***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The interesting thing about polling is that the methodology has changed so much since 2020. I’m not convinced that the margins we saw for Joe in the polling leading up to the election in the swing states were legitimate. Pollsters have adjusted their models since then so we shall see but comparing this year to 2016 or 2020 is very difficult
It's a weird moral stance to acknowledge that sensationalism is incentivized? What? :lol:
It's a weird moral stance to not do things that will help you win because you are mad at the media.

If you wanna do media criticism start a substack, but political professionals need to win elections.

Sensationalism has always been incentivized, but that doesn't mean you can just ignore the media.

Like I said Mayor Pete won Iowa and made himself a future presidential candidate by doing tons of media appearances.

He could have sat around crying about the media, but he didn't do that. He went to work and used the media to elevate his profile.
That’s different than the farmers I know, sure they work hard, yeah it sucks but they are sitting on a half billion in land and 5 mil in machines. Liquidate it all and move to wherever you want if it’s that bad.

They won’t get their drought paychecks though for doing nothing. Don’t let them do that while hero act. Half the time they are getting a check for having wetlands on their property.

When I was in college in Southern California, I met quite a few students whose expenses were paid by their dad who owned land in the Central Valley. Tuition, books, living expenses etc.

Central Valley agricultural is less subsidized than, say, corn farmers; but there’s still many implicit and explicit subsidies courtesy of the Federal and State governments. Access to foreign markets, water projects, etc.

So prosperous Central Valley farmers basically get free housing, food, and cars paid for by the Federal Government. In practice, they are the welfare recipients who actually eat T-bone steaks and drive Cadillacs on the taxpayers’ dime. Moreover, their kids get debt free college courtesy of the taxpayers.

In addition to sending their kids to college in LA, the very prosperous farmers underpay their workers, and avoid property taxes due to their long tenure on the land. Their low wages and tax avoidance leave the Central Valley poor but it makes big profits for the rich farming families and they invest in properties in LA metro and Bay Area.

This process is not unique to California. Rural elites funnel most of the economic surplus from rural areas to cities. And those same rural elites blame cities and liberalism for the rural poverty that they orchestrate.

Conservatives blame cities for the very really hardships and privations in rural areas but the truth is that rural elites hyper extract and they voluntarily send the surplus to the cities.


"vote for Trump" in Latin, not Spanish...
When I was in college in Southern California, I met quite a few students whose expenses were paid by their dad who owned land in the Central Valley. Tuition, books, living expenses etc.

Central Valley agricultural is less subsidized than, say, corn farmers; but there’s still many implicit and explicit subsidies courtesy of the Federal and State governments. Access to foreign markets, water projects, etc.

So prosperous Central Valley farmers basically get free housing, food, and cars paid for by the Federal Government. In practice, they are the welfare recipients who actually eat T-bone steaks and drive Cadillacs on the taxpayers’ dime. Moreover, their kids get debt free college courtesy of the taxpayers.

In addition to sending their kids to college in LA, the very prosperous farmers underpay their workers, and avoid property taxes due to their long tenure on the land. Their low wages and tax avoidance leave the Central Valley poor but it makes big profits for the rich farming families and they invest in properties in LA metro and Bay Area.

This process is not unique to California. Rural elites funnel most of the economic surplus from rural areas to cities. And those same rural elites blame cities and liberalism for the rural poverty that they orchestrate.

Conservatives blame cities for the very really hardships and privations in rural areas but the truth is that rural elites hyper extract and they voluntarily send the surplus to the cities.

Yeah dude it’s wild, I’m in mn so it’s all soy beans and corn here for bio fuels. It’s all totally useless and they know it but they get paid for it so I don’t blame them.

I got no beef with farmers as long as they are chill. One of the younger ones I know straight up said the industry is a joke and they only way to do it is be born into it.

Theres a million subsidies like you’re saying

To the point of immigrants my buddy actually got in a huge argument with someone about it while I watched. Some dude was spewing the typical “they too our jobs” non sense and my boy came in swinging saying he hires the same dudes every year, pays them well, they have permits and they aren’t illegal and said let me know when your fat *** is ready to load pumpkins all day and I’ll give you a shot. :lol:

Like anything some farmers suck, some are cool.

Rural poverty is always different too. Mn is a huge mining state, people just don’t know it. The iron range can get pretty rough, it used to be thriving but less and less iron ore mines is less and less money.

Northern mn looks like a bomb went off in half the towns or at least a meth house exploded. :lol:
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