Vanessa Bryant just noticed me and responded to me on her photo on Instagram!! YES! Now I'm just waiting to meet Kobe, which will be soon. Much love to the Bryant family!
I would scoop those quick, fast and in a hurry if they dropped. Please Nike, we have been good, let us have a Laker colorway.
just being honest, im not going to buy any Laker colorways, even if i saw them on sale.  although i do see the appeal to LA fans.

look at it this way, would you buy them in a Boston Celtic colorway? how about a Cleveland colorway?
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just being honest, im not going to buy any Laker colorways, even if i saw them on sale.  although i do see the appeal to LA fans.

look at it this way, would you buy them in a Boston Celtic colorway? how about a Cleveland colorway?

The point is Kobe plays for the Lakers. Why not release shoes in the Lakers colors? It would be like JB putting out shoes in every color except Black and Red.

I know this is really late but milksnakes on a plane

Win. Lol!
The point is Kobe plays for the Lakers. Why not release shoes in the Lakers colors? It would be like JB putting out shoes in every color except Black and Red.
i totally agree. very strange that it hasn't been done. and if they are going to release some, i don't understand why they waited till now, seems like it should have been one of the first colorways released
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Should Jordan not have bulls colorways because not everyone is a bulls fan? Kobe and the lakers go hand in hand so you would think they would make a colorway for the team he plays for. Could u imagine if they didn't make the space jams in black/red because not everyone is a bulls fan? I think nike is gonna drop laker colorways they just waiting towards the end of this years line up. I hope this doesn't become a trend though.
We've seen the Homes in display cases in Nike Brooklyn? Cant remember exactly. On feet in drew league. In the combo pic way at the beginning of the year with the purp fades...I have no doubts they drop.
Well didnt someone a while back also put the next releases with color codes, one of them being platinum...I would t be suprised of they did drop. Technically it's smart so that even if ya spend dough on weird fruit loop colorways you will always have some saved for the team colorway
Well didnt someone a while back also put the next releases with color codes, one of them being platinum...I would t be suprised of they did drop. Technically it's smart so that even if ya spend dough on weird fruit loop colorways you will always have some saved for the team colorway
this right here.... nike knows what there doing lol. maybe when a laker colorway comes out I wear a shirt that says nike knows to pick em up lol
And im totally annoyed at kicks crew for not sending out my fireworks yet. I just want to know my pair won't get cancelled.
At this point I'm so obsessed with the 8s that they could drop every team color way in existence and I'd convince myself to get them all and STILL buy the Lakers color way 5 years from now if they took that long to release.  Nike knows they have us hooked, we're all junkies and the 8s are our drug of choice.
Troll elsewhere please. :rolleyes

I don't think he is trolling... Some people just don't like Lakers or the color purple and/or gold.. As a employee of FTL in NJ, it's was extremely hard to sell Laker Colorways.. A lot of guys don't wear those colors, some guys I know HATE Kobe but can't deny a great shoe but don't want to be tied to Lakers so they get non Lakers Colorways... It's also hard spending $140 on a shoe with a color that you hardly wear... A lot of factors go into this.. Hell, I know people that love Lakers and Kobe but would rather a non Laker Colorways
I like how we try to justify their decisions, I feel like in reality it's a bunch of rich (insert word here) sitting In a pool and they just pick some proven marketing scheme and decide by asking their butler to pick it out of a hat lol
I was in hoh today and asked the manager what loves were releasing next month besides the tiger and idk if he was pulling my leg or not but he said the "fireworks" I asked was he serious he said "idk" with a smirk and a evil laugh
I was in hoh today and asked the manager what loves were releasing next month besides the tiger and idk if he was pulling my leg or not but he said the "fireworks" I asked was he serious he said "idk" with a smirk and a evil laugh
Must be an NTer....
quise2024 :lol: :nthat:

Yeah, it's ridiculous they don't drop a Lakers colorway. If they did it'd likely be my last pair of 8s. As of now, I'm happy with what I have
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