***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I appreciate the reply, but I inquired about the 2020 Democratic Primary Election, not the 2020 General Election.

Your experience of holding your nose and voting for a centrist Democrat to prevent this guy from getting a second term is a common one:

As I recall, virtually none of the regulars here expressed support for Joe Biden during the primary cycle, with the majority preferring more progressive candidates. We’re all well acquainted with choosing from a set of undesirable options while completing our ballots.

So, if you wanted to vote for “someone better,” your best opportunity to do so would’ve been in that year’s Democratic Primary election.

That’s why I asked if you did.

Voting for a third party candidate in a general election isn’t going to “force” the major political parties to reevaluate their nominees because, as you know, voters select those candidates through the primary process.
bolded for emphasizzzzzz
Remember. We need the Ukraine war to continue til November 6th. Then we can admit defeat
Wait…. wait…. wait…. You’re against the massacre of Palestinians but for the massacre of Ukrainians? Bro you just a rat Republican pretending to be a liberal, aren’t you.

There’s no admitting defeat in the Ukraine to save a dollar, putin will slaughter all of them.




Honestly I think this is their attempt to get people to ignore the fact they literally said no to a immigration deal and then when they realized they were going to likely lose another congressional seat they timed it for right now.

It’s bad political theater and to me it stinks of desperation.

Political Kabuki like this only works if people take you serious to begin with. Every Republican in a purple state should be scared for their seat right now.
Honestly I think this is their attempt to get people to ignore the fact they literally said no to a immigration deal and then when they realized they were going to likely lose another congressional seat they timed it for right now.

It’s bad political theater and to me it stinks of desperation.

Political Kabuki like this only works if people take you serious to begin with. Every Republican in a purple state should be scared for their seat right now.

Dudes literally got by, by the skin of their teeth because someone was out sick

And now dems picked up another seat
Really is odd we only hear about polls in certain circumstances

Almost like job reports…

Santos won the district by 7.2%. The Dem who has been declared the winner is currently up 8%. A 15-point swing is WILD. Apparently, GOP voters are livid over their immigration policy, both not wanting to secure the border, and sending migrants to their city. The ONE issue the GOP thought they had left to lord over people after Dobbs is blowing up in their faces.
Be wary of "independents" who wax on and on about how they "fear" Trump might win

This despite every major election since he left office points to the other direction, with you know, election results, not to mention the one he himself lost, to the guy he is running against.

I fear it's a dog whistle for people who are Trump supporters but don't want to outright say it until you lay into how much Biden sucks so they feel safe...
I think it is kinda obvious Trump is in a better position right now than Biden

Also Trump overperformed polling in two elections in a row

Sure other Trump aligned candidates have lost, but a Presidential general election electorate is the most MAGA/Trump friendly electorate.

I think to underestimate the potential of another Trump victory is foolish
Wait…. wait…. wait…. You’re against the massacre of Palestinians but for the massacre of Ukrainians? Bro you just a rat Republican pretending to be a liberal, aren’t you.

There’s no admitting defeat in the Ukraine to save a dollar, putin will slaughter all of them.
In his own words, he didn’t really follow the news until October 7th. Prior to that he just watched CNN occasionally.

Either way targeting civilians evidently doesn’t seem an issue for him, unless Israel is doing it. When confronted multiple times with the Houthis indiscriminately targeting civilian ship crews, he has taken the following approaches:
- Denying it happened, followed by being proven wrong by the Houthis’ own admission

- Deflecting, lying, strawman fallacies, ending the argument with a sarcastic ‘ok you’re right, Israel did nothing wrong’ and “#FreeIsrael”

- Victim blaming the civilians for not responding to a radio call, which strongly implies they deserved it.

- Deflecting with “you only cited one example” and pointing to Israel, which ties the justification of striking civilians to a quota

- Victim blaming a different ship’s civilians because a Greek-owned company’s ship, which sailed under a Marshall Islands flag and was en route to deliver corn from Brazil to Iran, was listed on the US stock market.

To be fair, in the first Houthi strikes on civilians discussion he did one time say he was 100% against targeting civilians, however that came before the victim blaming and before/during/after using constant strawman fallacies to suggest anyone condemning Houthi strikes on civilians supports Israel’s genocide.

While he doesn’t explicitly say he supports or doesn’t mind the targeting of civilians if the ones doing it are opposed to Israel, he walks up so close to that line that it’s hard to draw a different conclusion.

The self-described free thinker’s very first response to the Houthi strikes on civilians after all was not condemnation but an immediate blanket denial that they’re doing so. That alone is quite telling.

In the other discussion, where they targeted civilians delivering food to the Houthis’ biggest ally Iran, his response was once again not condemnation but a reach for the stars to find some sort of way to blame the victims. Which ended up being that the company is on the US stock market.
I disagree.

Trump has nothing to run on, this time around and he doesn't have the same appeal he had in 2016.
I agree somewhat. Trump will run on no policy and the mainstream media will still indirectly cover him as the better choice because he brings them ratings. Biden will be shown in a bad light and bashed all the way through election day because he's "boring" and doesn't really bring rating to mainstream media. The only concern I have is if the public is going to fall for the trick or not. Unlike the democratic politicians, I don't trust that the citizens of this country are "smarter" than that and will make the right decision.
Santos won the district by 7.2%. The Dem who has been declared the winner is currently up 8%. A 15-point swing is WILD. Apparently, GOP voters are livid over their immigration policy, both not wanting to secure the border, and sending migrants to their city. The ONE issue the GOP thought they had left to lord over people after Dobbs is blowing up in their faces.

That union coming out heavy for the bill speaks volumes

GOP can’t win if certain voters decide to really flip

But the problem with majority of the people who cover this is they are treating this as the game as usual not realizing the amount of absurdity.. they’re ignoring the results and the reasoning behind the results

Like DNC just won a seat in Florida they haven’t held in decades and that’s just being ignored

And at the end of the day biden is an old white dude
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Never considered the angle presented in this breakdown of the Putin interview.

Had a really good chuckle at Putin asking if this was a serious interview or one of his shows.

Tucker was out of his ******* depth too, talking about "I don't know how all this background info is relevant to the conflict." The fact that this guy had one of the most watched shows in the US is a confirmation of the lack of substance of our news channels.
I disagree.

Trump has nothing to run on, this time around and he doesn't have the same appeal he had in 2016.
IDK mane
life is more expensive and for the vast majority of ppl that blame is put on the president
trump gave ppl a stimmy and as silly as it sounds ppl gunna rememeber that

he has a legitimate shot
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