.: Official Paranormal/Alien/Unexplained Thread:. Vol.2

more info on the jersey devil
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

the only paranormal things ive ever experienced was that last year when i was up in charlottesville virginia the sky was on fire

i tried to record it with my phone and i couldnt cuz my phone sucks an it was at night.

it looked like the area of sky behind the cloud was on fire. weird and i felt so stupid knowin that nobody would ever believe me. nobody was outside but me at the time as i was coming from the store.

it wasnt fallin or floating the fire was stationary just burning behind a cloud.
A sunset..?
around the town i live in theres a local legend called "annie's road" it's a road that swerves and curves and is supposedly haunted by a girl who was murdered a few years back, thats not even the strange part though lol. Around the road there's small tiny houses and the area is called "midgetville" and teens go around that area to of course look for the !+#$% annie and to !%@@ around with the midgets...supposedly the midgets are very hostile and end up doin all this **$# u would most likely see in a movie lol
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Man, about 10 years ago I was skateboarding home late one night. For whatever reason I was not in a hurry to get home...so I was just coasting....co-chillin looking up in the sky. That particular night there were a lot of stars in the sky. As I am looking at one, it takes off at lighting speed across the entire sky. So at first glance I'm like "hey a shooting star" but then it stops completely (as far as I can tell) and switched directions TWICE and jets back in the opposite direction across the entire sky once again and vanishes. I was like
. It happened so fast too. Probably like 1 sec total. I dunno, till this day I have never known what to think of it. But I saw it though

On everything, I saw something very similar to what you saw, but it only switched directions once and then it just kinda soared into space.. someone witnessed it with me too.
man ive had so many paranormal experiences....

at my old crib my hippie/intune with the earth and vibrations friend walked into my house. her name was clair.
she like about faced and walked right back out and said there are some scary vibes...
i was higher than the price of gas in 08, so i confronted my house.
told it pretty much word for word " if you keep %$!!##$ with me i will burn this whole place down and no one can live here! so smoke this fire and quit being a hater"
and she stayed away for a few weeks, but when she came back she said it was calmer than her house.

and i trust her cause she predicted some wild stuff about me when i first met her like "are you stalking me $%++*?"
The Dover Demon

Dover, Massachusetts was the location of the sighting of a bizarre creature for a few days beginning on April 21, 1977. Although the creature, which became known as "the Dover Demon," was only seen by a few people in this short period of time, it is considered one of the most mysterious creatures of modern times.The first sighting was made by 17-year-old Bill Bartlett as he and three friends were driving north near the small New England town at around 10:30 at night. Through the darkness, Bartlett claimed to have seen an unusual creature creeping along a low stone wall on the side of the road - something he had never seen before and could not identify. The other boys did not see it, but it was obvious to them that Bartlett was shaken by the experience. When he arrived home, he told his father about his experience and sketched a drawing of the creature.Just a few hours after Bartlett's sighting, at 12:30 a.m., John Baxter swore that he saw the same creature while walking home from his girlfriend's house. The 15-year-old boy saw it with its arms wrapped around the trunk of a tree, and his description of the thing matched Bartlett's exactly.The final sighting was reported the next day by another 15-year-old, Abby Brabham, a friend of one of Bill Bartlett's friends, who said it appeared briefly in the car's headlights while she and her friend were driving. Again, the description was consistent.

This is the creature they allegedly saw:
about four feet tall on two legs hairless body with rough-textured skin long, spindly peach-colored limbs
a large watermelon-shaped head, nearly as big as its body large glowing orange eyes.

Subsequent investigations into this unusual case turned up no hard evidence for the reality of the creature, but neither was there evidence of a hoax nor a motive for perpetrating one. Skeptics suggested that what the teenagers saw was a young moose, while UFOlogists who looked into the case wondered if there was an extraterrestrial connection.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

man ive had so many paranormal experiences....

at my old crib my hippie/intune with the earth and vibrations friend walked into my house. her name was clair.
she like about faced and walked right back out and said there are some scary vibes...
i was higher than the price of gas in 08, so i confronted my house.
told it pretty much word for word " if you keep %$!!##$ with me i will burn this whole place down and no one can live here! so smoke this fire and quit being a hater"
and she stayed away for a few weeks, but when she came back she said it was calmer than her house.

and i trust her cause she predicted some wild stuff about me when i first met her like "are you stalking me $%++*?"

Out of all the scary posts in this thread, your grammar has to be the scariest
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

man ive had so many paranormal experiences....

at my old crib my hippie/intune with the earth and vibrations friend walked into my house. her name was clair.

she like about faced and walked right back out and said there are some scary vibes...

i was higher than the price of gas in 08, so i confronted my house.

told it pretty much word for word " if you keep %$!!##$ with me i will burn this whole place down and no one can live here! so smoke this fire and quit being a hater"

and she stayed away for a few weeks, but when she came back she said it was calmer than her house.

and i trust her cause she predicted some wild stuff about me when i first met her like "are you stalking me $%++*?"

Out of all the scary posts in this thread, your grammar has to be the scariest

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

man ive had so many paranormal experiences....

at my old crib my hippie/intune with the earth and vibrations friend walked into my house. her name was clair.

she like about faced and walked right back out and said there are some scary vibes...

i was higher than the price of gas in 08, so i confronted my house.

told it pretty much word for word " if you keep %$!!##$ with me i will burn this whole place down and no one can live here! so smoke this fire and quit being a hater"

and she stayed away for a few weeks, but when she came back she said it was calmer than her house.

and i trust her cause she predicted some wild stuff about me when i first met her like "are you stalking me $%++*?"

Out of all the scary posts in this thread, your grammar has to be the scariest

hahahahahahaha lol wut.
My brother has had two encounters with ghosts within in my family.
The first time was after my grandmother died. she passed away in the spring about 10 years ago. Later that fall one of my cousins was getting married. My brother was in college at the time and couldnt make it back for the wedding. My brother said we was in his room when he saw my grandmother standing at the foot of his bed. He said that she talked to him about the wedding, telling him things that only if you went to the wedding that you would know about. He was also told about some of the secrets about my cousins relationship with her husband that no one knew about except my grandmother and why she didnt like her husband. My brother told my mom about things about the wedding and she was shook that he knew and how he found out. And the things my brother was told about, like him being abusive, was confirmed when they split years later/

The most recent was about a year ago. My sister passed away from a 4 year battle of leukemia last spring. When the doctors said there was nothing they could do, she had to come to the facts that she was going to pass away. When she was ready to talk about it, she talked to my brother about his past experiences with the paranormal. It helped her comfort her to know there was something after life. About a week before she passed she was in the hospital with some of my family, she asked who brought a dog in. There was no dog but what she saw was my aunts dogs who passed away laying at the end of her bed almost there for protection. Later on that week she passed away. After everything was settled and we all went back home, my brother was in his bedroom when his phone went off. the phone said that my sister was calling. Number and caller ID popped up. He answered and all her heard was my sister say, "all i wanted to do was go to sleep". That connects to how she died because when she passed, she woke up and couldnt breathe as he lungs started to fill up. She rolled over and my dad rubbed her back as she passed away. Fitting what she said on the phone. So with those totally believe there is life beyond to what we see everyday.
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