Birthday Shoe

Did it rip from getting stepped on/caught on something or did it just start tearing from flexing in normal use? It shouldn't happen either way but if it's just normal wear and tear I'm taking it reeeally easy with my pair from here on out.
Smh. Thats unacceptable.

Right? Had a feeling something like this would happen with these, they were more of a gimmick than

He said, just playing did nothing specific. The ornament for the laces also cracked some pieces off when someone stepped on his foot at practice. Have a pic will post in a minute
i mean, don't wear the lace locks. They're obviously not really meant to lock the laces, they're a cool little accessory. The skin tearing apart though.. that's completely bad. Got my SS stepped on while playing, nothing of that sort happened tho. Let's see with a few more wears.
Yea I get it, that's why I didn't get the Christmas for myself I buy shoes I can ball in and they did not look very comfortable to play in. But he is 14 and put them on as they came
Be carefule balling in the Christmas, this is what happened to my nephews shoes after a few practice and high school games
that sucks man.  2 options I would suggest to choose from, 

1. return them back to nike (prob get a gift card)

2. do the surgery and rock em without the swoosh (looks pretty dope imo)

Good luck.
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that sucks man.  2 options I would suggest to choose from, 

1. return them back to nike (prob get a gift card)

2. do the surgery and rock em without the swoosh (looks pretty dope imo)

Good luck.
Thanks man. Probably just send them back and get a voucher.
the original all stars had orange/yellow/turquoise didn't they?

wouldn't mind getting them this time around, but why the + version :smh:
Here's the lace lock doohickey
To be fair...

Sucks about the shedding skin though, he should get a nike refund (, doubt they'd give you the same shoe but just refund the $$ or alternatively complain and get a coupon for next time. I like the SS but I use my kobes to ball in and wouldn't want any extra ornaments/weight. If someone gave me a pair I'd x-acto the skin off and go wild. 
Would be cool if they restock the ASG 8's for the people that didn't get them.

I got lucky and grabbed them for retail from some German website a few weeks after they released, :lol:
Short Hills mall FtL had both yoh n Xmas on the shelf. Didn't ask what sizes they had. Dood wouldn't stock locate a pair of roshe siren for me!
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