***Official Political Discussion Thread***

From Kindergarten...Race

To the Job Market...Race


To the Paycheck...Race

Even more disturbing in the study is the assertion that the age-old mantra that pulling “yourself up by the bootstraps” and getting an education to change your place on the economic strata is false. In the chapter entitled “Education is Not the Great Equalizer When It Comes to Race and Wealth, ” the New School has this to say:

“Higher education is associated with greater wealth within race groups, but more education will not solve the problem of racial wealth disparity. The financial positions of similarly credentialed black and white families are markedly different. For families with household heads that have a college degree, the typical white household has $180,500 in wealth while the typical Black household has $23,400, a setback of nearly $160,000. Indeed, black families whose head earned a college degree have only 2/3 of the wealth of white families headed by a high school earned dropout. Moreover, white families whose head completed some college, but did not earn a four-year degree, have slightly more wealth than black families with a head that earned a graduate or professional degree.”


To Home Ownership / Generational Wealth: Race

The problem is Racism my friend.

Unless and until we solve that problem...directly...nothing will change.

“I can’t pass laws that say I’m just helping black folks,” Obama.


Congress finds the following:

Following the spread of COVID–19 in 2020, there has been a dramatic increase in hate crimes and violence against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders.

According to a recent report, there were nearly 3,800 reported cases of anti-Asian discrimination and incidents related to COVID–19 between March 19, 2020, and February 28, 2021, in all 50 States and the District of Columbia.

During this time frame, race has been cited as the primary reason for discrimination, making up over 90 percent of incidents, and the United States condemns and denounces any and all anti-Asian and Pacific Islander sentiment in any form.

Roughly 36 percent of these incidents took place at a business and more than 2,000,000 Asian-American businesses have contributed to the diverse fabric of American life.

More than 1,900,000 Asian-American and Pacific Islander older adults, particularly those older adults who are recent immigrants or have limited English proficiency, may face even greater challenges in dealing with the COVID–19 pandemic, including discrimination, economic insecurity, and language isolation.

In the midst of this alarming surge in anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, a shooter murdered the following 8 people in the Atlanta, Georgia region, 7 of whom were women and 6 of whom were women of Asian descent:

If you read the fact sheet, the Biden Administration calls out how this specifically helps black people.

It is clear you have zero interest to discuss this topic. So instead, you turn this into a about macro discussion about Dems not fixing racism.

And you want people to ignore political reality and one of your grievances if that it policy is not explicitly stated to help black people (in this case it actually was)

This to me is such a lazy brand of political analysis. Like you avoid talking about the actual policies and their ramifications for black people.

Also you mentioning the Obama comment here is silly. I remember when he said that to the breakfast club. He listed the ways his policies helped black people but he said he doesn't go around talking it up because he wanted to help more people but couldn't. He feels bad about it. I don't see that is some evidence backing up your point.

Like you are no here for a discussion of the topic, you are not here for an actual discussion. You admit you know less politics than others so it really seems like a big news story broke and you want to drop a "well actually" with little substance actual substance

Like you want to school people on the issue, to recognize the issue, and what needs to be done, while being ignorant about the hurdles

Go ahead and drop your logical fallacy meme dude. I know you are dying to. :lol:
If you read the fact sheet, the Biden Administration calls out how this specifically helps black people.

It is clear you have zero interest to discuss this topic. So instead, you turn this into a about macro discussion about Dems not fixing racism.

And you want people to ignore political reality and one of your grievances if that it policy is not explicitly stated to help black people (in this case it actually was)

This to me is such a lazy brand of political analysis. Like you avoid talking about the actual policies and their ramifications for black people.

Also you mentioning the Obama comment here is silly. I remember when he said that to the breakfast club. He listed the ways his policies helped black people but he said he doesn't go around talking it up because he wanted to help more people but couldn't. He feels bad about it. I don't see that is some evidence backing up your point.

Like you are no here for a discussion of the topic, you are not here for an actual discussion. You admit you know less politics than others so it really seems like a big news story broke and you want to drop a "well actually" with little substance actual substance

Like you want to school people on the issue, to recognize the issue, and what needs to be done, while being ignorant about the hurdles

Go ahead and drop your logical fallacy meme dude. I know you are dying to. :lol:

The only reason colleges are able to charge so much is because the Government backs the loans.

Just like the housing crisis they backed bad products and guaranteed profits for the rich to get richer.

Nobody ever asks these Colleges and Universities to prove that their pieces of paper are worth 200k just like they didn't ask if the houses were worth what people were charging or if the buyers were actually qualified to pay.

We are a debt based society.
If someone wants to make a criticism of Biden not using his executive power to advance racial equality in certain areas, with specific examples. I feel that is a totally fair and important point to make while taking an issue with today's news

But if in the face of a massive executive order being signed that will greatly benefit black lenders, the major criticism is basically "welp it did not fix racism" that just comes of to me as unserious take being passed of a serious political analysis.

It is one thing to be mad about Biden and the Dems generally not delivering more transformative policy wins. Which is a sentiment I share. It is another to use that anger as a reason to dismiss any positive steps. Which I think is counterproductive.
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