***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Maybe just maybe the media is going to wake up and start showing the 'emperor' has no clothes on. First Lawrence, then Joy, then that one panel (may have been NPR) and now Anderson. Fox will never do it but if other media outlets finally start doing what they should, things could start trending back to normal.
Maybe just maybe the media is going to wake up and start showing the 'emperor' has no clothes on. First Lawrence, then Joy, then that one panel (may have been NPR) and now Anderson. Fox will never do it but if other media outlets finally start doing what they should, things could start trending back to normal.

Very accurate take on what is happening in a lot of media like CNN right now. If Kamala did like 5% of the crazy **** Trump does we would be scrambling to replace her. It's unbelievable how most media just bends over backwards to make him sound more reasonable:

Speaking of media, random Niketalk ad while scrolling this exact thread :lol:

I don’t think anybody is holding their breath on it but it’s happening all the same, slowly. Truth is a good thing.
yes, generating positive media is part of the job being a politician.
obviously there are various headwinds, and other factors that make it hard to do this, but that's the case for every politician,

to throw your hands up and retreat to media criticism is just again learned helplessness

When media outlets engage in bad faith analysis, it's best not to entertain or feed their ********. There is no "learned helplessness" about it; it's simply a question of prioritizing one's time and effort on those outlets that are willing to present the facts around the election as they are instead of entertaining outlets hellbent on manipulating what a candidate says in order to generate clicks.

After the Biden debate, the coverage focused on his hesitations with a couple of articles (out of hundreds!) about Trump's lies and incoherence. Now that Harris is the Dem candidate, the press is trying to generate scandalous headlines from her public appearances, and at the same time, they are printing and publishing editorialized versions of Trump's incoherent speeches.

Why would any sane candidate waste their time communicating through legacy media when this is the landscape they set up and are willing to operate under?
1. Correct

2. I like it, but I don't think the "if he's talking he's lying" thing is enough because everybody knows he lies. I think it may need to be more pointed. She'll have to have a way to say "You said x in 2023 and then y in 2024, so you lied", or otherwise give specifics of his hypocrisies and broken promises like Mayor Pete does.

3. Agreed on the soundbites. They're still selling gear with the childless cat lady stuff on store.kamalaharris.com

I think it's an impossible task to debate someone who is not only "graded on a curve", but instead he's not really graded at all. Think about it, the only true way he would get any negative press, is if he said very little. That's it. That's the only way. Otherwise, he can just do his gish gallop **** as usual, the televised media will sane-wash him and the owned-by-billionaires media will aide him with 1000% absurd headlines.

Moderator:"Won't the effect of a [policy decision] wind up being [disastrous outcome for 95% of Americans]?"
Trump: "Well if you let her become president everybody will be raped by mexican immigrants and white people will be enslaved by the end of her first year in office. If you wanna be raped, vote for her. She's going to go from indian to black to her race being 'rape'. "
Moderator: "..........."

Next day press: "Will a vote for Kamala result in your grandparents being raped by M-13 gang members? We asked some experts"

The really sad thing, is your hypothetical is something that sounds like it would happen by one of the POS media channels.
I don’t think anybody is holding their breath on it but it’s happening all the same, slowly. Truth is a good thing.
Feels like the same song and dance. Not Lawrence and Joy though. They've been on this type of timing the entire time really. Hope I'm wrong though 🤷🏿‍♂️
When media outlets engage in bad faith analysis, it's best not to entertain or feed their ********. There is no "learned helplessness" about it; it's simply a question of prioritizing one's time and effort on those outlets that are willing to present the facts around the election as they are instead of entertaining outlets hellbent on manipulating what a candidate says in order to generate clicks.

After the Biden debate, the coverage focused on his hesitations with a couple of articles (out of hundreds!) about Trump's lies and incoherence. Now that Harris is the Dem candidate, the press is trying to generate scandalous headlines from her public appearances, and at the same time, they are printing and publishing editorialized versions of Trump's incoherent speeches.
It is learned helplessness.

Mayor Pete turned himself from being a Mayor of a Small town, to a major presidential candidate, to transportation secretary,

All by doing tons of interviews and media appearances.

He didn't sit around crying about how the media is mean to democrats. He went out and got to work.

Also I didn't say just legacy media. I made the point she should be doing non traditional media like Kai Cenat to reach young Latino and black men.

Why would any sane candidate waste their time communicating through legacy media when this is the landscape they set up and are willing to operate under?

Because you need to reach voters who don't care about politics. Best way to do that is via earned media from independent AND legacy media.

Kamala should do The View for example AND Kai Cenat and Lex Friedman or whoever has younger male audience.
Speaking of media reaching to make Kam look bad

If she was out here making media apperencrs all the time, being charming and telegenic these behind the scenes stories wouldn't have any impact.

But in a world where many people don't know much about her, and they only see political ads and rally speeches.

These BTS gossip stories are that you have left.
Meh. Couldn’t care less if she does more interviews, press conferences, etc. She's been pretty effective in getting her message out.

Has she? The polling says the race is still extremely tight. She's still struggling in Pennsylvania a state she has to win.

Still struggling with black and Latino men.

There's clearly a section of swing voters she's not reaching
Speaking of media reaching to make Kam look bad

Holy ****!! She has standards! Expectations! We can't have any of that!

Give us the mumbling baffoon with the endless assortment of schoolyard insults and nicknames!!

It is learned helplessness.

It's adjusting to the media landscape. If they want to compromise Kamala's message to generate self-serving controversies, Kamala is justified in not talking to them.

Nobody is giving Pete any consideration because we - American voters who would vote for him - know that there are still many Democrat voters who wouldn't vote for a gay leader. His best chance as an elected official is to run in an environment where accomplishments and name recognition transcend his sexual orientation. That environment is not the entirety of the US (POTUS); that's not even the state of Indiana (Senator). His best bet would be as Representative of a very friendly constituency, like AOC or Tlaib.

As a member of government, he can run to Fox News, tell it like it is, and score points in the media for the Democratic administration policies (because the press loves confrontations). As a potential candidate, you'd see a lot less friendly media coverage.

Best way to do that is via earned media

And how much editor-in-chief *** does she - or any other Democrat - have to kiss in order to finally earn positive coverage that doesn't feel like a backhanded compliment?

Did you read the above excerpt? In which world is a leader wanting their team to be prepared a bad thing?
Has she? The polling says the race is still extremely tight. She's still struggling in Pennsylvania a state she has to win.
Maybe there are a lot less actual undecided voters than you think.

And people lie to pollsters/friends/family/coworkers too. The polarization today is such that if you live/work in an area that has a definitite blue/red flavor and you don't share those views, you tend to lay low.

"Ken Paxton Threatens to Block Democrats From Registering to Vote
The Texas attorney general is now threatening to sue two Latino-majority counties in his mad dash to block alleged “voter fraud.”

It seems that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton will do anything to prevent Texas from flipping for Kamala Harris—including preventing eligible citizens from registering to vote.*

Paxton threatened legal action against Bexar and Harris counties if they proceed with sending out mail-in voter registration forms, which the counties have proposed doing via third-party vendors. Paxton argues that it could encourage noncitizens to register to vote.

Of course, Bexar and Harris aren’t like other counties in Texas. They’re urban and populous, and have a majority or even plurality of Latino voters, according to The Hill. And in 2020 both counties overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden.

Paxton’s office announced Wednesday that he’d filed a lawsuit against Bexar County Commissioner Court after it approved a proposal that funds the production and mailing of voter registration forms “to unregistered voters in location(s) based on targeting agreed to by the county,” according to KENS-5. Paxton claimed the program was unlawful because it “could induce ineligible people—such as felons and noncitizens—to commit a crime by attempting to register to vote.”

Earlier this week, Paxton had sent a letter to Bexar and Harris county commissioners warning them off of proceeding with any such programs. The threats were nearly identical. "

"Harris has said she is prepared for Trump to rattle off insults and misrepresent facts, even as her campaign has seen value in focusing on the middle class and the prospects of a better future for the country.

“We should be prepared for the fact that he is not burdened by telling the truth,” Harris said in a radio interview for the Rickey Smiley Morning Show. “He tends to fight for himself, not for the American people, and I think that’s going to come out during the course of the debate.”
Has she? The polling says the race is still extremely tight. She's still struggling in Pennsylvania a state she has to win.

Still struggling with black and Latino men.

There's clearly a section of swing voters she's not reaching

I would say so, simply given the amount of ground she's made up in a matter of weeks. In PA she seems to have regained 2020 Biden voters who were slipping. Yes it's still extremely close and a decent chance it's where the election is decided

But I don't get the sense she's making the same mistake Hillary did. Lots of attention will be paid to the state between now and November. I mean, she's here right now and probably outside at some point in the Pittsburgh area before heading to Philly

Agree she can still stand to do better with certain demographics, however I think the electorate is mostly set now. If Kamala decides it’s in her interest to engage with those voters via one of those other forums, great. But it's also not her strength and I’m fine with whatever decision she makes

How well the debate goes will dictate a lot. It goes poorly and we can probably re-visit the topic of playing it safe
Has she? The polling says the race is still extremely tight. She's still struggling in Pennsylvania a state she has to win.

Still struggling with black and Latino men.

There's clearly a section of swing voters she's not reaching
This race was always going to be extremely tight no matter what which is why I harp on GOTV efforts and confirming voter registrations. Anyone that thinks otherwise isn’t being real and if you’ve been to PA it is not a super strange that things are close there given the large rural and urban population centers. This is why I like her hiring a director of rural outreach to hopefully keep Trump from running up the score. Hillary thought she could just run up the score in urban areas but Joe knew that strategy would leave very little margin and Kamala is doing the same.

Just because things are close doesn’t mean things are bad. I really like where things are today knowing that we still have a ton of work to do. I will also add that the work of thirds party organizations like Black Men Vote Pac is important and the level of engagement is very helpful. I believe our side has to get comfortable with a close race and that it will be close. I never see Trump and his supporters get down when polling shows things extremely close in NC (a state he usually wins with about 1-2 points). Trump is throwing everything that he has at PA but Kamala is as well. If we do the work and GOTV, I like our chances
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