***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Stock Market has been killing it with rising interest rates, almost unheard of, we all know Trump would have most likely replaced Powell if he was in office.
It’s up about 40% since Biden won the election too.

.RUT is at 2012.1 up from 1614.3 on 11/3/20 or about 6.94% per annum

It was at 1195.14 on 11/8/16 or up about 7.8% over those 4 years.

In real terms it’s a bit more stark as recent inflation would have erased much of the gains.

Of course, just looking at real returns absent context and policy is dumb, dumb, dumb.

A current and a former U.S. official said the new intelligence was related to Russia’s attempts to develop a space-based antisatellite nuclear weapon. ABC News reported earlier that the intelligence had to do with such a capability. Current and former officials said the nuclear weapon was not in orbit.

The threat came to light after Representative Michael R. Turner, Republican of Ohio and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, issued a cryptic statement calling on the Biden administration to declassify the material. Mr. Turner’s statement, and his decision to share the information with others in Congress, set Washington abuzz about what the intelligence was.

Sooo Mr Republican... Why would you want Biden to declassify information like this? Could it be a way to help Putin figure out how the US learned about this?

I'm starting to question the very presence of GOP members in congressional intelligence committees. Mitch/Johnson aren't sending their best people.
We haven’t even closed 2024 yet. I’ll take a 43% return in the S&P over 4 years. 8% return is the standard, but we are getting more than that inflation or not.
We haven’t even closed 2024 yet. I’ll take a 43% return in the S&P over 4 years. 8% return is the standard, but we are getting more than that inflation or not.

Heh, not sure why I looked at R2K, I meant to pull data for the 3k.

Odd that there was that much divergence in the 2 indices
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Heh, not sure why I looked at R2K, I meant to pull data for the 3k. I just am not seeing 43%. What days are you using?

S&P was about 3369 on 11/3/20 it closed at 5k today. That’s 48.4% return plus we technically have 9 more months

S&P was 2140 on 11/8/16 and grew to 3369 through 11/3/20. Sure there 57.43% but that’s with 9 more months of growth. The difference is minimal.

And look at averages S&P growth during democratic and republic presidencies, under democrat rule the stock market does a full 1% better per year.
S&P was about 3369 on 11/3/20 it closed at 5k today. That’s 48.4% return plus we technically have 9 more months

S&P was 2140 on 11/8/16 and grew to 3369 through 11/3/20. Sure there 57.43% but that’s with 9 more months of growth. The difference is minimal.

And look at averages S&P growth during democratic and republic presidencies, under democrat rule the stock market does a full 1% better per year.

Yeah, I found my mistake, but was too slow on the edit button to avoid looking dumb.


Anyways, the broader point tgat I was trying to make that I think is more important is that looking at market growth isolated from the broader environment is not a particularly great way to measure a president’s economic performance.
Yeah, I found my mistake, but was too slow on the edit button to avoid looking dumb.


Anyways, the broader point tgat I was trying to make that I think is more important is that looking at market growth isolated from the broader environment is not a particularly great way to measure a president’s economic performance.

💯 I think the stock market means little. But many of the things passed under Biden as these grants go out will pay HUGE dividends to communities and eventually stock markets down the line.
I don't know if you realize that developing anti-satellite weapons is flipping the script on not militarizing space.

If deployed, this will knock us (as in, all of humanity) back to the pre-industrial age. I don't see how your meme fits the situation.
Geee whizz. I wonder why they hate us?

That darn Freedom they are so jealous of. Those “evil doers”

We need a “coalition of the willing”
See what low pay is forcing our educators to do...



Black Santa on the wall is crazy 😂
I disagree.

Trump has nothing to run on, this time around and he doesn't have the same appeal he had in 2016.
He will run on the same stuff he ran on the last two times. Crime, immigration, the economy

He doesn't need large swings to win.

He turns rural areas better than any Republican, is over performs in urban areas, it is the suburbs that sank him last time

The Presidential electorate is very favorable to Trump. Besides the suburbs, the main political shift all favors Trump.

Latinos becoming more conservative, and education polarization.

Last two elections were razor close. I think at this point there is enough anger in the system that he gets enough swing voters to put him over.

After he beat expectations by a lot in two elections in a row, I think it is unwise to not be seriously concerned
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