.: Official Paranormal/Alien/Unexplained Thread:. Vol.2

@+$# most of this stuff is great, Worth watching to
^some might just be things that can be mistaken for other things but others are unexplained
Originally Posted by JediMaster23

I was raped by 2 female alien freaks, they gave me good head and everything, i was screaming cause it was so good.

That is all.
I'm sorry but


Originally Posted by akademikgenius

Originally Posted by Stoker55

Originally Posted by SneakerHead401


this dude lives in a "paranormal" house and he leaves cameras recording everything some freak @%@ I've seen

I'm sorry, but I'm very skeptical of these videos.
something weird happened to my sister and i over the most recent major snowstorm in the northeast.

there's been a bunch of snowfall in the past month or two, but during the MAJOR snowstorm that dropped almost 2 feet on us i'm out shoveling because it's horrible outside. my sister is also outside making a snowman.

inbetween the 2 cars in my driveway the snow built up so much that when i stood on top of it, i was waist-level with the roof of the cars on each side. one of the times walking over that mound to get to the street, once i walked over it and hit the "mountain's" highest point a BRIGHT neon blue light shined at me from the sky (i think) and i had to stop and close my eyes. it lasted no longer than 3 seconds and afterward my sister freaked a bit because she saw the same light. no sound, no nothing. skies were black (night time) and snow was still steadily falling so we couldn't see anything in the sky or anywhere around us.

we eventually shrugged it off as "aliens" just joking around. i didn't even bother telling anyone (in real life) because i knew no one would have any idea what i was talking about. i saw this thread and thought about it because it was really, really weird.

i'm in philly, btw.
^crazy stuff man... if u got any other stories like that or unexplained vids or pics, post them
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by tizoni

Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by tizoni

when i fall asleep there are sometimes where i wake up awake but i cannot move my body and my eyes are still shut, meanwhile im hearing whispers and in order for me to be able to move again i have to say a prayer.
 anybody else experience this?

it all started like 9 years ago when me and my fam stayed in a one berdroom apartment (i was 9) and i look over where my mom was sleeping and i see a shadow of a person on the wall right over her, while i look at the shadow i become completely paralized and i couldnt move
maybe i was just young and it was all in my head? but i remember in order to get into the parking area of the apartment complex you had to go through an alley, at night if you look into the alley youd see flashes of red and white lights floating around. i want to go back and check it out again...

Sounds alot like what you're experiencing.

hmmm ive experienced seeing shadows in my room talking to me, being paralyzed and felt like i was floating on top of my bed like an alien obduction,,,
Some reports read that various factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations. These include:
  • Sleeping in a face upwards or supine position
  • Irregular sleeping schedules; naps, sleeping in, sleep deprivation
  • Increased stress
  • Sudden environmental/lifestyle changes
  • A lucid dream that immediately precedes the episode.
 it all makes sense now!!!
thank you CaponeCartel, i always wondered if there was an explanation for all of this
Sleep paralysis is quite common, i don't get it as much as I used to thank goodness.

The emocon i put is because i get sleep paralysis all the time and what tizoni explained is almost exactly what i expierence with sleep paralysis.
I only get it when i take naps in the middle of the day on my futon in my basement when the room is completely pitch black. I sleep down there all the time cause i sleep so well in that room and im always tired after school. I take 2-3 hour naps everyday.
When i get it ive had times where there was a shadow  to the left of me that i could see in my parephrials(sp?) and the shadow would have the voice of my mom and would whisper in my ear.
Then there was a time where my mom walked in and shook my leg telling me to do go upstairs and do something i cant remember. But when she shook my leg she went upstairs after and i couldnt move. I tried to yell but couldnt open my mouth which is when i started to panic. Eventually when i got up i thought it all actually happened but then i realized my mom wasnt even home.

As i type this im just realizing my mom is always involved.

Now though i get sleep paralysis so much i dont even panic cause i know its happening when its happening. Weird stuff.

It never really scares me but when I had it today, I was actually able to walk around and and could only barely open my eyes.  Sort of like when the sun is hitting you in the face.  crazy
Man, about 10 years ago I was skateboarding home late one night. For whatever reason I was not in a hurry to get home...so I was just coasting....co-chillin looking up in the sky. That particular night there were a lot of stars in the sky. As I am looking at one, it takes off at lighting speed across the entire sky. So at first glance I'm like "hey a shooting star" but then it stops completely (as far as I can tell) and switched directions TWICE and jets back in the opposite direction across the entire sky once again and vanishes. I was like
. It happened so fast too. Probably like 1 sec total. I dunno, till this day I have never known what to think of it. But I saw it though
I have something to tell that's unexplained. One time I was chilling a my crib at night, then I hear a girl screaming, grunting or moaning, I'm not sure. I went outside to see what was up then I see a pair of eyes floating to a Cadillac Escalade. I was spooked.
Originally Posted by I HIT LICKS

chokeonsmoke wrote:
anyone ever wake up with scratches on their body?

ALL the time.

Happens so much that I just came to the conclusion that I do it in my sleep.

me too, deep scratches when i dont have any nails plus in the most random places where it would be hard as hell to reach while sleeping...
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