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With all this conflicting information, maybe they are doing multiple small releases instead of one large one to keep hype at an all time high? Leak some out, have everyone drool. Then month later release some more, etc etc
I would be a huge fan of that, kinda how they did the Retro 88 release, there were many restocks of that shoe. Im sure there wouldnt be as many pairs as there were for 88s but every little bit of less confusion helps.
To Quote Michael Stuhlbarg;

Things never go the way you expect them to. That's both the joy and frustration in life. I'm finding as I get older that I don't mind, though. It's the surprises that tickle me the most, the things you don't see coming.

Good Luck NT.


This belongs in the Motivational Quotes thread too! :smokin
I was able to get the Steel X's on NDC, I'm pretty sure I got a good chance of getting these Yeezys

Sarcasm? Lol Probably going to be way more difficult for the red Octobers. A lot less pairs and everyone and their mother going after them.

Lol sarcasm it is.
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Spectacular23 works for NTNY, yet rocks fake Yeezys?? :smh::smh: Check out his Instagram


Without a doubt those are incredibly fake.

is that fam who got displaced out his house by hurricane sandy?
humblebrag? >D

But yea its retail or bust..

Just couldn't help myself today with all the recent misinformation concerning the red's.
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dat lack of "integrity"... :tongue:


no but, i hope dude posted those as a joke or something... or else dude and his "info" just got laughed out the thread for good.... :lol:
Guys, the entertainment pairs start going out on the 18th of November. If it's like the last release you can probably compare the dates to when celebs started showing up with them on IG to when the rest of the pairs were released. Red Novembers
chicago is loaded with these, but the hype out wieghts EVERYTHING. managers threating people over taking stock room photos and all. this is crazy. looks like more pairs that previous colorways
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