***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Republicans are headed for a bloodbath in tight congressional races.

The Preisdency could be closer. I don't see anywhere but GA and AZ maybe swinging Trump, but if they run Lake for Senate, they will cost themselves AZ senate and presidency. GA not having senate seats up tilts it to Republicans. But the Democratic Party runs a pretty tight ship in voter turnout that make it a puncher's chance.

The Republican strategy has always been in modern times to scare the **** out of everybody. Law & Order being their biggest push. Biden being able to pivot to you’re a convicted felon my guy and have been a criminal your entire adult life will mitigate some of the doom politics Republicans run.
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Minnesota will never turn for somebody like Trump (75% of residents of the state live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area). We haven’t voted Republican since 1972 when Nixon beat McGovern, not going to change for this *****.

I’m worried about Wisconsin and Michigan.
Minnesota will never turn for somebody like Trump (75% of residents of the state live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area). We haven’t voted Republican since 1972 when Nixon beat McGovern, not going to change for this *****.

I’m worried about Wisconsin and Michigan.

Michigan has a popular Dem governor and a senate election. I think it’s pretty safe.

Wisconsin normally falls where surrounding states go. MI and MN and PA.
See Reagan years and 2016. MI and PA go red, WI goes red.

Also for however weak people say Biden is as a candidate. One place he campaigns very effectively is Rust Belt cities. Because that’s his whole Schtick.
I'm not worried about Wisconsin or Michigan. The state parties in those states are machines and both have popular Dem governors. With the new congressional maps in Wisconsin I expect huge turnout to pickup some house seats which might pull Joe along
Yeah Biden only won Wisconsin by a little bit last cycle too, I know Wisconsin (not Mich haven’t ever been there)… not a bunch that couldn’t be taken.
My problem with getting overly worked up whenever some new poll gets released that ‘somehow’ gets traction in the media, is the actual results of the last 3 years of elections

The actual results have ‘somehow’ gone underreported.. and that is inclusive of primary results

Republicans have not adequately addressed any of the issues that have lead to the results.. inclusive of the most recent issue of trump’s conviction on all counts

Hell you had a juror who said they only got their news from truth social and yet that person voted guilty on all counts and is going deal with all the things that will come from the cult

And then I remember the circumstances and the very narrow margins trump won with in 2016

Again, by no means do I think this thing is in the bag.. but somehow Katy tur is still employed on msnbc and reporting on the very same trial her name was said in
Another great example of why I refuse to get worked up, they made a story of trump raises ‘34 million” since the trial

Where is that figure coming from? Who is confirming that number to actually be true?

A notorious liar says something and journalists just go with it.. just like that 100,000 crowd size story from a New Jersey rally that then got bumped to 107,000
Doocy always tries to play gotcha and every time gets destroyed. It’s hilarious because whenever he asks a question in the press room there’s always a collective groan.

Doocy always tries to play gotcha and every time gets destroyed. It’s hilarious because whenever he asks a question in the press room there’s always a collective groan.

Republicans spent years trying to find something to get an impeachment hearing off the ground

And they are suddenly supposed to find something to charge him with criminally AND then get a jury, that his lawyers will have input in, to convict him
Ana has gone so far right it’s crazy. Pretty comical NIMBY

As much as she hates Jimmy Dore. She followed the same exact trajectory.

And doesn't she work with that guy Cenk? The dude who took presidential donations on a run as an independent I believe, KNOWING FULL WELL he was INELIGIBLE to run because he wasn't born here? Grifters always stay together!

I was worried about Hogan, in the right conditions, might have a shot at the Senate seat

But he is probably screwed if Trump starts attacking him

The MAGA force in MD might be relatively small. But he needs all the loons to show up for him regardless
I was worried about Hogan, in the right conditions, might have a shot at the Senate seat

But he is probably screwed if Trump starts attacking him

The MAGA force in MD might be relatively small. But he needs all the loons to show up for him regardless

Alsobrooks should be able to beat him, mostly because we ******* hate that *******, and him winning reelection was primarily because the dems ran such a terrible candidate. Lucky for us, Hogan is still a ****ball and more and more people have seen through his ******** and nobody is falling for his lies now.

He's trying to ride the fence and it's so obvious he's just saying whatever he can to try to get elected. People are bringing a ton of his ****** decisions back into focus now that he's trying to run for office. I'm sure he's going to try to throw some **** at the wall and hope it sticks on alsobrooks, in line with his whole nonsense "people are sick of the fighting in washington" babble, as if he isn't a member of the republican party and someone who has done more than his fair share of it.
Hogan getting washed…It’s easy to distance yourself and play both sides when convenient as Governor, but at the next level folks gon notice the big R next to his name :lol:
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