OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

So we gonna lose a second round pick cause Brunsons pops told his son to come get more money and playing time in NY?
I saw this trade mock up online

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I tried it on the trade machine and it works actually :nerd:

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Coaches are like that tho. They make you focus and work extra hard on the things they weren’t good at.

I’m not surprised at all. :lol:
I mean Jeff was a defensive guru as a coach. Do we honestly think, looking at him, that he was good on defense when he played in college and HS?
Nah, it’s not even that Tom sucked on defense himself it’s that he was a trigger happy shooter and would make up calls when scored on :lol:

That’s super fraudulent.
MSG showing the then RJ career high 35 pt leading the team in efficiency and lobs to Mitch.

00:50 growth not being linear something something.

🌟J bout to takeoff this yr.

The font/arch on those jerseys is the only disappointing thing headeing into this next era atm.

Those black/orange city edition from last yr tho are pure cocaine.


That was a gorgeous game by son.

I honestly would rather they say **** u to Ainge and further the push for RJ to the 2 spot.

Don’t want him going to the Heat or pos Bos tho so if it’s just to prevent them from getting better then do it!
190+ million on the court and cant win against amateurs.


Randle needs to step down and accept a lesser role.
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