***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Holy ****!! She has standards! Expectations! We can't have any of that!

Give us the mumbling baffoon with the endless assortment of schoolyard insults and nicknames!!

It's adjusting to the media landscape. If they want to compromise Kamala's message to generate self-serving controversies, Kamala is justified in not talking to them.

Nobody is giving Pete any consideration because we - American voters who would vote for him - know that there are still many Democrat voters who wouldn't vote for a gay leader. His best chance as an elected official is to run in an environment where accomplishments and name recognition transcend his sexual orientation. That environment is not the entirety of the US (POTUS); that's not even the state of Indiana (Senator). His best bet would be as Representative of a very friendly constituency, like AOC or Tlaib.

As a member of government, he can run to Fox News, tell it like it is, and score points in the media for the Democratic administration policies (because the press loves confrontations). As a potential candidate, you'd see a lot less friendly media coverage.

And how much editor-in-chief *** does she - or any other Democrat - have to kiss in order to finally earn positive coverage that doesn't feel like a backhanded compliment?

Did you read the above excerpt? In which world is a leader wanting their team to be prepared a bad thing?

you are taking some weird moral stance about the media. I literally don't care.

I only care about winning. Talking to the media can help you win, then you should talk to them. period.
Maybe there are a lot less actual undecided voters than you think.

And people lie to pollsters/friends/family/coworkers too. The polarization today is such that if you live/work in an area that has a definitite blue/red flavor and you don't share those views, you tend to lay low.

i mean if you want to pretend swing voters aren't real, go ahead.

but they swung for Trump in 2016, they swung to Biden in 2020.
swing voters decide elections. its just reality.
This race was always going to be extremely tight no matter what which is why I harp on GOTV efforts and confirming voter registrations. Anyone that thinks otherwise isn’t being real and if you’ve been to PA it is not a super strange that things are close there given the large rural and urban population centers. This is why I like her hiring a director of rural outreach to hopefully keep Trump from running up the score. Hillary thought she could just run up the score in urban areas but Joe knew that strategy would leave very little margin and Kamala is doing the same.

Just because things are close doesn’t mean things are bad. I really like where things are today knowing that we still have a ton of work to do. I will also add that the work of thirds party organizations like Black Men Vote Pac is important and the level of engagement is very helpful. I believe our side has to get comfortable with a close race and that it will be close. I never see Trump and his supporters get down when polling shows things extremely close in NC (a state he usually wins with about 1-2 points). Trump is throwing everything that he has at PA but Kamala is as well. If we do the work and GOTV, I like our chances

Im incredibly skeptical of these "outreach" efforts, door knocking and all the stuff for persuading swing voters.
seems to me the best way of doing that, is through the candidate.

either through earned media or ads.

Black Men Vote Pac, like what are they doing exactly? are they running ads? if they are sending emails and knocking on doors. i dunno feels like whatever.
Go on the Breakfast Club, go on Kai Cenat, a good interview there is worth way way more to me.

I didn't say she's doing bad, she's doing okay.
but given the stakes, she should be doing everything possible to win. and it feels like they are leaving a lot on the table.
Speaking of media reaching to make Kam look bad

TBH as i think about it, the idea that Kamala is secretly mean, aggressive, and demanding

is prob a positive media story for her.

it cuts against the idea that she's some fake laughing intellectual lightweight.

Im incredibly skeptical of these "outreach" efforts, door knocking and all the stuff for persuading swing voters.
seems to me the best way of doing that, is through the candidate.

either through earned media or ads.

Black Men Vote Pac, like what are they doing exactly? are they running ads? if they are sending emails and knocking on doors. i dunno feels like whatever.
Go on the Breakfast Club, go on Kai Cenat, a good interview there is worth way way more to me.

I didn't say she's doing bad, she's doing okay.
but given the stakes, she should be doing everything possible to win. and it feels like they are leaving a lot on the table.
Black Men Vote Pac and the Harris Campaign are raising money, sending out mailers and most importantly they are knocking on doors. Most of Kamala’s ground game efforts are focused on door to door canvassing which has been going on since July. As a former canvasser myself, July is super early. I am confident that she will do what it takes to get the votes she needs.
Black Men Vote Pac and the Harris Campaign are raising money, sending out mailers and most importantly they are knocking on doors. Most of Kamala’s ground game efforts are focused on door to door canvassing which has been going on since July. As a former canvasser myself, July is super early. I am confident that she will do what it takes to get the votes she needs.
yah respectfully im very skeptical of canvassing in general.

but im super skeptical of it as a means to pusuade anyone of anything.

my friend works for the NDP (far lef canadian political party) and he started out as a canvasser, i went with him one time.
the entire enterprise seems insane to me. he eventually graduated to training canvassers, and by the end he was pretty skeptical of its utility.

maybe you can remind some committed partisans to vote. but the idea that youre going to reach low trust black and latino men via canvassing?
tbh that sounds totally insane to me.

id rather buy some niketalk ads.
Harris is better off meeting with actual ppl and doing rallies in these swing states than doing interviews with disingenuous people. The Black and Latino males who don’t wanna vote for her weren’t going to vote anyways, they just wanna tweet about her so they can get their sexist takes off.

She’s made up significant ground in less than 2 months. She did the interview with CNN and it had 0 impact. Idk, maybe reconsider depending on how the debate goes, but otherwise I’m not sure why you would change your strategy when it’s working.
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TBH as i think about it, the idea that Kamala is secretly mean, aggressive, and demanding

is prob a positive media story for her.

it cuts against the idea that she's some fake laughing intellectual lightweight.
Maybe I'm naive but that doesn't seem like labels that ppl tend to view positively on women in powerful positions as opposed to a man.
Harris is better off meeting with actual ppl and doing rallies in these swing states than doing interviews with disingenuous people. The Black and Latino males who don’t wanna vote for her weren’t going to vote anyways, they just wanna tweet about her so they can get their sexist takes off.

She’s made up significant ground in less than 2 months. She did the interview with CNN and it had 0 impact. Idk, maybe reconsider depending on how the debate goes, but otherwise I’m not sure why you would change your strategy when it’s working.

I missed the live CNN interview and on the highlights all they kept showing was her being questioned about her stance on fracking from 5 years ago and about Trump saying she turned black.

CNN made it seem like those were the only 2 things discussed and tried to imply that she is flip flopping on fracking.
The Black and Latino males who don’t wanna vote for her weren’t going to vote anyways,

She's struggling to replicate the margins that Biden had in 2020, so the idea that you just give up on them totally when many of them voted democrat last election is the definition of learned helplessness.

I’m not sure why you would change your strategy when it’s working.

it's working in that she's regained traditional democrats who didn't want to vote for Biden.
But she hasn't totally reassembled bidens 2020 coalition. the election is 50/50, she's not polling as well as Biden in 2020.

so i think she's doing fine, but i wouldn't say her strategy has been wildly effective.
Maybe I'm naive but that doesn't seem like labels that ppl tend to view positively on women in powerful positions as opposed to a man.

i think that's an overly simplistic view of sexism.

Amy Klobuchar over performs in every election with the same profile.
Nice in public, mean and aggressive behind the scenes.
i think that's an overly simplistic view of sexism.

Amy Klobuchar over performs in every election with the same profile.
Nice in public, mean and aggressive behind the scenes.
You think it still applies campaigning for the Presidency vs US Senate in Minnesota?

Genuinely asking
She's struggling to replicate the margins that Biden had in 2020, so the idea that you just give up on them totally when many of them voted democrat last election is the definition of learned helplessness.

it's working in that she's regained traditional democrats who didn't want to vote for Biden.
But she hasn't totally reassembled bidens 2020 coalition. the election is 50/50, she's not polling as well as Biden in 2020.

so i think she's doing fine, but i wouldn't say her strategy has been wildly effective.
I get what you’re saying but Biden didn’t even have those margins before he dropped out. I’m not sure what else you can do to reach those people. The stench of Trump has declined because he’s no longer the incumbent and isn’t royally ******* up COVID.

It’s not learned helplessness though, it’s making calculations on where you should spend your time when you’re in a compressed election cycle. I’m sure if she had been the nominee since last year, they’d have a completely different strategy.

I honestly couldn’t tell you WHO she should interview with to even reach those voters. Maybe Charlemagne (as embarrassing as that is to say). Otherwise, I don’t really know.
She's struggling to replicate the margins that Biden had in 2020, so the idea that you just give up on them totally when many of them voted democrat last election is the definition of learned helplessness.

it's working in that she's regained traditional democrats who didn't want to vote for Biden.
But she hasn't totally reassembled bidens 2020 coalition. the election is 50/50, she's not polling as well as Biden in 2020.

so i think she's doing fine, but i wouldn't say her strategy has been wildly effective.
I’m still hopeful that what the polls aren’t accounting for is actual turnout. She’s spending a lot of her half billion on voter registration and polls aren’t going to account for how many people of each party actually show up to vote. Polling sample sizes of 500 or 1000 people already likely to vote aren’t going to account for that aspect of things and that’s more important than samples at the end of the day.

And that’s a big difference: paying people to get out the vote for you in large numbers vs smaller volunteer groups on the other side can overcome smaller than desired margins.
You think it still applies campaigning for the Presidency vs US Senate in Minnesota?

Genuinely asking

i dunno, i don't see why not, but hard to say for sure.

but if the narrative the trump campaign is trying to put out is that she's an phony empty suit, who isn't that smart.

i think a story thatst says

no actually she's super demanding, rigorous and demands high levels of her knowledge from her staff,
that seems like it cuts against the Trump campaign narrative. and is a net positive
She’s made up significant ground in less than 2 months. She did the interview with CNN and it had 0 impact. Idk, maybe reconsider depending on how the debate goes, but otherwise I’m not sure why you would change your strategy when it’s working.
I tend to think this is meaningless. Interviews with dip**** media personalities isn’t moving the needle. Refer to my previous post. Paid outreach to register those who weren’t going to vote otherwise has a measurable impact whereas trying to pull away a tiny sliver of a demographic through 15 minute interviews is vastly different.

And to that end time isn’t as big of a consideration as the motivating factor of paid workers doing that outreach. The money advantage isn’t going to be put to use on advertising anywhere near as much as organized ground operations at a county level where you can offset unfavorable margins that have already been identified rather conclusively.
I tend to think this is meaningless. Interviews with dip**** media personalities isn’t moving the needle. Refer to my previous post. Paid outreach to register those who weren’t going to vote otherwise has a measurable impact whereas trying to pull away a tiny sliver of a demographic through 15 minute interviews is vastly different.

And to that end time isn’t as big of a consideration as the motivating factor of paid workers doing that outreach. The money advantage isn’t going to be put to use on advertising anywhere near as much as organized ground operations at a county level where you can offset unfavorable margins that have already been identified rather conclusively.

The problem is less committed voters are less partisan, more moderate/ swing-y.

You actually need to convince those people to vote for Kamala.

What's more likely to do that, a random stranger coming to their door?

Or positive media stories and apperences from media sources they trust?

When was the last time you were convinced of anything by someone going door to door?
The problem is less committed voters are less partisan, more moderate/ swing-y.

You actually need to convince those people to vote for Kamala.

What's more likely to do that, a random stranger coming to their door?

Or positive media stories and apperences from media sources they trust?

When was the last time you were convinced of anything by someone going door to door?
That’s not how this works. You’re identifying people over the phone or in person who are sympathetic to the issues you outline positions on. You’re not going to appeal to trumptards to register to vote when you identify them with the up front conversation.

You can see it in action in GA. You don’t increase a specific demographic like this that much in voter registration unless you’ve identified them as sympathetic to your candidate. Again, this is the difference of paid workers vs homers volunteering. The data here matters. It’s real.
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