***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The sucking up is so over the top & obvious, no one takes Kudlow seriously anymore.

The winner? In what alternate reality does Kudlow live in? 😂😂 Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder AND Helen Keller would all know he got his **** handed to him by Rachel Scott!
And this tidbit from Harris's campaign on what TFG & Couch Connoisseur want to do ASAP if they get in.

Want to see the economy instantly tank & nose dive into a recession? This would do it. People affected won't spend ANY MONEY that isn't necessary as they would be too scared to use money for other things as they would need it for their health care (which would be way more expensive without their ACA plan).

And the REALLY sick and sadistic part?!! You damn well know that the Dynamic Douchebag Duo won't have ANYTHING ready to go in it's place. Tens of millions of Americans would have ZERO health insurance INSTANTLY the moment they get it repealed (if of course). But to consistently die on this hill, all because it has Obama's name on it, Donald, you are a whiny, petty little *****!!
Here’s my perspective: I sought clarification by asking questions to better understand the statement. I believe it's possible to support a movement while disagreeing with certain aspects without facing negative labels. For example, I have no issue with using "they/them" or other chosen pronouns, but I don't understand why someone might be upset if addressed as "sir" or "ma'am" if it’s not meant to be disrespectful. However, if such terms are used intentionally to belittle someone, that’s problematic.

Regarding bathrooms, I agree, unisex facilities have been around without complaints. Nonetheless, I understand concerns about adults of the opposite gender in bathrooms with open changing areas, like those in gyms or YMCAs, or where children might be present. Although many of these facilities restrict children from these areas, it’s understandable why a man or woman might feel uncomfortable with this setup.

In sports, you said it best girls competing against boys in sports traditionally dominated by males. If a biological male competes in a women’s sport, it raises questions about fairness and the rationale behind separate leagues. If biological differences weren’t significant, there would be no need for two leagues. It’s hard to believe that, if you had a daughter who worked hard and lost to a biological male in a female sport, you wouldn’t be upset. After all, even in male sports, there are distinctions based on ability and weight.

A legal immigrant has been vetted, is actively contributing, and is using the proper channels to obtain residency or citizenship. No one is suggesting that illegal immigrants are inherently bad people or not striving for similar goals. However, if immigration weren’t an issue, it wouldn’t be a focus for every administration in the U.S. and many other countries. Let’s not ignore that illegal immigration does have a direct economic impact and poses financial strains. While many immigrants are hardworking and contribute positively, illegal immigration brings challenges, including individual that are trying to circumvent the system and those who attempt to enter with harmful intentions.

Your immediate response to my questions seemed to dismiss these concerns, attributing them to a belief that others think they are superior. I was hoping for a more nuanced discussion.

Non trans people get offended with misused labels all the time. It's funny you specifically mentioned Ma'am cause thats one of the most common. Anyone that's worked customer service knows a lot of women hate being called Ma'am cause they think that's only for old women. Lots of women hate being called Ms or Mrs depending on their situation. Call a chief in the Navy a Sir and see how fast they correct you. And yet none of those are considered problems with forced inclusion or that it's indoctrination. So it certainly seems like you're picking this particular issue because you personally take issue with it.

And now you're changing it from just bathrooms to places with changing rooms. Classic move, very nuanced. And even then, whether you know it or not, you're operating under the assumption that trans people are secretly using their identity to be perverts or whatever you think they are. If a trans woman goes into a stall, uses it, and leaves, how is that any different from anyone else using the bathroom. If it's a changing room and someone is there staring or creeping around like a predator, guess what? That's wrong no matter what their gender is. So again, you're just picking out specific instances and inserting trans people to try to back up your own beliefs.

And yet again, same goes for sports. Would you care if a trans woman competed in a swimming race or boxing match and got absolutely crushed? You're taking the most extreme examples to try and justify your belief.

This all goes back to my original point. You keep saying "Oh no I support this and that" but what you're really saying in this case is "I support trans women being who they want to be except in specific instances that I think are wrong in which case I consider them to be men. But all other times are cool cause you know, I support the cause"

Just own up to it and stop fooling yourself.

Not even going to get into your immigration stuff cause you're just throwing out Fox News buzzwords and tropes.
That's really messed up. I posted that video without knowing all the details, and I feel bad about it. I can only imagine what they're going through with all these videos circulating on social media.

When all of these people were getting worked up about lia Thomas

There were multiple born women actually breaking records and winning multiple events

Most notably Kate Douglass who was easily the swimmer of that ncaa championship, in that she won 3 individual events breaking all records in those events and winning thle 3 relays she was a part of.. Kate Douglass also won a gold medal for the US just a couple hours ago in the 200 breast

Those people had an opportunity to celebrate Kate and her accomplishments at that very same meet.. but they spoke of lia Thomas AND spoke to a girl who came tied for 5th
When all of these people were getting worked up about lia Thomas

There were multiple born women actually breaking records and winning multiple events

Most notably Kate Douglass who was easily the swimmer of that ncaa championship, in that she won 3 individual events breaking all records in those events and winning thle 3 relays she was a part of.. Kate Douglass also won a gold medal for the US just a couple hours ago in the 200 breast

Those people had an opportunity to celebrate Kate and her accomplishments at that very same meet.. but they spoke of lia Thomas AND spoke to a girl who came tied for 5th
Kate is an absolute beast! That's my son's favorite stroke, and he was excited to see her win and break the world record.

He missed nationals by .04.
We've been calling people what they prefer and it's never been a problem. Titles, ranks, jobs, nicknames, marital status, gender but all of a sudden this one particular gender pronoun issue is such a big problem?

What makes it even more hilarious is that it has always been grammatically correct to address someone by "they" if that person's gender can't be identified.

We will note that they has been in consistent use as a singular pronoun since the late 1300s; that the development of singular they mirrors the development of the singular you from the plural you, yet we don’t complain that singular you is ungrammatical; and that regardless of what detractors say, nearly everyone uses the singular they in casual conversation and often in formal writing.

There have always been people who didn’t conform to an expected gender expression, or who seemed to be neither male nor female. But we’ve struggled to find the right language to describe these people—and in particular, the right pronouns. In the 17th century, English laws concerning inheritance sometimes referred to people who didn’t fit a gender binary using the pronoun it, which, while dehumanizing, was conceived of as being the most grammatically fit answer to gendered pronouns around then. Adopting the already-singular they is vastly preferable.

If a trans woman goes into a stall, uses it, and leaves, how is that any different from anyone else using the bathroom. If it's a changing room and someone is there staring or creeping around like a predator, guess what? That's wrong no matter what their gender is

This why the "weird" label hits so hard. Who are those people who walk in a public restroom and make eye contact with everybody to make sure they belong?
Kate is an absolute beast! That's my son's favorite stroke, and he was excited to see her win and break the world record.

He missed nationals by .04.

Great for your son

But unfortunately Kate’s accomplishments will not be mentioned, again, by the same people who will bend over backwards to discuss this mess in an ill informed manner

Katie ledecky also became the most decorated American female Olympian and Simone biles won gold.. I wonder how many of those American women will get mentioned
For me, Simone Biles is a world icon. As you said, it's a shame that different views and agendas always taint the waters and dominate national headlines. Recently, I've seen a lot of criticism about her hair. Like seriously?

When it comes to swimming, I think Michael Phelps made it cool, elevating it to a prime-time level of coolness. Unfortunately, extremists shifted the focus from the sport to controversies. These sidebar conversations overshadow the athletes who deserve recognition. Kate is another world icon, even if it might not seem that way in the States.

The number of people I've had to remove from my timeline, whether they are Trump or Harris supporters, is crazy. There are ways to engage in discussions rationally, instead of going on a tantrum and assuming that if you're not with me, you must be against me.
This Trump interview with the NABJ is up there with Katt Williams on club Shay Shay as interview of the year as far as comedy content.
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