***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Oh no The Crown and High Septon have problems with each other where is this from!
I prefer apathy to it, I am less similar to those like you that feel so strongly one way or the other


Shelbyville >>>>>>>>>>> Springfield
The politicians represent the type of people that make up the US. Half of the country is still mad about the civil war.

Before Trump, the culture in politics was coded language because it was considered morally wrong to say the racist things that were actually on their mind. Then Trump came along and actually said those things and the racists embraced him and love him for it.
I'd just like to add: it's not that the racists embraced him, and Trump isn't the first avowed racist to run for nationwide or statewide elections: The public didn't care enough. The fourth estate didn't care enough. That's why all this stuff, which was kept under the surface of American society came back up.

me love nutella me love nutella Liberals understand that the freedoms they took for granted can be taken away if they don't get their act right. They also understand that if they lose those freedoms, it will be extremely difficult to take them back. Some of us are minority citizens (native and naturalized); some of us have daughters; some of us rely on a functioning healthcare system to live productively; some of us live in areas where they used to hang black folks and take pictures with their bodies. Some of us have experienced dictatorships and their corruption, mismanagement, and repression against their critics. When Trump and his band of loonies talk about their vision of the US, it is one that is threatens our ability to live full and fulfilling lives. If you can't understand why liberals are as engaged as they are in the face of such threats, you need to sit down and realize that there's more to this country than its government and its foreign policy.

This country has a lot of flaws, but I think it's worth improving, and sitting on the sidelines is not the way to do it.
I went to a silent auction for the Canadian Cancer Society in Vancouver earlier this year and Tatiana “Tay Tay” Swift tickets for a group of 15 went for that concert went for $100K.

I'm completely ignorant to that world. Were those resell prices for those tickets???
Cue Israel/Palestine talk in 3.....2.....1......

Not this time.

They don't answer questions, so I don't see the point. I asked in the other thread why we should sit this election out because of Gaza, considering everything that's on the line for average Americans.

No answer. Crickets.

The bottom line is, we live here, not in the Middle East. She's in Canada, where the system does a lot to not tie her medical circumstances to her financial future, and that's very good for them. She can sit out the Canadian elections. We don't have that luxury over here, especially when the choice is deportations, tariffs, national abortion ban, concepts of a healthcare plan vs an actual willingness to and history of empowering the middle class through homeownership, healthcare access, education access, etc...
If someone asks you if you've had sex with a woman, and you call the girl a "free spirit"

...i feel like that's basically a confession.

Not this time.

They don't answer questions, so I don't see the point. I asked in the other thread why we should sit this election out because of Gaza, considering everything that's on the line for average Americans.

No answer. Crickets.

The bottom line is, we live here, not in the Middle East. She's in Canada, where the system does a lot to not tie her medical circumstances to her financial future, and that's very good for them. She can sit out the Canadian elections. We don't have that luxury over here, especially when the choice is deportations, tariffs, national abortion ban, concepts of a healthcare plan vs an actual willingness to and history of empowering the middle class through homeownership, healthcare access, education access, etc...

I’ve avoided that thread for that very reason. Once I saw support for Russian propagandists and using them as sources and people asking legit questions being given the run around I didn’t bother posting there anymore. It’s not worth it.

If people don’t have the respect for you to engage in a legit manner then you don’t have to provide them the attention they seek either. I approach every post I make with good intention.
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