* Official Nike Air Zoom Generation * Lebrons first Retro - DATE TBA

Glad the few who wanted actually got there pairs.

a few things i hope this isn't it for this line of Retros. can you guys imagine if it is?

and besides Kevin hart how come i haven't seen anyone else wear there pair? I would have thrown my First games on by now
Glad the few who wanted actually got there pairs.

a few things i hope this isn't it for this line of Retros. can you guys imagine if it is?

and besides Kevin hart how come i haven't seen anyone else wear there pair? I would have thrown my First games on by now
cause they're hypebeasts and are sitting on them waiting for their value to increase so they can resell them for a nice profit
cause they're hypebeasts and are sitting on them waiting for their value to increase so they can resell them for a nice profit

SMH I figured that. hahaha its crazy also i haven't seen a pair sale for more than 450 and all these cats got em up for 600 smh

Because the ones who didn't deserve them got them majority. Those of us who actually wanted and had no shot anyway are still empty handed.

This is why I can't stand when Nike radically limits products. It doesn't benefit their bottom line. It lines the pockets of scum.
Welp - just sold my First Games to $450 shipped on eBay.

Fingers crossed the black/white pair are a general release, or some other colorway. Really just want a pair to hoop in!
I wouldn't have let those things go for that low, especially with the luck he had obtaining them. But at the end of the day to each his own
I wouldn't have let those things go for that low, especially with the luck he had obtaining them. But at the end of the day to each his own

Dude you're killing me, haha. I already have sellers remorse. Just dropped them at UPS. FML

But like I said, more colorways have to come.
Grabbed them earlier tonight for one of my boys who in Europe in the Army.

He was dying for these things for some reason
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