Official Nike Air Yeezy II "Red" Thread NO BOT TALK--NO FAKE/GM TALK-NO BUY/SELL/TRADE TALK-- Ye to

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So many people saying this and it makes it very clear that none of you are informed on the business end of things, whatsoever. Yes, Nike's market cap is nearly double that of Adidas currently - but their sales are fairly equal. In 2012 Nike did about $24B and Adidas did about $20B...

What you also have to take into account is that Nike's value and profitability has increased as much as 66% since Mark Parker took over as CEO in 2005. Now do that math. In less than 10 years Nike has expanded from where Adidas is now to their current position (market cap wise).

Now, the question I propose to all you "expert" businessmen is, what makes you think that Adidas can't achieve the same growth? The market is fed up with Nike gouging the customer on high price for questionable quality to the point where major figures representing Nike as a brand are publicly dragging them through the mud as they (reportedly) sign with the competition. No matter how you slice it, this is a HUGE loss for Nike... and nothing but a business opportunity for Kanye. Market cap is determined by assets invested by shareholders and who is to say that there isn't a mass pull out from Nike in the face of this controversy? It's bad now, but wait until Kanye starts throwing names out there in interviews... It will undoubtedly cause panic on Wall St.

Now my next question is, with Kanye, ASAP, Raf Simons, and Rick Owens aligning with the stripes in the last 12 months, what makes you think that Adidas couldn't potentially surpass Nike in global sales for FY14? If you ask me, I think that it's LIKELY to happen by FY15 if these rumors are true. And please, anyone who can metrically disagree with this, show me the numbers. I don't want your opinion. I want numbers to back up what you guys are saying.

You all look at Nike like some impenetrable force of sneakers. They aren't. Anyone who's a TRUE sneaker collector is undoubtedly frustrated with Nike's direction over the last decade and if you ask me, we aren't far from the **** hitting the fan. 3 years ago I'd have scoffed at the idea of Kanye moving to Adidas, and Kanye himself would have probably too, so don't be so naiive to think that the next 3 years couldn't get worse for Nike. The numbers may not reflect it immediately, but business is established on working relationships - relationships that Nike thinks they have immeasurable leverage on and treat them as such (like ****). Not the case.

Random, but I think the key chess piece in this is Kyrie Irving. If Nike doesn't give him a sig by the end of his current contract and he leaves for Adidas..... RIP Nike.



This what Ye said.

"They let me sip that clean water when they let me make them Yeezys, and they saw how the universe reacted. They tried to make it as small as possible. Mark Parker even talked ****, talking 'bout he don't even know why people like the Yeezys. They liked them like they liked the Jordans because I was in fourth grade getting kicked out for drawing Jordans, for being connected to that emotion as a creative."

Ye needs to stop crying and pay his dues, that's why he's not getting what he wants. if you want a NIKE, you gotta do what Nike wants. if you wanna do what you wanna do, start your own company like they did. nobody starts out with a billion dollar company or a big product line

Now, the question I propose to all you "expert" businessmen is, what makes you think that
Now my next question is, with Kanye, ASAP, Raf Simons, and Rick Owens aligning with the stripes in the last 12 months, what makes you think that Adidas couldn't potentially surpass Nike in global sales for FY14? If you ask me, I think that it's LIKELY to happen by FY15 if these rumors are true. And please, anyone who can metrically disagree with this, show me the numbers. I don't want your opinion. I want numbers to back up what you guys are saying.

indeed #numbers #factsonly lol

nobody wants to be a HYPEBEAST but all you dudes are doing is comparing hype, potential hype, resale value, ect
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How many shoezeums were built around Adidas?

How many IG posts are there showing off Adidas collections?

Ask any kid in America what shoes they like...they'll say Jordans/Nike; not adidas.

Adidas core market is and will always be Futbol. They tested the waters with X collabs but they never put in the resources to GR the shoe meaning they're not confident in sustaining the sales of these fly by night rappers and artists.
heck look at the forum your talking on.. its called niketalk.. not adidastalk.  
I'll ask this of the members on here...Who actually see's Kanye not wearing Nike?

Honestly, unless it's a contractual thing does anybody think the guy is just going to stop wearing Nike Product...
I'll ask this of the members on here...Who actually see's Kanye not wearing Nike?

Honestly, unless it's a contractual thing does anybody think the guy is just going to stop wearing Nike Product...
He hasn't worn Nikes in a WHILE; pretty sure the last pairs he wore were the RO @ the Staples performance 
He hasn't worn Nikes in a WHILE; pretty sure the last pairs he wore were the RO @ the Staples performance 


I'm talking long term...He is heated with Nike right now but in 6 months, a year?...

Like I said, aside from it being a contractual thing, does anybody think that the guy who has been a walking billboard for the brand since he first hit the scene will stop wearing the Nike product?

I'm talking long term...He is heated with Nike right now but in 6 months, a year?...

Like I said, aside from it being a contractual thing, does anybody think that the guy who has been a walking billboard for the brand since he first hit the scene will stop wearing the Nike product?
If this Adidas thing does fall through then yea I think so; Adidas will probably fine him if he sports something Nike
If this Adidas thing does fall through then yea I think so; Adidas will probably fine him if he sports something Nike
If it's reebok then he can wear whatever he wants

I'm talking long term...He is heated with Nike right now but in 6 months, a year?...

Like I said, aside from it being a contractual thing, does anybody think that the guy who has been a walking billboard for the brand since he first hit the scene will stop wearing the Nike product?

if I had multiple pairs of custom made Maison Martin Margiela sneaks I'd never wear Nikes EVER AGAIN
Well, I'm a stupid american with a sub 70 IQ so i don't know.
And you've done absolutely nothing to persuade anyone otherwise. The baseless sense of entitlement isn't helping you either.
heck look at the forum your talking on.. its called niketalk.. not adidastalk.  
Again, what point does this make financially? That Nike was the dominant sportswear company of the last 2 decades? Okay, cool, that does not indicate anything for the future. Crazy how hard headed you all are to keep ignoring that.

I'm sure your investment portfolio would back up your expertise on the market.  (I'm saying it doesn't exist, cause I know some of you are having a hard time keeping up)
Ok so lets try it this way...

Contractual obligations aside...Hypothetically excluding any deals with a sneaker company, be it Nike, Adidas or whatever...The man is heated with Nike right now

In the long term...

Would you be able to envision Kanye West never wearing a Nike product ever again?

Now that you have your answer to that...

Would you be able to envision Kanye West never wearing an Adidas product ever again?

Moving into the going theme of the last, well, ton of pages...Now that you have your answers to those questions rolling around in your heads ask yourself who would win and who would lose if / when Kanye leaves Nike to sign with Adidas...

I'll say this on the whole situation...

At some point somebody over at Nike realized Kanye West was a walking billboard for the brand and decided they may as well capitalize on his name as well...I don't think it's to far a stretch that the way they laid it out to the man was we will floss you with any of our current product you like, we will pay you to wear it, oh and every couple years we will let you moc up a limited run of sneakers that you designed (with input from Nike of course)...In the process they could use the guy in commercials (Kobe system) and such...That's what it seems like the plan was for Nike from go...At least as a layman looking at the situation...Things went bad when Kanye realized he didn't have as much creative control of the product he was being attached to and I'd imagine that the whole relationship soured from there...Kanye started acting like Kanye and Nike just didn't want to deal with it anymore...This much is laid out in the various Yeezy threads...

Bringing everything to current...Kanye, I'd imagine, wouldn't make the same mistake twice and would push for a wider range of product from Adidas (or whoever he is signing with)...He would obviously also be pushing for more creative control as is outlined in his radio interview posted earlier in the thread...

Here is my bottom line however...Huge come up for Adidas as the man will certainly be wearing their product the majority of the time...Not so huge an impact on Nike as, again contractual obligations aside, he will certainly never 100% fully stop rocking their product...It locks Kanye into a brand that he doesn't necessarily wear frequently (Adidas) but doesn't pull him away from the brand he currently, and always has, worn the most (Nike)...

For him to be as upset as he is with Nike and still wear the Inneva Wovens is testament alone the he wont 100% stop Nike cold turkey...
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Ok so lets try it this way...

Contractual obligations aside...Hypothetically excluding any deals with a sneaker company, be it Nike, Adidas or whatever...The man is heated with Nike right now

In the long term...

Would you be able to envision Kanye West never wearing a Nike product ever again?

Now that you have your answer to that...

Would you be able to envision Kanye West never wearing an Adidas product ever again?

Moving into the going theme of the last, well, ton of pages...Now that you have your answers to those questions rolling around in your heads ask yourself who would win and who would lose if / when Kanye leaves Nike to sign with Adidas...

I'll say this on the whole situation...

At some point somebody over at Nike realized Kanye West was a walking billboard for the brand and decided they may as well capitalize on his name as well...I don't think it's to far a stretch that they way they laid it out to the man was we will floss you with any of our current product you like, we will pay you to wear it, oh and every couple years we will let you moc up a limited run of sneakers that you designed (with input from Nike of course)...In the process they could use the guy in commercials (Kobe system) and such...That's what it seems like the plan was for Nike from go...At least as a layman looking at the situation...Things went bad when Kanye realized he didn't have as much creative control of the product he was being attached to and I'd imagine that the whole relationship soured from there...Kanye started acting like Kanye and Nike just didn't want to deal with it anymore...This much is laid out in the various Yeezy threads...

Bringing everything to current...Kanye, I'd imagine, wouldn't make the same mistake twice and would push for a wider range of product from Adidas (or whoever he is signing with)...He would obviously also be pushing for more creative control as is outlined in his radio interview posted earlier in the thread...

Here is my bottom line however...Huge come up for Adidas as the man will certainly be wearing their product the majority of the time...Not so huge an impact on Nike as, again contractual obligations aside, he will certainly never 100% fully stop rocking their product...It locks Kanye into a brand that he doesn't necessarily wear frequently (Adidas) but doesn't pull him away from the brand he currently, and always has, worn the most (Nike)...

For him to be as upset as he is with Nike and still wear the Inneva Wovens is testament alone the he wont 100% stop Nike cold turkey...
Great post, but one thing you didn't take into account: "Do as I say, not as I do"

What I mean by that is that with Kanye going out and publicly making statements slamming Nike it looks exponentially worse than him going out and silently wearing one of their products. What he SAYS will certainly have a much bigger influence than what he DOES just based on the simple fact more people will hear about a polarizing statement/rant than the outfit he wears on a daily basis.

I agree that he will probably never stop wearing Nike but if he did/does sign with Adidas, the times he's in the spotlight (public events, interviews, etc) he most likely won't be doing it with a swoosh. That's pure speculation but I am absolutely sure that Kanye is able to understand the business implications of doing so and that it would be in his best interest to not wear them. BUT, this is Kanye, and he's as unpredictable as it gets, so you really can't bank on anything.
yeah i can't see kanye wearing Adidas unless is a collab or his own designed sneaker

it would be hilarious tho if we're typing all these essays about Adidas and he signed a deal with Ralph Lauren or something
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Well, you persuaded me to report you.
Cool, I was replying before you edited that so I'll finish my response.

No, to EVERYONE. I have not seen one single member call you out in a positive manner. All you've provided to this thread was that jackass statement weeks ago "My source says they will drop between November and February." Thanks for that gem, btw. And if I get banned, just know that it's only because you can't back up a single thing you have brought to the table here.

And idk what kind of pissing contest you're talking about, but I'm kind of assuming you're a fan of R. Kelly at this point.
Ye needs to stop crying and pay his dues, that's why he's not getting what he wants. if you want a NIKE, you gotta do what Nike wants. if you wanna do what you wanna do, start your own company like they did. nobody starts out with a billion dollar company or a big product line
indeed #numbers #factsonly lol

nobody wants to be a HYPEBEAST but all you dudes are doing is comparing hype, potential hype, resale value, ect
At least somebody is paying attention. I'm likely going to be banned from this thread/forum because this is the second member that reported me.... so I may be exiting stage left soon.

But I will say this, I've provided way more substance to this thread than 95% of the contributors. Quite ironic that putting out good points and meeting ignorant resistance can end up getting you banned in a forum for discussion. Lol
The way information is manipulated on here is disgusting. It is a fact that neither Nike nor Kanye win if their relationship ends.

However, Nike's brand will be more hurt than Kanye's brand if they are over. I'm not saying Nike will stop being incredibly successful. At all. I am simply saying Kanye will sell products with any brands backing on any scale of distribution. Nike.... On the other hand will have lost the only Kanye West in the world.

Both will continue to thrive. We will continue to buy products from both. That is all. It's not Nike v. Kanye (but for some reason some "og's" are taking this as a personal attack on Nike)
The way information is manipulated on here is disgusting. It is a fact that neither Nike nor Kanye win if their relationship ends.

However, Nike's brand will be more hurt than Kanye's brand if they are over. I'm not saying Nike will stop being incredibly successful. At all. I am simply saying Kanye will sell products with any brands backing on any scale of distribution. Nike.... On the other hand will have lost the only Kanye West in the world.

Both will continue to thrive. We will continue to buy products from both. That is all. It's not Nike v. Kanye (but for some reason some "og's" are taking this as a personal attack on Nike)
But if Kanye moves to a new company, makes more money, and has more creative reign on his own products how is that not a complete and entire win for Kanye West?

Not to mention the free publicity that's coming out of this bad breakup.
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