***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It is not suppose to be a game, it is not suppose to be about winning or losing, these decision affect people's lives.

How the hell can you be comfortable with people being sentence to death from and ACA repeal , just because "your side one"

That is a disgusting way to look at things.

Really? Didn't think it'd be you. Seeing as it's already well known how I feel about politics. But it's cool, I'll let you score your points with your base.

I'm sure meeting with Steve Harvey will totally make black people forget about Trump insulting civil rights icon John Lewis.


Whatever "goodwill" gained from that (which I doubt there was any) has easily and stupidly been erased with his attacks on John Lewis's legacy :smh:

I get that if you worked in politics but what do "wins and losses" have to do when you're discussing it? :lol:

You won't find me disagreeing about politics being fascinating though :lol:, I ended up studying it because of how interested in it I was

I also study politics in school as well as recreationlly. Hopefully, when all is said and done I'll have a nice job in the government relations dept of the MPAA. But because of my interests I've always looked at politics as a sport. And I'm not the only one. Chris Matthews bestselling book is titled Hardball. A staple of any poly sci class. David Plouffe's book chronicling the 08 campaign is titled the Audacity To Win. It's always been a sport.

I'm definitely familiar with the sport comparison to politics but I've always felt that it's an oversimplification given the real life, high stakes at hand. Not a big Mathews fan but you're right that Hardball makes its way to pol-sci classrooms often :lol:, probably since it makes the discipline easy to relate/understand
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I got suspend one week for saying something Bernie Parroted years later to da approval of his liberal base.........light work

Black people only made up 13% of the population................so da math dont lie

doubling down on faux outrage :lol: :lol:

we still gonna paper over Bernie ehh? :nerd:
It is not suppose to be a game, it is not suppose to be about winning or losing, these decision affect people's lives.

How the hell can you be comfortable with people being sentence to death from and ACA repeal , just because "your side one"

That is a disgusting way to look at things.

Really? Didn't think it'd be you. Seeing as it's already well known how I feel about politics. But it's cool, I'll let you score your points with your base.

Chris Matthew's show is called Hard Ball

i mean..**** writes itself :lol:
How much longer before his continued support for Russia fires back and causes a rift with members of the GOP? 

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal he would keep intact sanctions against Russia "at least for a period of time," and also said he wouldn't commit to the "one China" policy until he sees progress from Beijing in its currency and trade practices.

In excerpts from an hourlong interview published by the Journal on Friday, Trump said: "If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?"

Trump suggested he might do away with the sanctions - imposed by the Obama administration in late December in response to Moscow’s alleged cyber attacks - if Moscow proves helpful in battling terrorists and reaching other goals important to Washington, the Journal reported.

Trump told the newspaper he is prepared to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin some time after he is sworn in on Jan. 20.

"I understand that they would like to meet, and that’s absolutely fine with me," he said.

Asked if he supported the "one China" policy on Taiwan that has underpinned U.S. relations with Beijing for decades, Trump told the Journal: "Everything is under negotiation including One China."

Trump angered the Chinese by taking a congratulatory phone call after his election win from Taiwan's leader and questioning the "one China" policy.

The United States has acknowledged the Chinese position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China.

Trump has said in the past he would label China a currency manipulator after he takes office. In the interview, he said he wouldn’t take that step on his first day in the White House. “I would talk to them first," he said.

"Certainly they are manipulators," he added. "But I’m not looking to do that."

But he made plain his displeasure with China’s currency practices. "Instead of saying, 'We’re devaluating our currency,' they say, 'Oh, our currency is dropping.' It’s not dropping. They’re doing it on purpose," he said, according to the Journal.

"Our companies can’t compete with them now because our currency is strong and it’s killing us," the Journal quoted Trump as saying.

Calls to the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman’s office were not answered, and the ministry did not respond immediately to an emailed request for comment on the Wall Street Journal interview.
Politics isn't a sport to all demographics. Some people's lives literally are at stake. They're not looking at this like a football game.

This that eurocentric individualism I mentioned a few days ago that is damaging to society.
I got suspend one week for saying something Bernie Parroted years later to da approval of his liberal base.........light work

Black people only made up 13% of the population................so da math dont lie

doubling down on faux outrage :lol: :lol:

we still gonna paper over Bernie ehh? :nerd:

You're no better than Blco and Titanium Tea.

They too both thought people were outraged over the comments for no reason.

Bernie has never reached your level of racial ignorance and racial stupidity your comments have reached regarding the black community.
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Politics isn't a sport to all demographics. Some people's lives literally are at stake. They're not looking at this like a football game.

politics is a as much of a sport as anything else, u got stans on both sides and u can talk Xs & Os... doesn't matter if lives are at stake or not..thats irrelevant...so when Olympics games from da days of antiquity and da gladiators in da coliseum had violence & death it didn't make em any less of a sport?

it just is what it is.
I got suspend one week for saying something Bernie Parroted years later to da approval of his liberal base.........light work

Black people only made up 13% of the population................so da math dont lie

doubling down on faux outrage :lol: :lol:

we still gonna paper over Bernie ehh? :nerd:

You're no better than Blco and Titanium Tea.

They too both thought people were outraged over the comments for no reason.

Bernie has never reached your level of racial ignorance and racial stupidity your comments have reached regarding the black community.

u still moving goal post :lol:

i said black unemployment spawns hooliganism, period. u conflating what i and your boy Bernie said to other policy decisions.

and da more you lie to paper over da facts, and launch accusations, it makes u look Weaker & weaker :lol:
Politics isn't a sport to all demographics. Some people's lives literally are at stake. They're not looking at this like a football game.

This that eurocentric individualism I mentioned a few days ago that is damaging to society.

Elaborate. I don't follow European politics.

And just because I look at it as a game doesn't mean I don't have a dog in the fight. I always want my guy to win (Rubio) I knew he wouldn't but I voted for him anyway. Because I wanted to help set him up with a decent margin in a purple state for 2020. That's the long game. He's already received bipartisan praise from the Tillerson hearing. He's gotta new playbook. Just watch
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Elaborate. I don't follow European politics.

And just because I look at it as a game doesn't mean I don't have a dog in the fight. I always want my guy to win (Rubio) I knew he wouldn't but I voted for him anyway. Because I wanted to help set him up with a decent margin in a purple state for 2020. That's the long game.
Eurocentric individualism to my knowledge is an ideology of "every person for himself"

In this context I would assume he's referring to viewing politics solely through the lense of how it benefits you and only you.

To expand, I don't think treating politics as a sport is necessarily a bad thing provided it is also taken seriously and is not simple a "you lost/we won" type thing. I would think of treating it like a sport more in the sense of it being exciting to watch and study, to follow new developments intensely but to also understand the gravity of it. Because unlike real sports it has real consequences that affect people's livelihood
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Politics isn't a sport to all demographics. Some people's lives literally are at stake. They're not looking at this like a football game.

politics is a as much of a sport as anything else, u got stans on both sides and u can talk Xs & Os... doesn't matter if lives are at stake or not..thats irrelevant...so when Olympics games from da days of antiquity and da gladiators in da coliseum had violence & death it didn't make em any less of a sport?

it just is what it is.

I'm not doubting that it's a sport to some. Counterstrike GO is a sport to a demographic of people. My point is not everyone shares the viewpoint. I view the current model as a reflection of celebrity worship and entertainment obsession plaguing the American people.

It definitely matters that lives are at stake, just not to people who aren't empathetic to the lives and conditions of others. When it does matter is when people feel their life and well-being specifically is at stake (criminal Mexicans, dangerous black thugs, etc). Or the case of the man who opposed the ACA until he found out he had cancer and would be dead within 6 weeks, then suddenly his tune changed and it's the greatest thing since antibiotics.

Again, eurocentric individualism. If you felt your life or well-being was at stake, it would matter. But since your perception doesn't tell you that you're in danger you don't care. It's a very simple concept.
Well that's completely true. I've never once shied away from the fact that I believe in personal responsibility and being for self. I'll give back when I get mine first.

But that has nothing to do with how I view politics. Unlike some in here I'll concede when the other side of a debate has a winning strategy. I didn't agree with the tea party but I foresaw that Occupy Wall Street would fail just because of the voting statistics of the members.
I got suspend one week for saying something Bernie Parroted years later to da approval of his liberal base.........light work

Black people only made up 13% of the population................so da math dont lie

doubling down on faux outrage :lol: :lol:

we still gonna paper over Bernie ehh? :nerd:

You're no better than Blco and Titanium Tea.

They too both thought people were outraged over the comments for no reason.

Bernie has never reached your level of racial ignorance and racial stupidity your comments have reached regarding the black community.

u still moving goal post :lol:

i said black unemployment spawns hooliganism, period. u conflating what i and your boy Bernie said to other policy decisions.

and da more you lie to paper over da facts, and launch accusations, it makes u look Weaker & weaker :lol:

This what was what you got suspended for:


Here is Meth, the man you love to tell people to go talk to know, breaking down how full of **** your defense to it was:


You got suspended because you made a smug racist statement. You're still here because Meth gave you a chance. And I know you trust his judgement, because you twerk the report button every chance you get.
Bernie said da same ish though :lol:

Meth can disagree with that hypothesis and have his set of facts, but da fact of da matter is..

Bernie said da SAME THING :lol:

“How do you discuss Ferguson and not know that, in that particular community, unemployment is off the charts?” the presidential candidate said in an interview with the Nation published Monday. “How do you discuss Baltimore and not know that, in that particular community, unemployment is off the charts?”

Sanders connects civil unrest in black communities, police shootings, and violence to soaring black youth unemployment. “I do not separate the civil-rights issue from the fact that 50 percent of African-American young people are either unemployed or underemployed,” Sanders told the Nation.


u can disagree with this, which is within your right to, but you can't call it racist...

sorry try again 8) [emoji]128536[/emoji]
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You and Bernie are not saying that same thing.

It is one thing to say economic despair is correlated with high crime. Funny, you gloss over Bernie mentioning civil unrest and police shootings.

And it another thing to smugly act like this is a purely black phenomenon, like you did. You started your statement saying you chose to do other things when you were bored, but black people are choosing to be hooligans. And you single out black employment.

Like the high unemployment rates aren't correlated with high crime across nearly all counties, regardless of its demographics.

And I say correlated, because it is not strictly the cause.

You made a racist comment. You make a lot of them, you always have. Your saving grace might be that unlike Blco and TiTea, you might not be malicious, you just don't know any better.

BTW, as anyone can attest, I have been very critical of Bernie's comments on race.
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Yes, attack a Civil rights leader that put his life on the line to get justice for black people.

Especially one from the South, and that is respected and beloved by black people.

That's the way to make inroads Donald, that's the way

Good thing he has the voice of black politics in Steve Harvey to clean this up.

Ninja is being wilfully ignorant again, he knows damn well Bernie didn't say the same thing he did. Particularly given ninjas intro before his idiotic comment.
this thread has taught me it's pointless to try to engage da deplorables. instead we need to do this the old fashioned way, through money and power.

edit: and don't worry, guys, about Trump's attacks on Lewis. we can't judge him yet. he's not even president yet! wait till he's sworn in and then we'll find out how truly tremendous he is. :rolleyes
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Yes, attack a Civil rights leader that put his life on the line to get justice for black people.

Especially one from the South, and that is respected and beloved by black people.

That's the way to make inroads Donald, that's the way
This is what Rico and Ninja must've meant when it came to spreading the message of the GOP
You and Bernie are not saying that same thing.

It is one thing to say economic despair is correlated with high crime. Funny, you gloss over Bernie mentioning civil unrest and police shootings.

And it another thing to smugly act like this is a purely black phenomenon, like you did.

smug? where? :rofl:

yo rico x hood rico x hood this dude rusty has opponents in his head now.

u can't squeeze w/e u think i said vs ME who actually said it..what u think this is? :lol:

u better just take that L.
smug? where? :rofl:

yo rico x hood rico x hood this dude rusty has opponents in his head now.

u can't squeeze w/e u think i said vs ME who actually said it..what u think this is? :lol:

u better just take that L.
It's literally in a post meth talked to you about that rusty posted. Stop being an idiot
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smug? where? :rofl:

yo rico x hood rico x hood this dude rusty has opponents in his head now.

u can't squeeze w/e u think i said vs ME who actually said it..what u think this is? :lol:

u better just take that L.
It's literally in a post meth talked to you about that rusty posted. Stop being an idiot

there's nothing smug about what i said, I know when I'm being smug.

ya can't reinterpret what i said when in right here tellin u what it is...

sorry guys, Don't work like that :lol:
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