a Scalia clone when it comes to actual decisions.
don't worry, I'm against him 100% because of the Merrick Garland ******** and largely against him for his ideology.

however it is refreshing to see a well-spoken conservative for once. he's not sitting on his toilet tweeting out accusations of high crimes against a former president. he's not engaging in an incestuous affair with his daughter. etc.
gorsuch got me ready to risk it all. it's like when you go to a college without cute girls. after a while they're all looking good.
Not ashamed to admit this was one of the deciding factors when I switched my major from computer science
Maaaan all my classes were sausage fests 
 I only remember one girl and that's cuz I partnered with her on our advanced statistics final project and I can't even remember her face 
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