***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Serious question. And I mean serious. Not even trying to be funny. Why are 40+ year old white dudes (who swore they were the vanguard of culture in the 90s) behave like this?

I truly want to know. It’s not a blind spot. I get contranaism. It’s obvious racism and conditioning. But I’m still confused as to how the OBVIUOUS escapes them for dumb *** takes like this. I seen Michael Tracey saying it is an affront to America, that Donald Trump has to be subjected to a mug shot, and the harsh conditions of Fulton county jail.

Why is this a thing? It’s insanely annoying. I don’t get it.

Def a fake billionaire, but he got racks Fa sho.

I just think it is comical, how many voted for him….Explicitly with the idea that he will “run the country like a business”…which he did to the country’s detriment.

And That was never a good thing. Ever. People really fooled to think a nepotism baby and failed businessman whose bankrupted entire industries……wouldn’t do the same.

Whomever came up with **** like “The Apprentice & Silicon Valley” is sinister and genius.
Serious question. And I mean serious. Not even trying to be funny. Why are 40+ year old white dudes (who swore they were the vanguard of culture in the 90s) behave like this?

I truly want to know. It’s not a blind spot. I get contranaism. It’s obvious racism and conditioning. But I’m still confused as to how the OBVIUOUS escapes them for dumb *** takes like this. I seen Michael Tracey saying it is an affront to America, that Donald Trump has to be subjected to a mug shot, and the harsh conditions of Fulton county jail.

Why is this a thing? It’s insanely annoying. I don’t get it.

Love how the meaning of "punk" has been perverted

Doing anything that anyone else might not like is now considered "punk"
Conservatives are so dense, dude basically made a song most people can relate to in one way or another.

What makes them think it applies to them and only them? :lol: it was basically a protest and unity song.

Nothing about that song seemed conservative to me.

It’s typical classwar music.
Conservatives are so dense, dude basically made a song most people can relate to in one way or another.

What makes them think it applies to them and only them? :lol: it was basically a protest and unity song.

Nothing about that song seemed conservative to me.

It’s typical classwar music.

Nah, not surprised conservatives thought he was on their side

He said **** like this in the song...

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds

That definitely sounds like some **** you hear from right wing populist.
But right before that he was speaking on the homeless which conservatives believe should be homeless because they could just lift themselves up by their bootstraps.

Idk, I never got that vibe. Obviously people took it different ways so he had to clarify.

To me it just seemed like blue collar/anti government bluegrass music. Same as a lot of punk like against me or drop kick Murphy’s. They love singing about factories and stuff. :lol:
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