***Official Political Discussion Thread***

John 17:14 “I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.​

John 17:15 “I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.​

John 17:16 “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.​

Could you go into context with these verses that you've quoted?
Man, a person like Trump doesn't scare me. This orange fool ain't about to commit no coup nor will he assume absolute power. I'm sorry, but I don't share this alarmist position like a lot of you do

So you honestly believe, if he wins, that in 4 years, he will just walk out of the WH on Jan 20 2029 and say "See ya everyone, it's been grand"? If you believe that, I got a bridge to sell you CHEAP!

NEWSFLASH, HE AIN'T LEAVING!! You think him saying you won't need to vote in 4 years is just a joke? Remember, he already tried to suspend the Constitution on J6. What makes you think he won't get enough people to help him stay in power past 4 years?
The better context is why should we respect your religious beliefs and their interpretation and acceptance of certain groups of people. Who told you that those beliefs are 100% cut through the truth and not just an interpretation by someone with an agenda? And if you tell me but the Bible is true then I can point you to hundreds of theologians who will say it’s just a book of stories to use as an example of a time and place in society and that it should be adjusted for the current time and should not be taken literally.
Man, a person like Trump doesn't scare me. This orange fool ain't about to commit no coup nor will he assume absolute power. I'm sorry, but I don't share this alarmist position like a lot of you do

So judging from your username you were born in 1985? Is that right?
Could you go into context with these verses that you've quoted?
It roughly translates to " be in the world but not of the world". It calls Christians to not follow the ways, morals, and values of the world. But to keep Christ in their hearts and follow his word.
From a logical standpoint this may all be true. But this is Trump we're talking about. You can't judge him by the same metrics you judge other politicians. The more Trump gets in the dirt the more he energizes his supporters. Even with the Birther issue, at the end of the day Obama still showed his birth certificate (even if it was in a comedic manner). And this issue with Kamala's heritage is one that's not going to go away.

It may not go away, but what the **** else does she need to do to prove what she (and us) already know and learned? Her dad is Jamaican. She went to Howard. She was in AKA. I mean, come on! His fascination on this is just getting to be disturbingly creepy. Considering she's proven him wrong already as others have as well.
Even if I didn't vote, i'd still have the right to complain. You speak as if our lives are going to change in any significant way if either is elected. We survived Trump's presidency in 2016 and we'll survive a potential Trump presidency in 2024. Life goes on

Survive a potential Trump 2024 presidency? You act like this will be 2016 on replay. I bet you think Santa Claus & the Easter Bunny are real as well right? You must not like democracy then. Because if he gets in, this country will become the Christofascist Republic of Gilead. I sure hope you don't have any daughters or any women in your life because their rights will go backwards if he and his disgusting agendas go forward. But I forgot, you are religious so I'm sure you'll be fine with all this. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Well you may not respect it, but I'm older than you are and I was volunteering at polling places when you were a toddler. I've seen things change a lot. I'm going to backspace a bunch of the stuff I just wrote about my background and degrees, but all I can tell you is, don't think it can't happen. You can obviously vote for who you want to. But I'm telling you, just keep an eye out and if you love this democracy, be ready to support people who are mobilizing to stop it from tumbling, if you see it pass a threshold where you realize "oh ****, that random dude on the internet might actually have legitimately been trying to warn me". Just at least have some minimal level of a plan of action to support folks who are trying to right the ship. Deal?
Even if I didn't vote, i'd still have the right to complain. You speak as if our lives are going to change in any significant way if either is elected. We survived Trump's presidency in 2016 and we'll survive a potential Trump presidency in 2024. Life goes on
Are you serious? Did you forget that Roe vs Wade was overturned because of trump? Or are you ok with it because it aligns with your religious beliefs...
Well you may not respect it, but I'm older than you are and I was volunteering at polling places when you were a toddler. I've seen things change a lot. I'm going to backspace a bunch of the stuff I just wrote about my background and degrees, but all I can tell you is, don't think it can't happen. You can obviously vote for who you want to. But I'm telling you, just keep an eye out and if you love this democracy, be ready to support people who are mobilizing to stop it from tumbling, if you see it pass a threshold where you realize "oh ****, that random dude on the internet might actually have legitimately been trying to warn me". Just at least have some minimal level of a plan of action to support folks who are trying to right the ship. Deal?
I definitely respect where you come from. And I appreciate your perspective. I was in the same position. I used to volunteer (working at polling stations and neighborhood canvasing) for numerous political campaigns here in New Orleans. Both for local politicians and twice for President Obama's campaign. So I have some credibility. But I just don't share that viewpoint anymore. When I was younger I was more idealistic. But as I've gotten older, i've come to the conclusion that I can't change the way this world operates. I can only control my little slice of life. So regardless of who's in office I can only account for myself. I don't believe that Trump will asume ultimate power, but i'll keep an open mind to your sentiments.

Deal 🤝
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Once someone starts arguing based on their religious beliefs, the argument is over for me. We're arguing two different realities: the real world and your "beliefs" of what reality is. Don't know if I've ever seen a single instance of religious beliefs being the basis for anything but exclusion and division.

And it seems that so many times people making these arguments are at the same time; 1. Completely defined and governed by whatever their convenient reading of their religious texts are (almost always based on their own lifetime of indoctrination), 2. Endlessly concerned with everyone else conforming to their beliefs, and 3. Always claiming to be persecuted for the same beliefs they would exclude anyone else from practicing were it by a different name. So tiring.
The better context is why should we respect your religious beliefs and their interpretation and acceptance of certain groups of people. Who told you that those beliefs are 100% cut through the truth and not just an interpretation by someone with an agenda? And if you tell me but the Bible is true then I can point you to hundreds of theologians who will say it’s just a book of stories to use as an example of a time and place in society and that it should be adjusted for the current time and should not be taken literally.
I never asked anyone to accept or respect my religious beliefs. I was asked a question and I merely stated my opinion, then all hell broke loose. I can only account for myself at the end of the day. Others are free to live their life's as they see fit.
Man, a person like Trump doesn't scare me. This orange fool ain't about to commit no coup nor will he assume absolute power. I'm sorry, but I don't share this alarmist position like a lot of you do
I just watched “The Lucky Ones” on Hulu and this mindset is very dangerous. The father in that family was convinced that the Germans would let them be ok because they were rich. They were kicked out of their home and still put into a work camp. What state do you live in?
I just watched “The Lucky Ones” on Hulu and this mindset is very dangerous. The father in that family was convinced that the Germans would let them be ok because they were rich. They were kicked out of their home and still put into a work camp. What state do you live in?
I'm curious what "mindset" you speak of? I simply do not believe Trump or this supposed government takeover he's going to execute. Could it happen? Sure. Do I believe it will happen? No. But on the outside chance that it does happen, it is what it is. Empires have fallen before. And history will continue to repeat itself.
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