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Nike just twittered that they are releasing tomorrow afternoon....when? who knows when.  sounds like a quick strike release for NDC 
Originally Posted by PrecisionFreek

I'm 3 for 3 for the all stars through Eastbay.  1 more to go.  

and then you have D-bags like this who lie to get attention on a message board.
ok so explain this one. I decided to pull up two computers. One is my Laptop (Macbook Pro) using Wifi at home and the other is a PC Wired into the router. I waited on the synced countdown and as soon as it hit 0 I smashed the mouse on both to check out (Like everyone did). So my Macbook pulls up a 3 min wait, while the PC has no wait at all. I go right through and it says to put in my CC info. I try to checkout with paypal for about 5 mins thinking it would be faster but it would not work. This whole time my Macbook Pro is counting down and then adding more and more mins. So I decide the PC is not going to work with paypal so I throw in the CC info real quick. As soon as I hit place order it takes me right into the countdown! BUT IT'S ONLY 30 SECONDS! As soon as it counts down I click submit again and Bam my order is submitted around 12:10. Meanwhile I was told on my laptop they were sold out.

All that being said I'm still not confident knowing alot of these will be canceled just like the 3D. These will most likely be worse because they don't have numbers on them yet. Well I can always hope!
same as everyone else for me. timer went all the way down and then started up again.
0 for 3 so far on the all-star pack
after the Grinches (1.5 hrs on hold while people just calling get thru), and these all star releases, im forever done with eastbay. mark my words, i will never spend another dollar there...and ive seriously probably spent over $10,000 on shoes and gear through the years. im done

and as much as i hate them, you have to look at Nike as well. Why releease 4 all star shoes that most cant get one or two at retail? why not have one pair, with 4 times the quantity??? why limit the good huarache, the alphas? why not gives us good lebron versions like hwc? why nike why??? /rant
Originally Posted by marley

<<== Crumples up Gold Club membership, wipes *%+ with it, flushes it down the toilet.....

Pretty funny stuff.  Here's the thing- they'll tell you flat out that GOLD CLUB doesn't guarantee a damn thing- FINE, no issues there- how can I guarantee anything come release day- YOU CAN'T-

OK - so what's the point of the countdown timer and having most of us good paying and loyal customers observe it- when in reality- you start taking orders prior to the countdown timer reaching ZERO???

Eastbay is corrupted. I have a feeling their employees bought all the good sizes and only put like 2 pairs for each size up for sale.
Originally Posted by dmxgod

Eastbay has officially lost a customer in the near future..

I know it is only a shoe, but the thing is the timer should keep the same time throughout the entire countdown..this system does does a timer go up in minutes? Please explain this to me doesn't make any sense...

I use to work for Footlocker Inc..and I use to love buying from Eastbay to use my discount and whatnot but the system Eastbay runs is FAR from perfect..I can guarantee that 10 minutes prior to the shoe release of a product that is hyped that they are definitely selling them before midnight..there is no way all the reps should be tied up for 10 minutes+ before a launch time when they should getting people off the phone and NOT SELLING the product beforehand..

I know EastbayRep is gonna come in here and say that this does not happen, but it does..i have been able to order before midnight of a major launch before..
seems like some of u guys are having trouble with the timer...
but let me tell u guys, it is ok... cuz the timer don't matter at all... the shoes are gone before we even start waiting with tht timer...

my timer starts at 11:00:48(which i think i only took less than 10 seconds to add my pair into cart and click checked out, i already log-in prior), 1:30minute wait, no jump at all... 

i added 2 pairs with 2 different sizes for me and my friend, and none of them can come through... all gone already...


just way too many ppl at beasting Kobe releases now... sad
I'm gonna definitely b outta luck tomorrow afternoon..i'm at work from 8-3:30pm..

Can't order on a school computer or call up on a school phone..they trace that crap..smh..

No cell service where my school is located either..
I don't understand Eastbay

if you have such a *+!% site then hold online raffles, it's a lot less frustrating that way and def more fair
Originally Posted by XanGelicO

another joke for the week... from eastbay

i think it is all about timing... but u can predict the timing at all... so it is about luck

keep refreshing my page until it shows 6 seconds left, i wait... it let me add in cart... when i go check out, it said i am attempting to check out on 11:00:48...
clicking my mouse four times can used me 48 seconds?! timer has problem... i believe...
and then wait for 1:36 min, i know i m not able to get it~ and yes, it is true~ all gone

it is a joke...
i will not put any hope at all next time~ just let it be
^ same. I happened to hop online as the counter was going under 1 min. At 1 sec, I clicked and had my 13 in my cart. Waiting game started and my size was magically unavailable.

I won't bash Eastbay. But I won't bother w/trying to order from there anymore either.
Originally Posted by marley

<<== Crumples up Gold Club membership, wipes *%+ with it, flushes it down the toilet.....
That gave me a good laugh.
Where's the 300 dollar buy it now pairs on ebay so i can just get these bought and go to bed.
Is it me or NDC hasn't dropped OCs yet???
On the matter at hand with Eastbay, I don't know if this make sense or helps at all..

I make sure their timer is ahed of my Clock. Ex. if it says 10:00:00 pm on my clock their timer should be ahead by a at least 3-5 seconds or 59:55..

Just try to keep refreshing your page at least 15 mins. before you'll see what I mean (that's if you'll still buy from Eastbay)..
Originally Posted by Bruggs58

ok so explain this one. I decided to pull up two computers. One is my Laptop (Macbook Pro) using Wifi at home and the other is a PC Wired into the router. I waited on the synced countdown and as soon as it hit 0 I smashed the mouse on both to check out (Like everyone did). So my Macbook pulls up a 3 min wait, while the PC has no wait at all. I go right through and it says to put in my CC info. I try to checkout with paypal for about 5 mins thinking it would be faster but it would not work. This whole time my Macbook Pro is counting down and then adding more and more mins. So I decide the PC is not going to work with paypal so I throw in the CC info real quick. As soon as I hit place order it takes me right into the countdown! BUT IT'S ONLY 30 SECONDS! As soon as it counts down I click submit again and Bam my order is submitted around 12:10. Meanwhile I was told on my laptop they were sold out.

All that being said I'm still not confident knowing alot of these will be canceled just like the 3D. These will most likely be worse because they don't have numbers on them yet. Well I can always hope!
I had a similar experience. My initial wait time was 1:30 then I mucked around inputting cc security & free shipping code (about 30 secs) then submitted the order and had another wait time of 3:30 once that was up I resubmitted and it was fine. I think its pretty much luck of the draw. I got a confirmation email but still very skeptical that they will ship
Originally Posted by alexanderfasto

Is it me or NDC hasn't dropped OCs yet???
On the matter at hand with Eastbay, I don't know if this make sense or helps at all..

I make sure their timer is ahed of my Clock. Ex. if it says 10:00:00 pm on my clock their timer should be ahead by a at least 3-5 seconds or 59:55..

Just try to keep refreshing your page at least 15 mins. before you'll see what I mean (that's if you'll still buy from Eastbay)..

Is this your first time using a computer?
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